Institutional System

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In Europe, only 4 countries have adopted the French legal system in its purest form - Belgium, Spain, Romania and Albania. Europa Rechtskreise.png
In Europe, only 4 countries have adopted the French legal system in its purest form - Belgium, Spain, Romania and Albania.

French legal system or Institutional System or Romance System is an institutional system of organization of civil law. The system is in force in France, Belgium, Spain, Albania, Romania and Latin America.

It began with the French Civil Code. With the introduction of the German Civil Code, its late alternative - Pandectists - was introduced in Europe.

The foundation is laid with principles of the Civil Code, developed by the French lawyers in the preparation of the Code Napoleon (1804). Institutional system involves the separation of code into three parts (books) - the first is devoted to the people, the second describes the types of property, and the third describes the methods of acquiring property. Generalities while absent.

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