Keeper's Compendium

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Keeper's Compendium is a 1993 role-playing supplement for Call of Cthulhu published by Chaosium.



Keeper's Compendium is a supplement in which forbidden knowledge is presented for the gamemaster. [1]


Wayne Ligon reviewed Keeper's Compendium in White Wolf #48 (Oct., 1994), rating it a 4 out of 5 and stated that "This is one of the best reference works a Keeper can have." [1]



  1. 1 2 Ligon, Wayne (October 1994). "Capsule Reviews". White Wolf Magazine . No. 48. p. 63-64.
  2. "The Unspeakable Oath #11 - RPGnet RPG Game Index".
  3. "SKT. George's Bibliotek | Article | RPGGeek".
  4. "Casus Belli #084". 1994.
  5. "Australian Realms Magazine - Complete Collection". June 1988.