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Frenuloplasty is the surgical alteration of a frenulum when its presence restricts range of motion between interconnected tissues. Two of the common sites for a frenuloplasty are:

A frenulum is a small fold of tissue that secures or restricts the motion of a mobile organ in the body.

A frenuloplasty of tongue is a frenuloplasty of the frenulum of tongue.

A frenuloplasty of prepuce of penis is a frenuloplasty of the frenulum of prepuce of penis.

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Frenulum breve

Frenulum breve, or short frenulum, is a condition in which the frenulum of the penis, which is an elastic band of tissue under the glans penis that connects to the foreskin and helps contract it over the glans, is too short and thus restricts the movement of the foreskin. The frenulum should normally be sufficiently long and supple to allow for the full retraction of the foreskin so that it lies smoothly back on the shaft of the erect penis.

Ankyloglossia congenital disorder of digestive system

Ankyloglossia, also known as tongue-tie, is a congenital oral anomaly that may decrease mobility of the tongue tip and is caused by an unusually short, thick lingual frenulum, a membrane connecting the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Ankyloglossia varies in degree of severity from mild cases characterized by mucous membrane bands to complete ankyloglossia whereby the tongue is tethered to the floor of the mouth.

Frenulum of tongue

The frenulum of tongue or tongue web is a small fold of mucous membrane extending from the floor of the mouth to the midline of the underside of the tongue.

Frenulum of prepuce of penis

The frenulum of prepuce of penis, often known simply as the frenulum, is an elastic band of tissue under the glans penis that connects the foreskin (prepuce) to the vernal mucosa, and helps contract the foreskin over the glans.

Breastfeeding difficulties

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A frenectomy is the removal of a frenulum, a small fold of tissue that prevents an organ in the body from moving too far. It can refer to frenula in several places on the human body. It is related to frenuloplasty, a surgical alteration in a frenulum. Done mostly for orthodontic purposes, a frenectomy is either performed inside the middle of upper lip, which is called labial frenectomy, or under the tongue, called lingual frenectomy. Frenectomy is a very common dental procedure that is performed on infants, children, and adults. A similar procedure frenulotomy is where a tight frenulum may be relieved by making an incision in the tight tissue.