Year | In Bulgarian | In English | About |
1960 | По света и у нас | In the world and in us | news |
1962 | Пътуване без паспорт | Traveling without passport | tourist |
1962 | Лека нощ, деца | Good night, kids | children's show |
1963 | Семена в браздите | Seeds in the furrows | farming |
1963 | Хората от кремиковските скели | People from Kremikovsko scaffolding | public |
1967 | Воин | Warrior | about the life in the Bulgarian army |
1968 | Панорама | View | public |
1969 | Бързи, смели, сръчни | Quick, brave, skillful | children's show |
1970 | Литературни меридиани | literary meridians | library |
1970 | Поетична тетрадка | poetry notebook | Poem |
1972 | Събота вечер, неделя обед | Saturday Night Sunday afternoon | entertainment |
1973 | 24 часа | 24 hours | politics |
1975 | ТВ седянка | TV sedianka | for the Bulgarian folklore |
1975 | Не се сърди, човече! | Do not get mad, man! | for the Bulgarian folklore |
1975 | Спорт ТОТО | Sport TOTO | gambling |
1976 | Гледища | Views | about public problems |
1977 | Светът в действие | World in Action | politics |
1977 | 100 минути на зрителя | 100 minutes per viewer | public |
1979 | Всяка неделя | Every Sunday | television blog |
1980 | Минута е много | Minute is much | game |
1981 | Днес | Today | news |
1987 | Адрес 4000 | Address 4000 | public |
1988 | Добро утро | Good morning | television blog |
1990 | Ку-ку | Ku-ku | comedy show |
1991 | Като лъвовете | Like lions | children's show |
1992 | Ах, тези муцини! | All this faces | interview |
1992 | Улицата | The street | comedy show |
1993 | Супершоу Невада | Supershow Nevada | TV game |
1993 | Частен случай | Private case | public |
1994 | Как ще ги стигнем... | How will we get them ... | show |
1994 | Риск печели, риск губи | Risk wins, risk losing | TV game |
1995 | Каналето | Canaletto | comedy show |
1995 | За животните с любов | Love for the animals | show |
1996 | Клуб НЛО | Club UFO | comedy show |
1997 | Вкусно | Tasty | cooking |
1997 | Фолкмаратон | Folkmaraton | music show |
1998 | Точно в 7 | Exactly 7 | television blog |
1998 | Хъшове | Outcasts | show |
1998 | Кръгове | Circles | culture |
1998 | Понеделник 8 1/2 | Monday 8 1/2 | cinema rubric |
1998 | 24 квадрата | 24 squares | cinema rubric |
1998 | 1002 нощи | 1002 nights | night blog |
1999 | Палавници | Little ruffians | children's show |
1999 | Спукано гърне | Leaky pot | children's show |
1999 | Кречетало | Clapper | music show |
1999 | Техно | Techno | music show |
1999 | Джубокс | Jukebox | music show |
1999 | Мрежата | The network | computer show |
1999 | Гласове | Voices | public |
1999 | Супер мотор спорт | Super sports bike | sport |
2000 | Чай | Tea | show |
2000 | Денят започва | The day begins | television blog |
2000 | Българският топ 100: Форте | Bulgarian Top 100: Forte | music show |
2000 | Ала-Бала | Ala-Bala | children's show |
2000 | Мело ТВ мания | Melo TV mania | music show |
2001 | Приказки за физиката/астрономията | Tales about physics/astronomy | scientific- popular |
2002 | Памет българска | Bulgarian memory | historical |
2002 | Полет над нощта | Flight over night | night blog |
2002 | За НАТО и България | NATO and Bulgaria | public |
2002 | По-добре късно, отколкото никога | Better late than never | show |
2002 | Елит | Elite | secular show |
2002 | Жега | Sweltering heat | youthful show |
2002 | Формула К | Formula one11 | children's show |
2002 | Парен влак | Steam train | children's show |
2002 | Всичко е химия | Everything is chemistry | children's show |
2002 | Латерна магика | Laterna magica | cinema rubric |
2002 | В кадър | In the frame | cinema rubric |
2002 | Предаване за кино | Transmission cinema | cinema rubric |
2002 | Ш-А-Ш | Y-A-Y | comedy show |
2002 | Едни от нас | One of us | show |
2003 | Руска рулетка | Russian roulette | TV game |
2003 | Залоаложи | Bet hello | TV game |
2004 | „Романи Лумиа“ Светът на Ромите | „Romani Lumina“ World of Roma people | show |
2005 | Бързо, лесно, вкусно | Fast, easy, tasty | cooking |
2007 | Шоуто на Канала | The show of the Channel | comedy show |
2007 | Иде нашенската музика | Our music is coming | music show |
2007 | Яко | Cool | children's show |
2007 | Цветно | Colorful | show business |
2007 | Куизо | Quiz | TV game |
2007 | Жените | The women | show business |
2007 | БНТ такси | BNT taxi | show |
2008 | В неделя с... | In Sunday | show |
2011 | Без багаж | No baggage | travel show |
2013 | Най-хубавите години от нашия живот | The best years of our lives | TV competition for decades |
2018 | Стани богат | Become a Millionaire | TV game |
