Governor General's Award for French-language children's illustration

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The Governor General's Award for French-language children's illustration is a Canadian literary award that annually recognizes one Canadian illustrator for a children's book written in French. It is one of four children's book awards among the Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit, one each for writers and illustrators of English- and French-language books. The Governor General's Awards program is administered by the Canada Council.


In name, this award is part of the Governor General's Award program only from 1987 but the four children's literature awards were established in 1975 under a Canada Council name. In the event, the "Canada Council" and "Governor General's" awards have recognized children's book illustration in a French-language children's book every year from 1977. [1] [2]

Canada Council Children's Literature Prize

In 1975 the Canada Council established four annual prizes of $5000 for the year's best English- and French-language children's books by Canadian writers and illustrators. Those "Canada Council Children's Literature Prizes" were continued under the "Governor General's Awards" rubric from 1987, and continue today. Among them the French-language illustration prize was awarded every year from 1977. [1]


1987 Darcia Labrosse Venir au monde
Hélène Desputeaux Bonne fête Madeleine
Stéphane Poulin Les animaux en hiver
Gilles Tibo Annabel Lee
1988 Philippe Béha Les Jeux de Pic-Mots
Sylvie Daigle Le Mot de passe
Pierre Pratt Peut-il, peut-elle?
Gilles Tibo Simon et les flocons de neige
1989 Stéphane Poulin Benjamin et la saga des oreillers
Frédéric Back L'Homme qui plantait des arbres
Philippe Béha Mais que font les fées avec toutes ces dents?


1990 Pierre Pratt Les Fantaisies de l'oncle Henri
Mireille Levert Jérémie et Mme Ming
Stéphane Poulin Les Amours de ma mère
1991 Sheldon Cohen Un champion
Stéphane Poulin Un voyage pour deux : contes et mensonges de mon enfance
1992 Gilles Tibo Simon et la ville de carton
Honey Fox Le bébé de Lulu
Pierre Pratt Léon sans son chapeau
Daniel Sylvestre Mais qui va trouver le trésor?
1993 Stéphane Jorisch Le Monde selon Jean de ...
Francis Back Des crayons qui trichent
Michel Bisson Thomas et la nuit
Sheldon Cohen Le Plus Long Circuit
François VaillancourtLe Premier Voyage de Monsieur Patapoum
1994 Pierre Pratt Mon chien est un éléphant
Sylvie Deronzier Tartarin et le lion
Stéphane Poulin Le parc aux sortilèges
Rémy Simard Monsieur noir et blanc
Gilles Tibo Simon et la plume perdue
1995 Annouchka Gravel Galouchko Sho et les dragons d'eau
Marie-Louise Gay Berthold et Lucrèce
Stéphane Jorisch Le Baiser maléfique
Pierre Pratt La Bottine magique de Pipo
Rémy Simard Le père Noël a une crevaison
1996 No award presented
1997 Stéphane Poulin Poil de serpent, dent d'araignée
Leanne Franson L'Ourson qui voulait une Juliette
Stéphane Jorisch Casse-Noisette
Gilles Tibo Simon et le petit cirque
1998 Pierre Pratt Monsieur Ilétaitunefois
Stéphane Poulin Petit zizi
Alain Reno Un tartare pour le bonhomme Sept Heures
Yayo Le Chasseur d'arc-en-ciel
1999 Stéphane Jorisch Charlotte et l'île du destin
Nicole Lafond Contes pour enfants
Michèle Lemieux Nuit d'orage
Luc Melanson La Petite Kim
Pierre Pratt La Vie exemplaire de Martha et Paul


