Global Islamic Finance Awards

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Global Islamic Finance Awards (GIFA) are awards in Islamic banking and finance.[ citation needed ] GIFA was founded by the consulting firm Edbiz (and currently managed by Cambridge IFA) as part of its advocacy for Islamic banking and finance.


GIFA laureates

Every year, the Awards Committee of GIFA elects a head of state or government (or a leading personality equivalent in stature and significance) as winner of its top award, called Global Islamic Finance Leadership Award. The winner is also known as GIFA Laureate.

Since the inception of GIFA in 2011, it has announced 12 GIFA laureates:

GIFA categories

Top Awards include: [1] Global Islamic Finance Leadership Award (Individual Category); [2] Global Islamic Finance Leadership Award (Country Category); and [3] Global Islamic Finance Leadership Award (Institutional Category). While the first leadership award in this category is awarded annually (see above), the other two categories are discretionary and are decided on the basis of a number of factors, including the choice of venue for the Awards Ceremony. So far, three countries have been honoured with the Country Awards, namely Malaysia (2014), Dubai (2017) and Djibouti (2022). The Institutional Award has so far been bestowed upon Islamic Development Bank (2015), KNEKS (2021) and DDCAP (2022).

Celebratory awards

A number of celebratory awards are decided by the Awards Committee every year to recognise efforts and advocacy of institutions and individuals from outside the global Islamic financial services industry, mainly (but not necessarily) from the public sector.

In 2017, GIFA Championship Awards were introduced to acknowledge services of some leading personalities and entities, which have played the role of a catalyst in their respective jurisdictions. The following three Championship Awards were announced in 2017:

GIFA Special Awards (Leadership Role) have so far been given to three individuals:

GIFA Special Awards (Advocacy Role) have been presented to:

In 2017, the following three GIFA Special Awards were announced:

Islamic Finance Advocacy Awards

Islamic Finance Advocacy Awards are presented to the individuals and organisations from within the global Islamic financial services industry. Previous winners of Islamic Finance Advocacy Awards include:

  • Linar Yakupov, CEO of Tatarstan Investment Development Agency, the Russian Federation (and a leading advocate of Islamic banking and finance in the CIS countries)(2015)
  • Khazanah Nasional Berhad (2016)

GIFA Lifetime Achievement Award

Inaugurated in 2016, GIFA Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to an exceptional leader for their lifetime contributions to Islamic banking and finance. The winners include:

  • Ma’ruf Amin of Indonesia (2016)
  • Yahia Abdul-Rahman, Founder of LARIBA Islamic Finance in the USA (2017)
  • Taqi Usmani, Shari'a scholar (2020)

Prestige awards

Only a selected number of individuals are elected to receive the Prestige Awards, which recognise excellence in profession, leadership within an organisation and advocacy of Islamic banking and finance. Following are the main categories in the Prestige Awards:

Islamic Finance Personality of the YearNot AwardedSohail Jaffer, Deputy CEO of FWU GroupHasan Al Jabri, CEO of SEDCO CapitalJamil Jaroudi, CEO of Bank NizwaKhaled Al-Aboodi, CEO of ICDTeh Maimunah, CEO of Hong Leong Islamic BankAdnan Ahmed Yousif, Group CEO, Albaraka Banking Group
Islamic Banker of the YearBadlisyah Abdul Ghani, CEO of CIMB IslamicYuslam Fauzi, CEO of Bank Syariah MandiriZukri Samat, CEO of Bank Islam Malaysia BerhadAdnan Chilwan, CEO of Dubai Islamic BankMustafha Hj Abd Razak, CEO of Bank RakyatFadi Al Faqih, CEO of Bank of KhartoumAmr Saad Al Menhali, Head of Islamic Banking, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank
Islamic Finance Personality of the YearMusa Abdelaziz Mohammad ShihadehKhalid Bin Thani Bin Abdullah Al ThaniM Shahidul IslamAdam Ismail EbrahimMohd Moazzam Mohamed
Islamic Banker of the YearKhalid Jamal Al KayedEqhwan MokhzaneeJunaid AhmedIrfan SiddiquiSyed Amir Ali
GIFA CEO of the YearAbdulmohsen Bin Abdulaziz Al-FaresMohammed Ibraheem KhanKhalid Jamal Al KayedEqhwan MokhzaneeEqhwan Mokhzanee
Takaful CEO of the YearSaifulrizal Wan Ismail

Mohd Fadzmi Wan Othman (CEO of Agrobank, Malaysia) became the first GIFA CEO of the Year in 2016, followed by Jamal Saeed Bin Ghalaita (CEO of Emirate Islamic Bank) in 2017.

