Inafa'maolek is a charitable organisation which works on the island of Guam. The non-profit making organisation aims to tackle social problems such as domestic violence. [1] The organisation also works with young people doing workshops on issues such as eating disorders, bullying, suicide and sexual harassment. [2]
The Institute of International Law is an organization devoted to the study and development of international law, whose membership comprises the world's leading public international lawyers. The organization is generally considered the most authoritative world academy of international law, and its work earned the Nobel Peace Prize in 1904.
The Office of Public Works (OPW) is an Irish Government agency whose primary function is to support the implementation of Government policy and advise the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform and the Minister of State at that Department, principally in the disciplines of property and flood risk management. The OPW has a central role in driving the Government's property asset management reform process in respect of its own portfolio and that of the wider public service.
The Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations was accepted by members of BIRPI, the predecessor to the modern World Intellectual Property Organization, on 26 October 1961. The agreement extended copyright protection for the first time from the author of a work to the creators and owners of particular, physical manifestations of intellectual property, such as audiocassettes or videocassettes.
The Federation of Master Builders (FMB) is a UK trade association established in 1941 to protect the interests of small and medium-sized building firms.
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is an international organisation that focuses on making scientific data on biodiversity available via the Internet using web services. The data are provided by many institutions from around the world; GBIF's information architecture makes these data accessible and searchable through a single portal. Data available through the GBIF portal are primarily distribution data on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes for the world, and scientific names data.
Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW), previously known as the Friends Service Council, and then as Quaker Peace and Service, is one of the central committees of Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends - the national organisation of Quakers in Britain. It works to promote British Quakers' testimonies of equality, justice, peace, simplicity and truth. It works alongside both small local and large international pressure groups.
Fanderson is the official appreciation society for the works of British film and television producers Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. It is a not-for-profit organisation endorsed by ITV Studios Global Entertainment, ITC Entertainment Group, The Indestructible Production Company and Anderson Entertainment. Based in the United Kingdom, but with an international membership, the club is run by a small committee of unpaid volunteers.
The Directorate of Film Festivals in India is an organisation that initiates and presents the International Film Festival of India, the National Film Awards and the Indian Panorama. Although the Directorate helps appoint members of the jury panels each year, it has no input on which films are selected for consideration and which films ultimately win awards at the various functions it initiates.
AFL Victoria is the state-level sport governing body for Australian rules football in the state of Victoria, Australia. Under the organisation's jurisdiction fall 115 leagues — including the Victorian Football League, the Victorian Amateur Football Association, the Victorian Country Football League, and all local metropolitan and country leagues — and 1,942 clubs,, as well as developmental, coaching, and umpiring bodies.
The International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) is a non-governmental organisation of experts committed to expanding the frontiers of space. It was established in Stockholm (Sweden) on August 16, 1960.
The Country Land and Business Association (CLA) is a membership organisation for owners of land, property and businesses in rural England and Wales.
The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS), founded in 1976, is a non-governmental, membership-based organisation committed to research into and conservation of nature in Gibraltar and the region of the Strait of Gibraltar.
The European Cooperation for Space Standardisation (ECSS), established in 1993, is an organisation which works to improve standardisation within the European space sector. The ECSS frequently publishes standards, to which contractors working for ESA must adhere to.
Unlock Democracy is a British pressure group, based in London. The organisation campaigns for a more participatory democracy in Britain, founded upon a written constitution. Unlock Democracy works to promote democratic reform across the political spectrum and is not aligned with any political party. The organisation's activities include producing a range of publications, lobbying politicians and political parties and working on projects to promote greater public involvement in politics, at both local and national levels.
The Mission laïque française (MLF), or "French lay mission", is a non-profit organisation founded in 1902 by Pierre Deschamps. This organisation works to spread the French language and culture by creating and running schools outside France. Its head office is in the 15th arrondissement of Paris.
AustLit: The Australian Literature Resource is an internet-based collaboration between researchers and librarians from Australian universities designed to comprehensively record the history of Australian literary and story making cultures. AustLit is an encyclopaedia of Australian writers and writing.
The Public Works Department of Tamil Nadu is a state government owned authority, and is in charge of public sector works in the State of Tamil Nadu. It is part of the Ministry of Public Works Department, and is entrusted with the construction and maintenance of buildings for most of the government departments and public undertakings, and the construction of bridges, roads, and infrastructure.
The Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, is an Institution of National Importance by the Act of Parliament No. 35/2012 under the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India. The RGNIYD was set up in 1993 under the Societies Registration Act, XXVII of 1975.
The Conservative Workers & Trade Unionists (CWTU) is an organisation part of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom which aims at reaching out to support working people and trade unionists. It is focused on improving employment rights, tackling low pay, raising productivity and supporting greater employment satisfaction.
The Conservative Party Board is the national governing body of the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom. It is responsible for operational matters such as fundraising, membership, candidates and internal elections. It is made up of members from each section of the party: voluntary, political and professional. The board meets once a month and works closely with Conservative Campaign Headquarters elected representatives and the voluntary membership mainly through a number of management sub-committees.
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