Intelligent form

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An intelligent form is a form in which a programmer or interface designer has placed interactive elements that help the user comprehend and complete the form. The interaction can come in the form of online help, visual cues, and even artificial intelligence. The goal is for the user to complete the form correctly.

Form (document) document with blank spaces/fields for insertion of required or requested information. A device for collecting data.

A form is a document with spaces in which to write or select, for a series of documents with similar contents. The documents usually have the printed parts in common, except, possibly, for a serial number.

Programmer person who writes computer software

A programmer, developer ("dev"), coder, or software engineer is a person who creates computer software. The term computer programmer can refer to a specialist in one area of computers, or to a generalist who writes code for many kinds of software. One who practices, or professes, a formal approach to programming may also be known as a programmer analyst. On the other hand, "code monkey" is a derogatory term for a programmer who simply writes code without any involvement in the design or specifications.

Widget (GUI) element of a graphical user interface (GUI)

A control element in a graphical user interface is an element of interaction, such as a button or a scroll bar. Controls are software components that a computer user interacts with through direct manipulation to read or edit information about an application. User interface libraries such as Windows Presentation Foundation, GTK+, and Cocoa, contain a collection of controls and the logic to render these.

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