Abd Latiff Abu Bakar (CEO of Takaful Ikhlas) became the inaugural Takaful CEO of the Year in 2017.

GIFA Market Leadership Awards

In 2016, the Awards Committee decided to include a new category in the name of GIFA Market Leadership Awards to recognise the leadership role of institutions in particular sub-sectors of the industry. In the two years since their inception, the following institutions have been recognised for leadership in their respective sectors/sub-sectors:


  • GIFA Market Leadership Award to Dubai Islamic Bank for developing Islamic banking and finance globally
  • GIFA Market Leadership Award to Bank Syariah Mandiri for playing a leadership role in developing Islamic banking market in Indonesia
  • GIFA Market Leadership Award to AbleAce Raakin for developing a market for commodity facilitation and support in Asia
  • GIFA Market Leadership Award to Islamic Business School, Universiti Utara Malaysia, for providing thought leadership, teaching and research in Islamic banking and finance
  • GIFA Market Leadership Award for Islamic financial Technology to ITS
  • GIFA Market Leadership Award for Islamic financial intelligence and ratings to Moody's


  • GIFA Market Leadership Award to DDCAP Group for commodity facilitation and support globally
  • GIFA Market Leadership Award for Islamic asset management to SEDCO Capital
  • GIFA Market Leadership Award for Islamic financial intelligence and ratings to Moody's
  • GIFA Market Leadership Award for pawnbroking services to Bank Rakyat of Malaysia

Other award winners are given in the table below:

