In algebraic geometry, Le Potier's vanishing theorem is an extension of the Kodaira vanishing theorem, on vector bundles. The theorem states the following [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
Le Potier (1975): Let X be a n-dimensional compact complex manifold and E a holomorphic vector bundle of rank r over X, here is Dolbeault cohomology group, where denotes the sheaf of holomorphic p-forms on X. If E is an ample, then
- for .
from Dolbeault theorem,
- for .
By Serre duality, the statements are equivalent to the assertions:
- for .
In case of r = 1, and let E is an ample (or positive) line bundle on X, this theorem is equivalent to the Nakano vanishing theorem. Also, Schneider (1974) found another proof.
Sommese (1978) generalizes Le Potier's vanishing theorem to k-ample and the statement as follows: [2]
Le Potier–Sommese vanishing theorem: Let X be a n-dimensional algebraic manifold and E is a k-ample holomorphic vector bundle of rank r over X, then
- for .
Demailly (1988) gave a counterexample, which is as follows: [1] [10]
Conjecture of Sommese (1978): Let X be a n-dimensional compact complex manifold and E a holomorphic vector bundle of rank r over X. If E is an ample, then
- for is false for
In differential geometry, the Atiyah–Singer index theorem, proved by Michael Atiyah and Isadore Singer (1963), states that for an elliptic differential operator on a compact manifold, the analytical index is equal to the topological index. It includes many other theorems, such as the Chern–Gauss–Bonnet theorem and Riemann–Roch theorem, as special cases, and has applications to theoretical physics.
The theory of functions of several complex variables is the branch of mathematics dealing with functions defined on the complex coordinate space , that is, n-tuples of complex numbers. The name of the field dealing with the properties of these functions is called several complex variables, which the Mathematics Subject Classification has as a top-level heading.
In mathematics and especially differential geometry, a Kähler manifold is a manifold with three mutually compatible structures: a complex structure, a Riemannian structure, and a symplectic structure. The concept was first studied by Jan Arnoldus Schouten and David van Dantzig in 1930, and then introduced by Erich Kähler in 1933. The terminology has been fixed by André Weil. Kähler geometry refers to the study of Kähler manifolds, their geometry and topology, as well as the study of structures and constructions that can be performed on Kähler manifolds, such as the existence of special connections like Hermitian Yang–Mills connections, or special metrics such as Kähler–Einstein metrics.
In mathematics, Hodge theory, named after W. V. D. Hodge, is a method for studying the cohomology groups of a smooth manifold M using partial differential equations. The key observation is that, given a Riemannian metric on M, every cohomology class has a canonical representative, a differential form that vanishes under the Laplacian operator of the metric. Such forms are called harmonic.
In mathematics, algebraic geometry and analytic geometry are two closely related subjects. While algebraic geometry studies algebraic varieties, analytic geometry deals with complex manifolds and the more general analytic spaces defined locally by the vanishing of analytic functions of several complex variables. The deep relation between these subjects has numerous applications in which algebraic techniques are applied to analytic spaces and analytic techniques to algebraic varieties.
In mathematics, a distinctive feature of algebraic geometry is that some line bundles on a projective variety can be considered "positive", while others are "negative". The most important notion of positivity is that of an ample line bundle, although there are several related classes of line bundles. Roughly speaking, positivity properties of a line bundle are related to having many global sections. Understanding the ample line bundles on a given variety X amounts to understanding the different ways of mapping X into projective space. In view of the correspondence between line bundles and divisors, there is an equivalent notion of an ample divisor.
In differential geometry, a quaternion-Kähler manifold (or quaternionic Kähler manifold) is a Riemannian 4n-manifold whose Riemannian holonomy group is a subgroup of Sp(n)·Sp(1) for some . Here Sp(n) is the sub-group of consisting of those orthogonal transformations that arise by left-multiplication by some quaternionic matrix, while the group of unit-length quaternions instead acts on quaternionic -space by right scalar multiplication. The Lie group generated by combining these actions is then abstractly isomorphic to .
In mathematics, the Kodaira vanishing theorem is a basic result of complex manifold theory and complex algebraic geometry, describing general conditions under which sheaf cohomology groups with indices q > 0 are automatically zero. The implications for the group with index q = 0 is usually that its dimension — the number of independent global sections — coincides with a holomorphic Euler characteristic that can be computed using the Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem.