2000 Anne Villeneuve L'Écharpe rouge
Marie-Louise Gay Sur mon île
Pascale Constantin Gloups!, Bébé-vampire
Geneviève Côté La grande aventure d'un petit mouton noir
Gérard DuBois Riquet à la Houppe
2001 Bruce Roberts Fidèles éléphants
Marjolaine Bonenfant L'abécédaire des animots
Pascale Constantin Alexis, chevalier des nuits
Stéphane Poulin Vieux Thomas et la petite fée
Mylène Pratt Le dimanche de Madame B
2002 Luc Melanson Le grand voyage de Monsieur
Philippe Béha La reine rouge
Jean-Marie Benoit Le voyage à l'envers
Guy England L'ami perdu
Mylène Pratt Décroche-moi la lune
2003 Virginie Egger Recette d’éléphant à la sauce vieux pneu
Geneviève Côté Le Premier Printemps du monde
Gérard DuBois Le piano muet
Stéphane Jorisch Thésée et le Minotaure
Stéphane Poulin Annabel et la Bête
2004 Janice Nadeau Nul poisson où aller
Francine Bouchard (Fanny)Le grand rêve de Passepoil
Pascale Constantin Turlututu, rien ne va plus!
Samuel Parent (Sampar)Savais-tu? Les Hyènes
Alain Reno Comment l’ours blanc perdit sa queue
2005 Isabelle Arsenault Le cœur de monsieur Gauguin
Pascale Constantin La vie comptée de Raoul Lecompte
Luc Melanson Les compositeurs
Stéphane Poulin Un chant de Noël
Pierre Pratt Le jour où Zoé zozota
2006 Rogé Le gros monstre qui aimait trop lire
Steve AdamsLe trésor de Jacob
Marie Lafrance Le petit chien de laine
Lino Les cendres de maman
Frédéric Normandin Je suis fou de Vava
2007 Geneviève Côté La petite rapporteuse de mots
Stéphane-Yves Barroux Superbricoleur: Le roi de la clef à molette
Manon Gauthier Ma maman du photomaton
Caroline Merola Une nuit en ville
Daniel Sylvestre Ma vie de reptile
2008 Janice Nadeau Ma meilleure amie
Philippe Béha Les pays inventés
Stéphane Jorisch Un cadeau pour Sophie
Marie Lafrance Le sorcier amoureux
Caroline Merola Quand le chat est parti
2009 Janice Nadeau Harvey
Philippe Béha Ulysse et Pénélope
Gérard DuBois Henri au jardin d'enfants
Pierre Pratt L'étoile de Sarajevo
Rogé La vraie histoire de Léo Pointu


2010 Daniel Sylvestre Rose : derrière le rideau de la folie
Josée Bisaillon Le funambule
Virginie Egger Mon premier amour
Manon Gauthier Triste sort
Melinda Josie Le géranium
2011 Caroline Merola Lili et les poilus
Sophie Casson Quelle pagaille!
Shea Chang Tarentelle
Élisabeth Eudes-Pascal Bill Chocottes, le héros qui avait peur
Rogé Haïti, mon pays
2012 Élise Gravel La clé à molette
Marion Arbona Lapin-Chagrin et les jours d'Elko
Manon Gauthier Giroflée Pois-Cassé
Émilie Leduc La ronde des mois
Katty Maurey Quand j'étais chien
2013 Isabelle Arsenault Jane, le renard et moi
Jacinthe Chevalier Aujourd'hui, le ciel
Marianne Dubuc Au carnaval des animaux
Stéphane Jorisch Quand je serai grand
Rogé Mingan, mon village
2014 Marianne Dubuc Le lion et l’oiseau
Pascal Blanchet Le Noël de Marguerite
Manon Gauthier Grand-mère, elle et moi…
Isabelle Malenfant Pablo trouve un trésor
Pierre Pratt Gustave
2015 André Marois, Patrick Doyon Le voleur de sandwichs
Jacques Goldstyn L'arbragan
Mireille Levert Quand j'écris avec mon cœur
Mélanie Perreault, Marion Arbona Rosalie entre chien et chat
Renée Robitaille, Philippe Béha Douze oiseaux
2016 Stéphanie Lapointe, Rogé Grand-père et la lune
Jules Asselin, Ninon Pelletier Le mystère des billes d'or
Simon Boulerice, Delphie Côté-Lacroix Florence et Léon
Andrée Poulin, Marie Lafrance Deux garçons et un secret
Yayo Pikiq
2017 Jacques Goldstyn Azadah
Pascal Blanchet En voiture! L'Amérique en chemin de fer
Fanny Britt, Isabelle Arsenault Louis parmi les spectres
Christiane Duchesne, Marion Arbona Fred Petitchatminou
Renée Robitaille, Slavka Kolesar La légende de Carcajou
2018 Marianne Dubuc Le chemin de la montagne
Marianne Ferrer, India Desjardins Une histoire de cancer qui finit bien
Gabriella Gendreau, Nahid Kazemi Les mots d'Eunice
Jacques Goldstyn Jules et Jim : frères d’armes
Nicole Testa, Annie Boulanger Lili Macaroni : je suis comme je suis!
2019 Stéphanie Lapointe, Delphie Côté-Lacroix Jack et le temps perdu
Simon Boulerice, Josée Bisaillon Le pelleteur de nuages
Stéphanie Deslauriers, Geneviève Després Laurent, c'est moi!
Mélanie Leclerc Contacts
Lucie Papineau, Lucie Crovatto L'escapade de Paolo