Award Categories2011201220132014201520162017
Best Islamic BankNational Commercial BankCIMB IslamicDubai Islamic BankBank RakyatDubai Islamic BankKuwait Finance HouseAl Baraka Turk Participation Bank
Best Takaful CompanyFWU Global Takaful SolutionsEtiqa TakafulFWU Global Takaful SolutionsFWU Global Takaful SolutionsTakaful IkhlasTakaful MalaysiaSolidarity Saudi Takful Company
Best Islamic FundNot AwardedCIMB Principal Islamic Asset Management (Ireland) plcF & C Sharia Sustainable Opportunities FundNBAD Islamic MENA Growth FundAmana Growth FundHilal Income Fund (by BNP Paribas Asset Management Najmah)Aircraft Leasing Islamic Fund (ALIF)
Best Islamic Fund ManagerCIMB Principal Islamic Asset Management Sdn. Bhd.SEDCO CapitalAmInvestAmInvestSEDCO CapitalNomura Islamic Asset ManagementNomura Islamic Asset Management
Best Islamic Banking WindowNot AwardedADCB IslamicADCB IslamicBank Alfalah IslamicBank Alfalah IslamicBank Alfalah IslamicFNB Islamic Banking
Best Islamic Structured Products PlatformSociete GeneraleCIMB IslamicSociete GeneraleNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedNot Awarded
Best Islamic Finance Technology ProviderPath SolutionsInternational Turnkey Systems (ITS)International Turnkey Systems (ITS)Path SolutionsPath SolutionsPath SolutionsPath Solutions
Best Islamic Finance Technology ProductETHIX by ITSETHIX by ITSNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedETHIX by ITSETHIX by ITS
Best Islamic Finance Law FirmAgha & Shamsi/Agha & CoZaid Ibrahim & Co (ZICO)ARSA LawyersNot AwardedNot AwardedAzmi & AssociatesNot Awarded
Best Islamic Finance ConsultancyKPMGKPMGNot AwardedAl MaaliDar Al ShariaDeloitte & Touche (Middle East)Karim Consulting Indonesia
Best Supporting Institution of the YearDDCAPDDCAPFinance Accreditation Agency (FAA)DMCC TradeflowIIFMIndonesia Stock ExchangeIndonesia Stock Exchange
Best Sukuk Deal of the YearNot AwardedAJIL Cayman Sukuk – Gulf International BankAxiata Group Berhad - CIMB IslamicAl Bayan Sukuk, Hong Leong Islamic BankAl Baraka Bank Pakistan's Tier II Capital Mudaraba SukukPerusahaan Penerbit SBSN Indonesia Sukuk (Republic of Indonesia)Oman $2 Billion 7-Year Sukuk
Islamic Social Responsibility AwardNot AwardedIslamic Relief WorldwideSEDCO Capital Global FundsSEDCO CapitalNot AwardedKhazanah NasionalKhazanah Nasional
Most Innovative ProductNot AwardedQibla Card – Al Hilal BankEmirati Savings Millionaire Account - ADCB IslamicNot AwardedArabesque Prime FundNot AwardedNot Awarded
Best Islamic Rating AgencyNot AwardedRAM Rating ServicesNot AwardedMARCMoody'sMARCMARC
Best Islamic Microfinance InstitutionNot AwardedNot AwardedAmanah Ikhtiar MalaysiaAmanah Ikhtiar MalaysiaAmanah Ikhtiar MalaysiaAmanah Ikhtiar MalaysiaAmanah Ikhtiar Malaysia
Best Shari’a Compliant Commodity Facilitation PlatformNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedDDCAP GroupDDCAP GroupDDCAP GroupAbleAceRaakin
Best Islamic Savings ProductNot AwardedNot AwardedNational BondsNational BondsNational BondsNot AwardedNot Awarded
Best Islamic Finance QualificationCertified Islamic Finance Executive (CIEF) by ETHICACertified Qualification in Islamic Finance (CQIF) by IBFIMBachelor of Islamic Finance and Banking by UUMNot AwardedDiploma in Halal Management by UiTMShariah Registered Financial Planner by MFPCNot Awarded
Best Islamic Finance Education ProviderINCEIFDurham UniversityCIMAAccounting Research Institute, UiTMMalaysian Financial Planning CouncilNot AwardedUniversiti Utara Malaysia
Best Islamic Finance Training ProviderNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedIBFIMThe University of Nottingham Malaysia CampusThe International Center for Development in Islamic Finance (ICDIF-LPPI)Not Awarded
Best Research and Development in Islamic FinanceNot AwardedAsian Institute of FinanceMeezan BankIslamic Research and Training Institute, IDBIslamic Research and Training Institute, IDBAccounting Research Institute, UiTMAccounting Research Institute, UiTM[1]
Pioneer of Islamic BankingBank Muscat (Oman)Not AwardedNot AwardedBank Muamalat IndonesiaKFH-BahrainBank Muamalat MalaysiaBank Nizwa
Upcoming Shari’a ScholarMufti Talha AzamiNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedDr. Zulkifli HasanNot Awarded
Shari’a Authenticity AwardNot AwardedBank Islami PakistanNot AwardedNot AwardedMeezan BankBank Alfalah IslamicMeezan Bank
Best Islamic Finance Solutions ProviderNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedSABSliverlake AxisSilverlake Axis
Upcoming Islamic BankNot AwardedNot AwardedBank NizwaNot AwardedAgrobankHabibMetro SiraatEast Africa Bank
Best Islamic Finance CaseNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedBank Islam and Asian Institute of Finance Amanah Ikhtiar MalaysiaAgrobankEmirates Airline Sukuk (by Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar)
Best Islamic ExchangeNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedBursa Souk Al-Sila, Bursa MalaysiaBursa Suk Al-Sila, Bursa MalaysiaBursa Malaysia -i
Best Sukuk House of the YearNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedNBADNBADAmInvestment Bank
Human Capital Development Initiative AwardNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedADCB Islamic Banking AcademyMIT Global AcademyMIRAS by ICD
Best Wholesale Islamic BankNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedVenture Capital BankBank Islam Malaysia BerhadMitsubishi UFG Financial Group
Best Shari'a Advisory FirmNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedDar Al ShariaAmanie AdvisorsAmanie Advisors
Best Islamic Trust Formation ServicesNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedNot AwardedVOLAW GroupVOLAW Group
Global Islamic Export Credit and Political Risk Insurance AwardNot Awarded

[1] For Global Research Excellence in Islamic Financial Criminology

Upcoming Personalities Awards

Over the years, Upcoming Personalities Awards have increased in number and significance, as the Table below demonstrates.

