General Intelligence Service (Palestine)

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Palestinian General Intelligence Service
الجهاز العام للاستخبارات الفلسطيني
Agency overview
JurisdictionPalestinian territories
Headquarters Ramallah, West Bank
Agency executive
Parent agency Palestinian National Authority

The Palestinian General Intelligence Service (GIS) is an intelligence agency responsible for internal security and intelligence within the Palestinian territories. It was established in 1994 as part of the Palestinian Authority's efforts to create a unified security apparatus in the territories under its control. [1] Majed Faraj is the current head of GIS. [2]

The PGIS operates under the supervision of the Palestinian president, and the president appoints its director. Its primary responsibilities include gathering and analyzing intelligence on potential security threats, investigating crimes, and maintaining order and stability within the Palestinian territories. [3]

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  1. "General Intelligence Service (GIS) – PA – Mapping Palestinian Politics – European Council on Foreign Relations". March 21, 2018.
  2. "Palestinians Intelligence Chief: We Reject Iran's Conspiracy against Arab Countries". Asharq AL-awsat.
  3. "المخابرات العامة الفلسطينية". Aljazeera.