2020 Katia Canciani, Guillaume Perreault Pet et Répète: la véritable histoire [3]
Cathon Mimose & Sam : Mission hibernation [4]
Valérie Fontaine, Nathalie Dion Le grand méchant loup dans ma maison
Mireille Levert Le pays aux mille soleils
Kim Nunès, Marie-Chantal Perron, Tammy Verge, Amélie Dubois copine et Copine
2021 Mario Brassard, Gérard DuBois À qui appartiennent les nuages ? [5]
Jacques Goldstyn Le Tricot [6]
François Gravel, Laurent Pinabel La langue au chat et autres poèmes pas bêtes
Catherine Lepage Bouées : dérives identitaires, amours imaginaires et détours capillaires
Vigg Ma maison-tête
2022 Nadine Robert, Qin Leng Trèfle [7]
Fanny Britt, Isabelle Arsenault Truffe [8]
Pierrette Dubé and EnzoUn rhume de cheval
Orbie La fin des poux?
Paul Tom, Mélanie Baillairgé Seuls
2023 Samuel Larochelle, Ève Patenaude Le plus petit sauveur du monde [9]
Geneviève Bigué Parfois les lacs brûlent [10]
Iris Boudreau Gervais et Conrad
Boucar Diouf, François Thisdale Le Bourlingueur de Matungoua
Maude Nepveu-Villeneuve, Agathe Bray-Bourret Je t'écris de mon lit
2024 Ovila Fontaine, Charlotte Parent Le premier arbre de Noël [11]
Marie-Andrée Arsenault, Dominique Leroux Le fil d'Alphée [12]
Iris Boudreau, Richard Écrapou Margot veut une moustache
Marianne Ferrer Jour d’orage
Caroline Merola Histoires fantastiques (et peut-être vraies)

See also

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Each winner of the 1975 Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit was selected by a panel of judges administered by the Canada Council for the Arts.

The Governor General's Award for French-language fiction is a Canadian literary award that annually recognizes one Canadian writer for a fiction book written in French. It is one of fourteen Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit, seven each for creators of English- and French-language books. The Governor General's Awards program is administered by the Canada Council for the Arts.

The Governor General's Award for French-language non-fiction is a Canadian literary award that annually recognizes one Canadian writer for a non-fiction book written in French. It is one of fourteen Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit, seven each for creators of English- and French-language books. The Governor General's Awards program is administered by the Canada Council for the Arts.

The Governor General's Award for French-language children's writing is a Canadian literary award that annually recognizes one Canadian writer for a children's book written in French. It is one of four children's book awards among the Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit, one each for writers and illustrators of English- and French-language books. The Governor General's Awards program is administered by the Canada Council.

This is a list of recipients of the Governor General's Award for English-to-French translation awarded by the Governor-General of Canada.

This is a list of recipients of the Governor General's Award for French-language poetry. The award was created in 1981 when the Governor General's Award for French language poetry or drama was divided.

This is a list of recipients of the Governor General's Award for French-language drama. The award was created in 1981 when the Governor General's Award for French language poetry or drama was divided.

David Paquet is a Canadian playwright, who won the Governor General's Award for French-language drama at the 2010 Governor General's Awards, and the Prix Michel-Tremblay, for his play Porc-épic.