Award NameUpcoming Personality in Islamic FinanceUpcoming Personality in Islamic FinanceUpcoming Personality in Islamic FinanceUpcoming Personality in Islamic Finance (Leadership Role)Upcoming Personality in Islamic Finance (Leadership Role)Upcoming Personality in Global Islamic Finance (Leadership Role)Upcoming Personality in Global Islamic Finance (Leadership Role)
WinnerAsyraf Wajdi DusukiSofiza AzmiMoinuddin MalimAmr Saad Al MenhaliAmman MohammadHizamuddin JamaluddinSiraj Yasini
Award Name***Upcoming Personality in Islamic Finance (Pioneering Role)Upcoming Personality in Islamic Finance (Product Development & Structuring Role)Upcoming Personality in Global Islamic Finance (Leadership Role in Fund Management)Upcoming Personality in Global Islamic Finance (Product Development & Solutions)
Winner***Sulaiman Al HarthiMohammed Shaheed KhanRamlie KamsariOthman Abdullah
Award Name*****Upcoming Personality in Islamic Finance (Academic Role)Upcoming Personality in Islamic Finance (Academic Role)
Winner*****Nafis AlamHylmun Izhar
Award Name******Upcoming Personality in Global Islamic Finance (HR & Talent Development)
Winner******Farid Basir
Award Name******Upcoming Personality in Global Islamic Finance (Risk Management)
Winner******Tauhidur Rahman

Occasional xategories

In addition to regular categories, every year the Awards Committee may decide to present awards to institutions that do not fall under any other category. The winners so far have been listed in the Table below.

Award NameMost Improved Islamic Bank***Shari'a Lawyer of the YearMost Improved Islamic BankPioneer of Islamic Banking in Kazakhstan
WinnerADCB Islamic Banking***Kamran Khalid SherwaniBNI SyariahAl Hilal Bank Kazakhstan
Award Name****Best Zakat Distribution ProgrammeIslamic Finance Book of the YearBest Shari'a-compliant Global Equity Fund
Winner****UiTMShariah Minds in Islamic FinanceOasis Crescent Global Equity Fund
Award Name****Best Islamic Finance Publishing HouseBest Islamic Finance Publishing HouseBest Islamic Bank for SME Banking
Winner****IBFIMIBFIMBTPN Syariah
Award Name****Best Research in Islamic Financial CriminologyGIFA Social Innovation AwardBest Islamic Financial Reporting Award
Winner****Accounting Research Institute, UiTMBTPN Syariah Islamic Reporting Initiative (IRI)
Award Name****Best Research & Publications AwardBest Social Media Campaign AwardGIFA Advocacy Award (Islamic Financial Ordination)
Winner****Hamdan Bin Mohammed Samrt UniversityBank Syariah BukopinS&P Global
Award Name*****GIFA Financial Inclusion AwardGIFA Special Award (Micropayments and Diginital Technology)
Winner*****Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) SyariahAIM Solutions
Award Name*****Best Islamic Bank for Treasury ManagementPioneer in Philanthropic Programmes in H. E. Institutions
Winner*****Albaraka Islamic Bank BahrainACIS, UiTM
Award Name*****Pioneering Islamic Financial Education InitiativePioneer of Islamic Banking (Kazakhstan)
Winner*****First Global AcademyAl Hilal Bank Kazakhstan
Award Name*****Islamic Financial Literacy and Education AwardMost Innovative Islamic Bank
Winner*****Pahang State FoundationBank of Khartoum
Award Name*****Halal Industry Development Award*
Winner*****Halal Industry Development Corporation*
Award Name*****Best Islamic Crowdfunding Platform*
Award Name*****Best Retakaful Institution*
Winner*****Reasuransi Syariah Indonesia (ReINDO Syariah)*
Award Name*****Best Islamic Pawnbroking Services Award*
Winner*****Bank Rakyat Malaysia*

See also

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