Hendry is a surname:
Persons with a Hendry surname:
Places named Hendry:
Kenny is a surname, a given name, and a diminutive of several different given names.
Hendrie is a surname of the Scottish Clan Henderson.
Henderson is a surname of Scottish origin. The name is derived from patronymic form of the name Henry and Hendry, which is a Scottish form of Henry. It means "Son of Hendry and Son of Henry, In Scottish Gaelic it is rendered MacEanraig (masculine), and NicEanraig (feminine).
Graham is a surname of Scottish and English origin. It is typically an Anglo-French form of the name of the town of Grantham, in Lincolnshire, England. The settlement is recorded in the 11th century Domesday Book variously as Grantham, Grandham, Granham and Graham. This place name is thought to be derived from the Old English elements grand, possibly meaning "gravel", and ham, meaning "hamlet" the English word given to small settlements of smaller size than villages.
McManus is an Irish surname. It is derived from the Irish Gaelic "Mac Mághnais", in modern Irish "McMaghnuis" which means "Son of Magnus". Its earlier origin is from the Latin "magnus", meaning "great". The Normans used it to honour Charlemagne (742–814), as Carolus Magnus. Variant spellings of the name include MacManus, Manus and MacManners. The English form, Moyne, is also found in Ulster. In Scotland it is a sept of Clan Colquhoun.
Johnston is in most cases a habitational surname derived from several places in Scotland. Historically, the surname has been most common throughout Scotland and Ireland.
Scott is a surname of Scottish origin. It is first attributed to Uchtredus filius Scoti who is mentioned in the charter recording the foundation of Holyrood Abbey and Selkirk in 1120, the border Riding clans who settled Peeblesshire in the 10th century and the family lineage of the Duke of Buccleuch.
Milton is an English surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Shaw is most commonly a surname and rarely a given name.
Armstrong is a surname of Scottish borders origin. It derives from a Middle English nickname which meant someone with strong arms. In Ireland the name was adopted as an Anglicization of two Gaelic names from Ulster: Mac Thréinfhir and Ó Labhraidh Tréan. Clan Armstrong is a clan from the border area between England and Scotland. The Scottish Armstrong is reputed to have been originally bestowed by "an antient (sic) king of Scotland" upon "Fairbairn, his armour-bearer" following an act of strength in battle. In the UK this surname is well represented in North East England, Cumbria, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Scottish Borders, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire, Dumfries & Galloway, and Northern Ireland, and in the US it is well represented in the Deep South, and other southern states.
Stephen is a surname of English, Scottish, and German origin. It is a reasonably common surname. The German variant is thought to have originated from the German-speaking world as (Von) Stephan.
Bibby is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Atherton is a toponymic surname. One origin is the town of Atherton, historically in Lancashire, England.
Lawson is often an English and Scottish surname that may sometimes also be a given name.
Fulton is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Conway is a Welsh, Irish & Scottish surname. It can be an anglicised spelling of Conwy, Mac Connmhaigh, Ó Connmhacháin, or the Scottish Coneway.
Hoy is a Scottish and Irish surname. The Irish origin of the name is derived from "Ó hEochaidh". Other surnames developed from "Ó hEochaidh" include: McKeogh, Kehoe, Hoey, Haughey, Haugh and Hough. Hoy is sometimes considered to be a variant of Haughey, and it is very common in Ulster. The first recording of the surname in Ireland is of one Elizabeth, daughter of Leuise and Martha Hoy, on 8 February 1646, at Holy Trinity (Christchurch), Cork.
The surname Barton has multiple possible origins. It may denote origin from one of the many places called Barton in England; however, another proposal would derive the name from Dunbarton in Scotland. The counties of Cheshire and Lancashire have the highest number of Barton families in the United Kingdom.
Skinner is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Kearney or Kearneys is an Irish surname.