International Socialist Organization (disambiguation)

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The International Socialist Organization was a Trotskyist group in the United States.

International Socialist Organization also may refer to:

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">International Union of Socialist Youth</span> International youth non-governmental organization

The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) is an international organization, founded in 1907, whose activities include publications, support of member organizations and the organization of meetings. It was formed as the youth wing of the Second International under the name Socialist Youth International at the International Socialist Congress, Stuttgart 1907.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">International Socialist Organization</span> Political party in United States

The International Socialist Organization (ISO) was a Trotskyist group active primarily on college campuses in the United States that was founded in 1976 and dissolved in 2019. The organization held Leninist positions on imperialism and the role of a vanguard party. However, it did not believe that necessary conditions for a revolutionary party in the United States were met; ISO believed that it was preparing the ground for such a party. The organization held a Trotskyist critique of nominally socialist states, which it considered class societies. In contrast, the organization advocated the tradition of "socialism from below." as articulated by Hal Draper. Initially founded as a section of the International Socialist Tendency (IST), it was strongly influenced by the perspectives of Draper and Tony Cliff of the British Socialist Workers Party. It broke from the IST in 2001, but continued to exist as an independent organization for the next eighteen years. The organization advocated independence from the U.S. two-party system and sometimes supported electoral strategies by outside parties, especially the Green Party of the United States.

Socialist Party is the name of many different political parties around the world. All of these parties claim to uphold some form of socialism, though they may have very different interpretations of what "socialism" means. Statistically, most of these parties advocate either democratic socialism, social democracy or even Third Way as their ideological position. Many Socialist Parties have explicit connections to the labor movement and trade unions. See also Socialist International, list of democratic socialist parties and organizations and list of social democratic parties. Parties belonging to the pan-Arabist Ba'ath movement describe themselves as socialist parties. A number of affiliates of the Trotskyist International Socialist Alternative also use the name "Socialist Party".

<span class="mw-page-title-main">International Marxist Tendency</span> Political international

The International Marxist Tendency (IMT) is an international Trotskyist political tendency founded by Ted Grant and his supporters following their break with the Committee for a Workers' International in 1992. The organization's website, or In Defence of Marxism, is edited by Alan Woods. The site is multilingual, and publishes international current affairs articles written from a Marxist perspective, as well as many historical and theoretical articles. The IMT is active in over 40 countries worldwide.

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The International Socialist Tendency (IST) is an international grouping of unorthodox Trotskyist organisations espousing the ideas of Tony Cliff (1917–2000), founder of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in Britain. It has sections across 27 countries; however, its strongest presence is in Europe, especially in Britain.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">International Socialist Alternative</span> International association of Trotskyist political parties

International Socialist Alternative is an international association of Trotskyist political parties.