Green Schools Bara

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Green Schools Bara (“Sekoly Maitso Bara”) is a sub-project of the Integrated Rural Development Project (IRDP) in the Bara-Region (SoFaBa-FLM) and works in Fiherena Toliara Synod (SPFT) and Ihorombe (SPH) of the Malagasy Lutheran Church in the central south and south-west of Madagascar.

Bara people ethnic group

The Bara people are a Malagasy ethnic group living in the southern part of the central plateaus of Madagascar, in the Toliara Province, concentrated around their historic capital at Ihosy. The Bara are the largest of the island's zebu-herding peoples and have historically lived a semi-nomadic lifestyle, although an increasing proportion are practicing agriculture. Bara society is highly patriarchal and endogamy and polygamy are practiced among some Bara tribes. Young men practice cattle rustling to prove their manhood before marriage, and the kilalaky musical and dance tradition associated with cattle rustlers has gained popularity across the island.

Toliara Place in Atsimo-Andrefana, Madagascar

Toliara is a city in Madagascar.

Ihorombe Region in Madagascar

Ihorombe is a region in Madagascar. It borders Haute Matsiatra region in north, Atsimo-Atsinanana in east, Anosy in south and Atsimo-Andrefana in west. The capital is Ihosy and the population was estimated to be 312,307 in 2013. The area of Ihorombe is 26,391 km2 (10,190 sq mi) and it has one of the lowest population densities of the Malagasy regions.



SoFaBa started with its educational in 1998, and the development of “Green Schools” was part of the programme. The main focus was, however, given to encouraging the parents in the Bara-region to send their children to school and to build school houses in cooperation with the local community.

In 2003 there started a new period in SoFaBa’s educational work with a strong focus on the pedagogical work and on the general improvement of the quality of the existing schools. This includes a serious attempt to develop and introduce a Green Programme. The school in Ambatolahy in the Ankazoabo region became the first green pilot school.

Ankazoabo is a town in Atsimo-Andrefana Region, Madagascar.

A new level was reached in 2005/2006 when a compulsory and holistic “Green School Programme” with many different components was introduced in all schools. By this way, the educational work in the Bara-region started by SoFaBa was strengthened and qualitatively improved. The Green Schools Bara continue and improve the work started within the SoFaBa-project putting a special emphasis on modern pedagogy, methodical renewal and social issues like the promotion of girls and children with disabilities. Furthermore, the Green Schools Bara cooperates with the government for reaching Education for All - one of the Millennium Development Goals

Millennium Development Goals eight international development goals for the year 2015 by the United Nations

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were eight international development goals for the year 2015 that had been established following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, following the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. All 191 United Nations member states at that time, and at least 22 international organizations, committed to help achieve the following Millennium Development Goals by 2015:

  1. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  2. To achieve universal primary education
  3. To promote gender equality and empower women
  4. To reduce child mortality
  5. To improve maternal health
  6. To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
  7. To ensure environmental sustainability
  8. To develop a global partnership for development


Green Education is an integrated education that includes all subjects. The heart of the matter is an education about the interplay of all life, the sustainable use of natural resources and the respect for and love to all creation. This requires “integrated teaching” that makes the interdependence between the single human being, the community and the surrounding ecological system obvious.


Green Schools Bara works in remote and low developed areas in the central south-west of Madagascar. There are few or no other development organizations in this area, the state is poorly represented and many children have no possibility to go to school.The project supports the objectives of the Malagasy government to ensure a basic education of high quality for all children by 2015.

The project's main activities are:

In 2006, Green School Bara started with the elaboration and production of school books and pedagogical material. This resulted in a cooperation with the National Reading Centre at the University of Stavanger, Norway, and, in 2007, the creation of an independent publishing company, Vakoka Vakiteny.

University of Stavanger university

The University of Stavanger is a university located in Stavanger, Norway. UiS was established in 2005 when the former Høgskolen i Stavanger (HiS) received university status. It had about 11,000 students and 1,370 administration, faculty and service staff in 2017. It is organised in three faculties, including two national centres of expertise and the Museum of Archaeology. The university has a main campus located in the neighborhood of Ullandhaug.

Vakoka Vakiteny is a publisher producing literature for children and youth in Malagasy language, created by Malagasy. It is located in Toliara in the south west of Madagascar and owned and run by Malagasy.


The village school at Tamotamo under construction Tamotamo village school.JPG
The village school at Tamotamo under construction

The following schools are included in the project:


Green Schools Bara is a project included in the Green Education Programme ProVert that is granted by the Norwegian Government (Norad) during the period 2007 - 2011. The financial support from ProVert will diminish gradually; at the same time the local shares will increase for ensuring the sustainability of the work. There will also be worked actively for finding individual partners supporting the single schools in these low developed and vulnerable area.

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