Conjure Wife (originally appeared in Unknown Worlds, April 1943) — This novel relates a college professor's discovery that his wife (and many other women) are regularly using magic against and for one another and their husbands.
Gather, Darkness! (serialized in Astounding, May, June, and July 1943)
The Sinful Ones (1953), an adulterated version of You're All Alone (1950 Fantastic Adventures abridged); Leiber rewrote the inserted passages and saw published a revised edition in 1980.
The Green Millennium (1953)
The Big Time (expanded 1961 from a version serialized in Galaxy, March and April 1958, which won a Hugo) — Change War series
The Night of the Long Knives (Amazing Science Fiction Stories, January 1960)
The Silver Eggheads (1961; a shorter version was published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction in 1959)
Rime Isle (1977) (somewhere between a novella and a two-novelette collection, composed of "The Frost Monstreme" and "Rime Isle" offered as a unitary volume)
The Dealings of Daniel Kesserich (1997) — H. P. Lovecraftian novella written in 1936 and lost for decades
"The Silver Eggheads" (novella, later expanded to book-length)
"Tranquility, Or Else!" aka "The Haunted Future"
"The Night of the Long Knives" took the cover of the January 1960 issue of Amazing Stories
"Deadly Moon"
"The Night of the Long Knives" aka "The Wolf Pair"
"The Oldest Soldier" — Change War story
"Rats of Limbo"
"Schizo Jimmie"
"When the Sea-King's Away" — Fafhrd and Gray Mouser story
Leiber's "Hatchery of Dreams" was the cover story on the November 1961 issue of Fantastic"The Beat Cluster" took the cover of the October 1961 Galaxy Science Fiction
"Scylla's Daughter" — Fafhrd and Gray Mouser story
"A Visitor from Back East"
Leiber's novelette "A Bit of the Dark World" took the cover of the February 1962 issue of FantasticLeiber's "The Snowbank Orbit" was the cover story for the September 1962 issue of If
"The 64-Square Madhouse"
"The Big Engine" (shortened revision of "You're All Alone")
Leiber's "Dr. Adams' Garden of Evil" took the cover of the February 1963 issue of FantasticLeiber's novelette "Bazaar of the Bizarre" was the cover story for the August 1963 issue of FantasticLeiber's "A Hitch in Space" took the cover of the August 1963 issue of Worlds of Tomorrow
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