Importance (disambiguation)

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Importance is a property of things that matter or make a difference. Importance or Important may also refer to:

Other meanings

See also

Related Research Articles

British may refer to:

Epic commonly refers to:

Prioritization is an action that arranges items or activities in order of importance.

Lock(s) may refer to:

Assembly may refer to:

Log most often refers to:

Artifact or artefact may refer to:

Urban means "related to a city". In that sense, the term may refer to:

NB, Nb, or nb may refer to:

Table may refer to:

Necessary or necessity may refer to:

A&E or A+E may refer to:

Clinical may refer to:

Analog or analogue may refer to:

Remembrance is the act of remembering, the ability to remember, or a memorial.

Real World or The Real World may also refer to:

A tee is an item of sports equipment, used a.o. in golf.

Mainstream may refer to:

Article often refers to:

Sublime may refer to: