Julian Wright (historian)

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Julian Wright
Born9 June 1974
OccupationAcademic historian
Employer Northumbria University
Parent N.T. Wright (father)

Julian Wright is Professor of History at Northumbria University. He was Head of Humanities from 2017 to 2022 and has been editor of French History and Secretary for Professional Engagement at the Royal Historical Society. He was previously a senior lecturer in history at the University of Durham and earlier a Junior Research Fellow of Christ Church, Oxford.


He is a historian of modern culture, politics and ideas, and has worked in particular on ideas and experiences of time in modern Europe; on the social history of intellectuals and politicians in France; and on historiography.

Between 2007 and 2022 he was Musical Director of The Durham Singers.

He is the elder son of the theologian and former Bishop of Durham N. T. Wright


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