In mathematics, a CR manifold, or Cauchy–Riemann manifold, is a differentiable manifold together with a geometric structure modeled on that of a real hypersurface in a complex vector space, or more generally modeled on an edge of a wedge.
In algebraic geometry, a line bundle on a projective variety is nef if it has nonnegative degree on every curve in the variety. The classes of nef line bundles are described by a convex cone, and the possible contractions of the variety correspond to certain faces of the nef cone. In view of the correspondence between line bundles and divisors, there is an equivalent notion of a nef divisor.
In mathematics, specifically in algebraic geometry and algebraic topology, the Lefschetz hyperplane theorem is a precise statement of certain relations between the shape of an algebraic variety and the shape of its subvarieties. More precisely, the theorem says that for a variety X embedded in projective space and a hyperplane section Y, the homology, cohomology, and homotopy groups of X determine those of Y. A result of this kind was first stated by Solomon Lefschetz for homology groups of complex algebraic varieties. Similar results have since been found for homotopy groups, in positive characteristic, and in other homology and cohomology theories.
In mathematics, a holomorphic vector bundle is a complex vector bundle over a complex manifold X such that the total space E is a complex manifold and the projection map π : E → X is holomorphic. Fundamental examples are the holomorphic tangent bundle of a complex manifold, and its dual, the holomorphic cotangent bundle. A holomorphic line bundle is a rank one holomorphic vector bundle.
In complex geometry, the term positive form refers to several classes of real differential forms of Hodge type (p, p).
In mathematics, the Andreotti–Grauert theorem, introduced by Andreotti and Grauert (1962), gives conditions for cohomology groups of coherent sheaves over complex manifolds to vanish or to be finite-dimensional.
In differential geometry, algebraic geometry, and gauge theory, the Kobayashi–Hitchin correspondence relates stable vector bundles over a complex manifold to Einstein–Hermitian vector bundles. The correspondence is named after Shoshichi Kobayashi and Nigel Hitchin, who independently conjectured in the 1980s that the moduli spaces of stable vector bundles and Einstein–Hermitian vector bundles over a complex manifold were essentially the same.
In mathematics, specifically in the study of vector bundles over complex Kähler manifolds, the Nakano vanishing theorem, sometimes called the Akizuki–Nakano vanishing theorem, generalizes the Kodaira vanishing theorem. Given a compact complex manifold M with a holomorphic line bundle F over M, the Nakano vanishing theorem provides a condition on when the cohomology groups equal zero. Here, denotes the sheaf of holomorphic (p,0)-forms taking values on F. The theorem states that, if the first Chern class of F is negative,
Jean-Pierre Demailly was a French mathematician who worked in complex geometry. He was a professor at Université Grenoble Alpes and a permanent member of the French Academy of Sciences.
In mathematics, and especially differential and algebraic geometry, K-stability is an algebro-geometric stability condition, for complex manifolds and complex algebraic varieties. The notion of K-stability was first introduced by Gang Tian and reformulated more algebraically later by Simon Donaldson. The definition was inspired by a comparison to geometric invariant theory (GIT) stability. In the special case of Fano varieties, K-stability precisely characterises the existence of Kähler–Einstein metrics. More generally, on any compact complex manifold, K-stability is conjectured to be equivalent to the existence of constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics.
In complex geometry, the Kähler identities are a collection of identities between operators on a Kähler manifold relating the Dolbeault operators and their adjoints, contraction and wedge operators of the Kähler form, and the Laplacians of the Kähler metric. The Kähler identities combine with results of Hodge theory to produce a number of relations on de Rham and Dolbeault cohomology of compact Kähler manifolds, such as the Lefschetz hyperplane theorem, the hard Lefschetz theorem, the Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations, and the Hodge index theorem. They are also, again combined with Hodge theory, important in proving fundamental analytical results on Kähler manifolds, such as the -lemma, the Nakano inequalities, and the Kodaira vanishing theorem.
In algebraic geometry, the Bogomolov–Sommese vanishing theorem is a result related to the Kodaira–Itaka dimension. It is named after Fedor Bogomolov and Andrew Sommese. Its statement has differing versions:
Bogomolov–Sommese vanishing theorem for snc pair: Let X be a projective manifold, D a simple normal crossing divisor and an invertible subsheaf. Then the Kodaira–Itaka dimension is not greater than p.