List of All-American Girls Professional Baseball League players (H–L)

Last updated

The following is a list of All-American Girls Professional Baseball League players who formed part of the circuit during its twelve years of existence.


See also


Carol Habben outfield1951-1954Rockford Peaches, Kalamazoo Lassies [1]
Miss Hack n/a1946Muskegon Lassies [2]
Violet Hackbarth n/a1946n/a [3]
Johanna Hageman first base1943-1949South Bend Blue Sox, Kenosha Comets [4]
Audrey Haine pitcher1944–1948; 1951Minneapolis Millerettes, Fort Wayne Daisies, Grand Rapids Chicks,
Peoria Redwings, Rockford Peaches


Martha Haines second base1947Kenosha Comets [6]
Marlene Hammond n/a1954Kalamazoo Lassies [7]
Marjorie Hanna pitcher1944Kenosha Comets [8]
Julia Hardin n/a1946Grand Rapids Chicks [9]
Ann Harnett third base, catcheroutfieldKenosha Comets, Peoria Redwings


Elise Harney pitcher1943-1947Kenosha Comets, Fort Wayne Daisies [11]
Dorothy Harrell [1]shortstop1944–1950, 1952Rockford Peaches [12]
Doris Harrington n/a1952n/a [13]
Josephine Hasham pitcher1948-1954Muskegon Lassies, Peoria Redwings, South Bend Blue Sox, Battle Creek Belles, Muskegon Belles, Rockford Peaches, Grand Rapids Chicks [14]
Beverly Hatzell pitcher1949-1951Chicago Colleens, Racine Belles,
Peoria Redwings, Battle Creek Belles
Jean Havlish shortstop1951-1954Fort Wayne Daisies


Florence Hay outfield1949Chicago Colleens [17]
Alice Haylett pitcher, outfield1946-1949Grand Rapids Chicks [18]
Martha Hayslipinfield1948South Bend Blue Sox [19]
Irene Headin pitcher1945South Bend Blue Sox [20]
Ruby Heafner catcher1946-1951Rockford Peaches, Fort Wayne Daisies,
Racine Belles, Battle Creek Belles
Dorothy Healy outfield1948Chicago Colleens [22]
Kay Heim catcher1943-1944Kenosha Comets [23]
Katherine Herring outfield1953Grand Rapids Chicks [24]
Esther Ann Hershey outfield1948Springfield Sallies [25]
Lillian Hickey outfield1946-1947Kenosha Comets [26]
Irene Hickson catcher1943-1951Racine Belles, Kenosha Comets [27]
Joyce Hill [2]catcher, first base, outfield1945-1952Grand Rapids Chicks, Fort Wayne Daisies, South Bend Blue Sox,
Peoria Redwings, Racine Belles


Barbara Hines n/a1951Peoria Redwings [29]
Lillian Hlavaty outfield1951Rockford Peaches [30]
Nadine Hoffman n/a1946Peoria Redwings [31]
Barbara Hoffman second base, third base1951-1952South Bend Blue Sox [32]
Alice Hohlmayer first base, pitcher1946-1951Kenosha Comets, Muskegon Lassies, Kalamazoo Lassies, Peoria Redwings [33]
Mary Holda third base, shortstop1943South Bend Blue Sox [34]
Beverly Holden n/a1951Kenosha Comets [35]
Joan Holderness outfield, shortstop1949-1951Kenosha Comets, Grand Rapids Chicks, Battle Creek Belles [36]
Margaret Holgerson [3]second base, pitcher1946-1952Rockford Peaches, Muskegon Lassies, Grand Rapids Chicks


Mabel Holle third base, outfield1943-1944Kenosha Comets, South Bend Blue Sox [38]
Marjorie Hood outfield utility1943Rockford Peaches, South Bend Blue Sox [39]
Alice Hoover second base, third base1948Fort Wayne Daisies [40]
Catherine Horstman third base, pitcher, catcher1951-1954Kenosha Comets, Fort Wayne Daisies [41]
Marion Hosbein outfield utility1954South Bend Blue Sox [42]
Dorothy Hunter first base1943-1954Grand Rapids Chicks, Racine Belles, Kenosha Comets [43]
Anna Mae Hutchison pitcher, catcher1946-1949Racine Belles, Muskegon Lassies [44]

 1 Harrell also played under her married name of Dorothy Doyle.
 2 Hill also played under her married name of Joyce Westerman.
 3 Holgerson also played under her married name of Margaret Silvestri.


