German National Association of Senior Citizens' Organizations

Last updated
German National Association of Senior Citizens' Organizations
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Seniorenorganisationen
Type Nonprofit
Servicespromotion of healthy ageing, digitalisation and education in older age and the care and participation of people with dementia
Official language

The German National Association of Senior Citizens' Organizations (German: Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Seniorenorganisationen or BAGSO) is an umbrella organization of about 120 civil society organizations, which together represent several million older people. BAGSO is a Nonprofit organization based in Bonn and it was founded in 1989.



International Commitment

On an international level, BAGSO is committed to strengthening the rights of older people worldwide, advocating for a UN convention on the rights of older people. To this end, BAGSO participates in the debate on how to better protect the rights of older people worldwide, in particular in the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing of the United Nations. [2] [3]

At the European level, BAGSO is part of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and is a member of AGE Platform Europe, the umbrella association of older people's organizations in Europe. [4]

BAGSO’s international work is coordinated by its Secretariat for International Policy on Ageing.

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  1. "BAGSO-Nachrichten". BASGO-Nachrichten 04/2011, S. 5. Retrieved 2021-03-17.
  2. "Nationaler Bericht zum Weltaltenplan" (PDF). Retrieved 2021-03-17.
  3. "Mitglieder der offenen Arbeitsgruppe zu Fragen des Alterns der UN". Retrieved 2021-03-17.
  4. "Mitglieder AGE Platform Europe". Retrieved 2021-03-17.