Kingman's subadditive ergodic theorem

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In mathematics, Kingman's subadditive ergodic theorem is one of several ergodic theorems. It can be seen as a generalization of Birkhoff's ergodic theorem. [1] Intuitively, the subadditive ergodic theorem is a kind of random variable version of Fekete's lemma (hence the name ergodic). [2] As a result, it can be rephrased in the language of probability, e.g. using a sequence of random variables and expected values. The theorem is named after John Kingman.


Statement of theorem

Let be a measure-preserving transformation on the probability space , and let be a sequence of functions such that (subadditivity relation). Then

for -a.e. x, where g(x) is T-invariant.

In particular, if T is ergodic, then g(x) is a constant.

Equivalent statement

Given a family of real random variables , with , such that they are subadditive in the sense thatThen there exists a random variable such that , is invariant with respect to , and a.s..

They are equivalent by setting


Proof due to (J. Michael Steele, 1989). [3]

Subadditivity by partition

Fix some . By subadditivity, for any

We can picture this as starting with the set , and then removing its length tail.

Repeating this construction until the set is all gone, we have a one-to-one correspondence between upper bounds of and partitions of .

Specifically, let be a partition of , then we have

Constructing g

Let , then it is -invariant.

By subadditivity,

Taking the limit, we have We can visualize as hill-climbing on the graph of . If actually causes a nontrivial amount of hill-climbing, then we would get a spatial contraction, and so does not preserve measure. Therefore a.e.

Let , then and since both sides have the same measure, by squeezing, they are equal a.e..

That is, , a.e..

Now apply this for all rational .

Reducing to the case of gₙ ≤ 0

By subadditivity, using the partition of into singletons. Now, construct the sequence which satisfies for all .

By the special case, converges a.e. to a -invariant function.

By Birkhoff's pointwise ergodic theorem, the running average converges a.e. to a -invariant function. Therefore, their sum does as well.

Bounding the truncation

Fix arbitrary , and construct the truncated function, still -invariant: With these, it suffices to prove an a.e. upper boundsince it would allow us to take the limit , then the limit , giving us a.e.

And by squeezing, we have converging a.e. to . Define two families of sets, one shrinking to the empty set, and one growing to the full set. For each "length" , defineSince , the family shrinks to the empty set.

Fix . Fix . Fix . The ordering of these qualifiers is vitally important, because we will be removing the qualifiers one by one in the reverse order.

To prove the a.e. upper bound, we must use the subadditivity, which means we must construct a partition of the set . We do this inductively:

Take the smallest not already in a partition.

If , then for some . Take one such – the choice does not matter.

If , then we cut out . Call these partitions “type 1”. Else, we cut out . Call these partitions “type 2”.

Else, we cut out . Call these partitions “type 3”.

Now convert this partition into an inequality: where are the heads of the partitions, and are the lengths.

Since all , we can remove the other kinds of partitions: By construction, each , thus Now it would be tempting to continue with , but unfortunately , so the direction is the exact opposite. We must lower bound the sum .

The number of type 3 elements is equal toIf a number is of type 2, then it must be inside the last elements of . Thus the number of type 2 elements is at most . Together, we have the lower bound:

Peeling off the first qualifier

Remove the qualifier by taking the limit.

By Birkhoff's pointwise ergodic theorem, there exists an a.e. pointwise limit satisfying
At the limit, we find that for a.e. ,

Peeling off the second qualifier

Remove the qualifier by taking the limit.

Since we have and as , we can apply the same argument used for proving Markov's inequality, to obtain
for a.e. .

In detail, the argument is as follows: since , and , we know that for any small , all large enough satisfies everywhere except on a set of size . Thus,with probability . Now take both .


Taking recovers Birkhoff's pointwise ergodic theorem.

Taking all constant functions, we recover the Fekete's subadditive lemma.

Kingman's subadditive ergodic theorem can be used to prove statements about Lyapunov exponents. It also has applications to percolations and longest increasing subsequence. [4]

Longest increasing subsequence

To study the longest increasing subsequence of a random permutation , we generate it in an equivalent way. A random permutation on is equivalently generated by uniformly sampling points in a square, then find the longest increasing subsequence of that.

Now, define the Poisson point process with density 1 on , and define the random variables to be the length of the longest increasing subsequence in the square . Define the measure-preserving transform by shifting the plane by , then chopping off the parts that have fallen out of .

The process is subadditive, that is, . To see this, notice that the right side constructs an increasing subsequence first in the square , then in the square , and finally concatenate them together. This produces an increasing subsequence in , but not necessarily the longest one.

Also, is ergodic, so by Kingman's theorem, converges to a constant almost surely. Since at the limit, there are points in the square, we have converging to a constant almost surely.

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  1. S. Lalley, Kingman's subadditive ergodic theorem lecture notes,
  2. Chen. "Subadditive ergodic theorems" (PDF). New York University.
  3. Steele, J. Michael (1989). "Kingman's subadditive ergodic theorem" (PDF). Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques. 25 (1): 93–98. ISSN   1778-7017.
  4. Pitman, Lecture 12: Subadditive ergodic theory,