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Golovachev, Golovachov, Golovachyov (feminine: Golovachova) is a Russian family name, a patronymic from the nickname Golovach ("big headed"). It is also the name of a Russian noble family raising to prominence in the 16th century.

The surname may refer to:

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Kazakov Surname list

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Vorobyov, Vorobiev, Vorobyev and Vorobyova is a common Russian surname derived from the Russian word воробей.

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Yefimov, sometimes spelled Efimov, or Yefimova is a Russian last name and may refer to:

Golubev or Golubeva is a Russian last name, derived from the Russian word голубь. It may refer to:

Nazarov, or Nazarova is a Russian family name of Rurik stock. The surname derives from the given name Nazar (for Slavic peoples) or Nazarbay.

Prokhorov or Prokhorova, is a common Russian surname which may refer to:

Belov, or Belova, is a common Russian surname, derived from the word Bely. Notable people with the surname include:

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Glinka is an old Polish surname. Notable people with the surname include:

Aleksenko is a Russified form of the Ukrainian surname Oleksenko, derived from a diminutive Oleksa for the first name Oleksiy.

Vorozheikin or Vorozheykin is a Russian-language surname derived from the word vorozheyka, vorozheya, meaning female fortune teller or medicine woman.

Portnov is a Russian-language occupational surname derived from the occupation of portnoy, "tailor" and literally meaning "<child> of the tailor".

Mykhaylychenko is a Ukrainian surname (Михайличенко) formed out of personal name Michael (Mykhailo). Its Russian-language transliteration is Mikhailichenko or Mikhaylichenko.

Parshin is a Russian-language surname. It may refer to:

Plotnikov is a Russian-language occupational surname derived from the occupation of carpenter. Sometimes it may be transliterated as Plotnikoff.