Karen Baptist Missionary Society

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The Karen Baptist Missionary Society was an organization of Karen (people) in Burma who were baptists. It was formed in 1912 with the main goal of spreading the baptist religion to more of the Karen people.


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Christianity in Myanmar

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Justus Vinton

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Karen Baptist Convention, Myanmar was established in 1913. It is located in Lanmadaw Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar. Today the Karen Baptist Convention is the largest member body of the Myanmar Baptist Convention, which was formed in 1865. Leaderships in the organization are for a four-year term and can only be re-elected for one more term. It has 18 associations. KBC is doing mission works not only in Karen people but also to other tribes and races. KBC maintains one press called the Go Forward Press. KBC also operates Karen Baptist Theological Seminary and Karen Baptist Convention's Hospital at Insein, Yangon, Myanmar.

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