Hubert Maurer

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Hubert Maurer; portrait by Johann Jakob Laurenz Billwiller (1779-1832) Hubert Maurer.jpg
Hubert Maurer; portrait by Johann Jakob Laurenz Billwiller (1779-1832)
"Let the Children Come unto Me" Hubert Maurer - Lasset die Kindlein zu mir kommen - 3256 - Kunsthistorisches Museum.jpg
"Let the Children Come unto Me"

Hubert Maurer (10 June 1738, Bonn - 10 December 1818, Vienna) was a German painter, graphic artist and art professor.


Life and work

He began as a student of the Bavarian court painter, Johann Georg Winter (1707-1770). He continued his education at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, where one of his instructors, the mentally unstable sculptor, Franz Xaver Messerschmidt, apparently tried to murder him in a fit of paranoia.[ citation needed ]

From 1772 to 1776, he was one of the first group of German painters to receive a pension that enabled them to study in Rome (the Deutschrömer  [ de ]). There, he was able to work with Anton Raphael Mengs. From 1785, he was a councilor and Professor at the Vienna Academy's elementary drawing school; a position he would hold until 1817. He also produced teaching materials, such as studies of the Old Masters of the Italian Renaissance, which marked the beginning of Classicism at the academy.

His numerous well known students include Karl Agricola, Johann Scheffer von Leonhardshoff, Moritz Michael Daffinger, Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, Karl Ruß, Wilhelm August Rieder, Kilian Ponheimer  [ de ], Peter Fendi, Eustație Altini, Johann Baptist von Lampi, Friedrich von Amerling and Johann Michael Sattler, who would later become Maurer's biographer. Sattler also married his foster daughter, Anna Maria Kittenberger, in 1816.

A street in Bonn has been named after him.


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