Lillian Jackson outfield1943-1945Rockford Peaches, Minneapolis Millerettes, Fort Wayne Daisies


Jane Jacobs pitcher1944-1947Racine Belles, Peoria Redwings


Janet Jacobs shortstop, center field1945Racine Belles


Shirley Jameson outfield1943-1946Kenosha Comets


Janet Jamieson outfield1948South Bend Blue Sox [49]
Alice Janowskin/a1951Fort Wayne Daisies [50]
Loretta Janowskicatcher1951South Bend Blue Sox [51]
Frances Janssen pitcher1948-1952Grand Rapids Chicks, Chicago Colleens, Springfield Sallies, Fort Wayne Daisies, Peoria Redwings, Kalamazoo Lassies, Battle Creek Belles


Joan Jaykoski outfield, pitcher1951-1952Kenosha Comets, Grand Rapids Chicks


Marilyn Jenkins catcher1952-1954Grand Rapids Chicks


Christine Jewitt outfield1948-1949Kenosha Comets, Peoria Redwings


Betsy Jochum center field, right field, pitcher1943-1948South Bend Blue Sox


Donna Jogerst pitcher1952Rockford Peaches [57]
Arleene Johnson third base, shortstop1945-1948Fort Wayne Daisies, Muskegon Lassies


Esther Johnson pitcher1946n/a [59]
Doris Jones infielder, outfielder1945South Bend Blue Sox [60]
Marguerite Jones pitcher1944Minneapolis Millerettes, Rockford Peaches [61]
Marilyn Jones pitcher, catcher1948-1954Kenosha Comets, Fort Wayne Daisies, Chicago Colleens, Rockford Peaches, Battle Creek Belles, Muskegon Lassies


Daisy Junor outfield1946-1949South Bend Blue Sox, Springfield Sallies, Fort Wayne Daisies


Margaret Jurgensmeier pitcher1951Rockford Peaches [64]


Josephine Kabick pitcher1944-1947Milwaukee Chicks, Grand Rapids Chicks,
Kenosha Comets, Peoria Redwings
Dorothy Kamenshek first base1943–1951, 1953Rockford Peaches [66]
Joan Kaufman second base, third base1954Rockford Peaches [67]
Marie Kazmierczak outfield1944Kenosha Comets, Racine Belles, Milwaukee Chicks [68]
Merle Keagle outfield, third base, pitcher1944, 1946, 1948Milwaukee Chicks, Grand Rapids Chicks [69]
Rita Keller shortstop1951Kalamazoo Lassies [70]
Jacquelyn Kelley catcher, pitcher, outfield/infield utility1947-1953South Bend Blue Sox, Chicago Colleens,
Peoria Redwings, Rockford Peaches
Vivian Kellogg first base1944-1950Minneapolis Millerettes, Fort Wayne Daisies [72]
Beatrice Kemmerer catcher, shortstop1950-1951Fort Wayne Daisies, South Bend Blue Sox [73]
Lavina Keough pitcher1945-1946South Bend Blue Sox [74]
Evelyn Keppel catcher1945South Bend Blue Sox [75]
Adeline Kerrar short stop, catcher, third base1944Rockford Peaches [76]
Marguerite Kerrigan pitcher, infield/outfield utility1950-1951Rockford Peaches [77]
Irene Kerwin first base, catcher1949Peoria Redwings [78]
Helen Ketola third base1950Fort Wayne Daisies [79]
Erma Keyes outfield1951South Bend Blue Sox, Battle Creek Belles, Peoria Redwings [80]
Glenna Sue Kidd pitcher, first base1950-1954Muskegon Lassies, Peoria Redwings,
South Bend Blue Sox, Battle Creek Belles
Mary Ellen Kimball outfield, pitcher1948Racine Belles [82]
Nancy King second base, shortstop1951-1952Kenosha Comets, Rockford Peaches [83]
Audrey Kissel second base1944Minneapolis Millerettes [84]
Shirley Kleinhans pitcher1948South Bend Blue Sox [85]
Maxine Kline pitcher1948-1954Fort Wayne Daisies [86]
Dolores Klosowski first base, second base, pitcher1944-1945Milwaukee Chicks, South Bend Blue Sox [87]
Theresa Klosowski utility1948Muskegon Lassies [88]
Ruby Knezovich catcher1943-1944Racine Belles [89]
Theresa Kobuszewski pitcher1946-1947Kenosha Comets, Fort Wayne Daisies [90]
Phyllis Koehn pitcher, infield/outfield utility1943-1950Kenosha Comets, South Bend Blue Sox,
Peoria Redwings, Racine Belles,
Fort Wayne Daisies, Grand Rapids Chicks
Mary Louise Kolanko outfield1950Peoria Redwings, Springfield Sallies [92]
Helen Konalchik n/an/an/a [93]
Arlene Kotil first base1949-1951Chicago Colleens, Muskegon Lassies, South Bend Blue Sox [94]
Irene Kotowicz pitcher, outfield1945-1950Rockford Peaches, Fort Wayne Daisies, Kenosha Comets,
Chicago Colleens, Racine Belles
Dorothy Kovalchick center field, third base1945Fort Wayne Daisies [96]
Ruth Kramer pitcher, second base1948-1949Fort Wayne Daisies, Racine Belles [97]
Jaynie Krick pitcher, infield1948–1949,
South Bend Blue Sox, Peoria Redwings,
Battle Creek Belles, Grand Rapids Chicks
Marie Kruckel outfield, pitcher1946-1949South Bend Blue Sox, Fort Wayne Daisies, Muskegon Lassies [99]
Anna Kunkel outfield1950-1951South Bend Blue Sox [100]
Sophie Kurys second base1943–1950, 1952Racine Belles, Battle Creek Belles [101]