Marie-Hélène Poitras is a Canadian writer living in Montreal, Quebec.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dominique Fortier</span> Canadian novelist and translator

Dominique Fortier is a Canadian novelist and translator from Quebec, who won the Governor General's Award for French-language fiction at the 2016 Governor General's Awards for her novel Au péril de la mer.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Andrée Poulin</span> Canadian writer (born 1960)

Andrée Poulin is a Canadian writer. She was born in Orleans, Ontario, now part of Ottawa. She worked as a journalist before becoming a full-time writer. Poulin now lives in Gatineau, Quebec.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">François Gravel</span> Canadian writer from Quebec (born 1951)

François Gravel is a Canadian writer from Quebec. Most noted as an author of literature for children and young adults, he has also published a number of adult novels.

<i>Chasse à lhomme</i> Novel by Sophie Létourneau

Chasse à l'homme is a novel written by Canadian author Sophie Létourneau, published in 2020 by La Peuplade. It won the 2020 Governor General's Literary Award for French-language fiction.

Mishka Lavigne is a Canadian playwright. She is a two-time winner of the Governor General's Award for French-language drama, for Havre at the 2019 Governor General's Awards and for Copeaux at the 2021 Governor General's Awards.

The shortlisted nominees for the 2022 Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit were announced on October 12, 2022, and the winners were announced on November 16.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Roxane Desjardins</span> Canadian writer

Roxane Desjardins is a Canadian writer from Quebec. She is the editor and general manager of the publishing house, Les Herbes rouges.

Alone is a Canadian documentary film, directed by Paul Tom and released in 2021. Blending live action with animated sequences, the film profiles Afshin, Alain and Patricia, three young adults who first moved to Canada as refugees, travelling alone without their families. It explores both the lingering effects of their formative experiences and the resilience that allowed them to build new lives in Canada, including Alain pursuing his dream of becoming a police officer and Patricia's appreciation of the fact that she can safely live as a bisexual woman in Canada, which she could not have done in her native Uganda.

Paul Tom is a Canadian documentary filmmaker, most noted for his films Baggage (Bagages) and Alone (Seuls).

Stéfani Meunier is a Canadian writer from Quebec, whose novel Une carte postale de lʼocéan was a shortlisted Governor General's Award nominee for French-language fiction at the 2023 Governor General's Awards.

The Prix littéraire des collégien·ne·s is a Canadian literary award, presented annually to a work of French-language Canadian literature selected by a committee of students from colleges and CEGEPs in Quebec.


  1. 1 2 "Canada Council Children's Literature in French Awards". online guide to writing in canada ( Retrieved 2015-08-06.
  2. "Governor General's Literary Awards" [table of winners]. online guide to writing in canada ( Retrieved 2015-08-07.
  3. "La Québécoise Sophie Létourneau lauréate d’un Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général". Ici Radio-Canada, June 1, 2021.
  4. "Des Gatinois finalistes aux Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général". Ici Radio-Canada, May 4, 2021.
  5. Maalouf, Laila (2021-11-17). "Des prix dans sept catégories" [Prizes in seven categories]. La Presse (in Canadian French). Retrieved 2021-11-18.
  6. Martin Nolibé, "Prix du Gouverneur général: une nomination posthume pour Serge Bouchard". Métro , October 14, 2021.
  7. Laila Maalouf, "Alain Farah remporte le Prix du Gouverneur général". La Presse , November 16, 2022.
  8. Chantal Fontaine, "Dévoilement des finalistes des Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général". Les Libraires, October 12, 2022.
  9. Anne-Frédérique Hébert-Dolbec, "Marie-Hélène Poitras remporte le Prix du Gouverneur général". Le Devoir , November 8, 2023.
  10. Chantal Fontaine, "Le Conseil des arts du Canada a dévoilé les finalistes des Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général". Les Libraires, October 25, 2023.
  11. Léa Harvey, "Steve Poutré couronné aux prix littéraires du gouverneur général". Le Soleil , November 13, 2024.
  12. Laila Maalouf, "Emmanuelle Pierrot et Léa Clermont-Dion parmi les finalistes". La Presse , October 8, 2024.