Linn is the surname of:
Stephenson is a medieval patronymic surname meaning "son of Stephen". The earliest public record is found in the county of Huntingdonshire in 1279. There are variant spellings including Stevenson. People with the surname include:
Weiner is a surname or, in fact, the spelling of two different surnames originating in German and the closely related Yiddish language. In German, the name is pronounced, of which the rare English pronunciation is a close approximation. In Yiddish, the name is pronounced almost as in southern German.
McClelland is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Fitzhugh is an English Anglo-Norman surname originating in Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire. It is patronymic as the prefix Fitz- derives from the Latin filius, meaning "son of". Its variants include FitzHugh, Fitz-Hugh, Fitz Hugh, fitz Hugh, and its associated given name turned surname Hugh. Fitzhugh is rare as a given name.
Gooch is a surname. Gooch or the Gooch is also a nickname. It may refer to:
Byrd is a surname of English and Irish origin, a variant of the surname Bird.
William Perry may refer to:
Schaefer is an alternative spelling and cognate for the German word schäfer, meaning 'shepherd', which itself descends from the Old High German scāphare. Variants "Shaefer", "Schäfer", the additional alternative spelling "Schäffer", and the anglicised forms "Schaeffer", "Schaffer", "Shaffer", "Shafer", and "Schafer" are all common surnames.
Alcock is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Shepherd is a surname, cognate of the English word "Shepherd". Several common spelling variations exist, including Shepperd, Shephard, Shepard, and Sheppard.
Gross or Groß in German is the correct spelling of the surname under German orthographic rules. In Switzerland, the name is spelled Gross. Some Germans and Austrians also use the spelling with "ss" instead of "ß".
Lynn is a surname of Irish origin, English, Welsh or Scottish. It has a number of separate derivations:
Adair is a surname of Scotland. A common misconception is that the surname is related to Edgar, Eadgar, O'daire or MacDaire. Robert Fitzgerald De Athdare was the first Adair. He was from what is now Limerick, Ireland.
Weinberg is a German and Jewish-Ashkenazi surname which means vineyard in German. Spellings in other languages include Wainberg, Vainberg, Vaynberg, Вайнберг and Wajnberg.
Lindsley is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
McCreery is a surname. It is derived from the Irish and Scottish Gaelic surname Mac Ruidhrí.
Snyder is an Anglicized occupational surname derived from Dutch Snijder "tailor", related to modern Dutch Snijders and Sneijder. It may also be an Anglicized spelling of the German Schneider or Swiss German Schnyder, which both carry the same meaning. A less common Anglicized spelling of the Dutch Snijder is Snider.
Stratton is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Heilman is a surname, found in particular in the U.S, either as a variation of the German/Alsacian surname Heilmann belonging to some protestant families in the south-west of Germany, or from other origins.
Cutting is a surname. Notable people with the surname include: