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Hypomnemata (Ancient Greek : ὑπομνήματα) may refer to:

Hypomnema, also spelled hupomnema, is a Greek word with several translations into English including a reminder, a note, a public record, a commentary, an anecdotal record, a draft, a copy, and other variations on those terms.

Aeneas Tacticus was one of the earliest Greek writers on the art of war and is credited as the first author to provide a complete guide to securing military communications. Polybius described his design for a hydraulic semaphore system.

Aristoxenus Greek Peripatetic philosopher, and a pupil of Aristotle

Aristoxenus of Tarentum was a Greek Peripatetic philosopher, and a pupil of Aristotle. Most of his writings, which dealt with philosophy, ethics and music, have been lost, but one musical treatise, Elements of Harmony, survives incomplete, as well as some fragments concerning rhythm and meter. The Elements is the chief source of our knowledge of ancient Greek music.

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Greek language language spoken in Greece, Cyprus and Southern Albania

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Library of Alexandria one of the largest libraries in the ancient world, located in Alexandria, Egypt

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Strabo Greek geographer, philosopher and historian

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Greek literature dates from ancient Greek literature, beginning in 800 BC, to the modern Greek literature of today.

Phidias Greek sculptor, painter and architect

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Ancient Greek Version of the Greek language used from roughly the 9th century BCE to the 6th century CE

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Damo was a Pythagorean philosopher said by many to have been the daughter of Pythagoras and Theano.

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Marianne McDonald Philanthropist and Scholar of Latin and Irish texts

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Memorabilia may refer to:

Christian Habicht was a German historian of ancient Greece and an epigrapher in Ancient Greek.