Jean Ladd pitcher, left field1951Kenosha Comets [102]
Joyce Lake n/a1953Muskegon Belles [103]
Margie Lang first base, pitcher1943South Bend Blue Sox [104]
Mary Lawson outfield1946Peoria Redwings [105]
Beverly Leachn/a1947Grand Rapids Chicks [106]
Noella Leduc pitcher, outfield1951-1954Peoria Redwings, Battle Creek Belles,
Muskegon Belles, Fort Wayne Daisies
Annabelle Lee pitcher, first base1944–1948, 1950Minneapolis Millerettes, Fort Wayne Daisies,
Peoria Redwings, Grand Rapids Chicks
Dolores Lee pitcher, infield1952-1954Rockford Peaches [109]
Laurie Ann Lee pitcher1948Racine Belles [110]
Josephine Lenard second base, outfield1944-1953Rockford Peaches, Muskegon Lassies, Peoria Redwings,
Kenosha Comets, South Bend Blue Sox
Rhoda Leonard second base, right field1946Fort Wayne Daisies [112]
Joan LeQuia third base, pitcher1953 Grand Rapids Chicks [113]
Ruth Lessing catcher1944-1949Minneapolis Millerettes, Fort Wayne Daisies,
Grand Rapids Chicks
Mary Louise Lester second base1943-1944Kenosha Comets, South Bend Blue Sox [115]
Barbara Liebrich second base1948-1954Rockford Peaches, Kenosha Comets,
Springfield Sallies, Kalamazoo Lassies
Kay Lionikas second base, outfield1948-1950Springfield Sallies, Grand Rapids Chicks Peoria Redwings [117]
Alta Little first base, pitcher1947-1948Muskegon Belles, Fort Wayne Daisies [118]
Olive Little pitcher1943, 1945-1946Rockford Peaches [119]
Claire Lobrovich outfield1947-1948Kenosha Comets, Rockford Peaches [120]
Sarah Lonetto infield/outfield utility, pitcher1947-1949Racine Belles, Muskegon Lassies [121]
Jean Lovell catcher, pitcher1948-1954Rockford Peaches, Kalamazoo Lassies, Kenosha Comets [122]
Frances Lovett pitcher1946Peoria Redwings [123]
Lillian Luckey pitcher1946South Bend Blue Sox [124]
Shirley Luhtala first base1950-1951Racine Belles, Rockford Peaches, Battle Creek Belles [125]
Betty Luna pitcher, outfield1945-1946Rockford Peaches, South Bend Blue Sox, Chicago Colleens,
Fort Wayne Daisies, Kalamazoo Lassies
Esther Lyman catcher1946South Bend Blue Sox [127]

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