2018 | 100% будни | 100% awake | show |
2018 | Култура.бг | | show |
2018 | Спортисимо | Sportissimo | TV game |
2019 | БНТ на 60 | BNT on 60 | show |
2020 | Моят плейлист | My playlist | music show |
2020 | Последният печели | The latter win | TV game |
2020 | Събота вечер с БНТ | Saturday night with BNT | show |
2021 | Музика безкрай | Music infinitude | music show |
2023 | Това го знам | I know that | TV game |
Year | In Bulgarian | In English | About |
2000 | Риск печели, риск губи | Risk wins, risk losing | TV game |
2000 | Хъшове | Outcasts | show |
2000 | Искрено и лично | Sincerely and personally | show |
2000 | Бизнесът идва | The business comes | public |
2000 | Сеизмограф | Seismograph | public |
2000 | БТВ Новините | bTV news | news |
2000 | В десетката | In ten | public |
2000 | Сладко отмъщение | Sweet revenge | hidden camera |
2000 | Споко | Spoko | youthful show |
2000 | Шоуто на Слави | Slavi's show | show |
2000 | Тази сутрин | This morning | television blog |
2000 | Най-смешните животни и хора на планетата | The funniest animals and humans on the planet | funny show |
2000 | Глобусът | The Globe | adventure show |
2000 | Другата България | Other Bulgaria | adventure show |
2000 | Зона спорт | Zone sport | sportscast |
2000 | БТВ репортерите | bTV reporters | public |
2000 | Иначе | An otherwise | show |
2000 | Огледала | Mirrors | fashion show |
2000 | Живот на скорост | Life on speed | automobile broadcast |
2001 | Кой е по-по-най | Who is a more the most | children's show |
2001 | Кльомба.знам | @.I know | children's show |
2001 | Бъдете здрави | Be healthy | health |
2001 | Бон Апети | Boun Apeti | cooking |
2001 | Сблъсък | A clash | show |
2002 | Море от любов | Sea of love | love show |
2002 | Треска за злато | Gold rush | TV game |
2002 | Физиотоника | Physiotonick | show |
2003 | Без думи | Without words | hidden camera |
2003 | Българският топ 100 | Bulgarian Top 100 | music show |
2004 | Изпитът | The exam | TV game |
2004 | Вот на доверие | Vote of confidence | TV game |
2004 | Бързи пари | Fast money | TV game |
2005 | 5 старс | 5 stars | music show |
2005 | Кабината | The cabin | show |
2005 | Горчиво | Bitterly | TV game |
2005 | Това е мое | This is mine | TV game |
2005 | Аламинут | Alaminut | comedy show |
2005 | Смях в залата | Laughter in the hall | comedy show |
2005 | Туистър | Twister | show |
2005 | Бригада наш дом | Brigade our home | show |
2005 | 10-те най-... | 10 at | TV chart |
2006 | Такъв е животът | That's life | documentary |
2006 | БТВ светът | bTV world | news |
2006 | Световните рекорди Гинес | Guinness World Records | TV records |
2006 | Шоурум | Showroom | automobile broadcast |
2006 | Пирамида | Pyramid | public |
2006 | Реално | Realistically | public |
2007 | Комиците и приятели | Comedians and friends | comedy show |
2007 | БТВ документите | bTV documents | public |
2007 | Часът на мама | The hour of mum | show business |
2007 | Това го знае всяко хлапе | It knows every kid | TV game |
2008 | Търси се... | Searching for... | show |
2008 | Без дрехи | Without clothes | erotic hidden camera |
2008 | Отпечатъци | Footprints | public |
2009 | Операция Слава | Operation Glory | show |
2009 | Нека говорят | Let's talk | show |
2009 | Любовни игри | Love games | TV game |
2009 | Кухнята на Звездев | The kitchen of Zvezdev | cooking |
2009 | Денят е прекрасен | The day is wonderful | show business |
2009 | Модерно | Modern | fashion show |
2009 | Непознатите | Strangers | documentary |
2009 | Господари на Ефира | Lords of the Air | funny show |
2009 | Пълна лудница | Complete madhouse | comedy show |
2010 | В джаза събота вечер | In jazz Saturday night | music show |
2010 | Тази неделя | This Sunday | television blog |
2011 | Тази събота | This Sathurday | television blog |
2011 | Преди обед | Before noon | show business |
2011 | Високи токчета | High heels | show |
2012 | Духът на здравето | Spirit of Health | health |
2012 | Предай нататък | Pay it forward | charity show |
2012 | Лице в лице | Face to face | public |
2013 | Култ | Cool...T | secular show |
2013 | Голата истина | The naked truth | show |
2013 | 120 минути | 120 minutes | show |
2013 | Нищо лично | Nothing personal | funny show |
2013 | Това е цената | This is the price | TV game |
2014 | АгроФорум | Agroforum | agricultural |
2014 | Наистина любов | Love actually | love show |
2014 | Папараци | Paparazzi | secular show |
2014 | Истински истории | Real stories | documentary reality |
2015 | Бинго милиони/Лотария България | Bingo millions/Lottery Bulgaria | TV lottery |
2015 | Мармалад | Fruit jelly | funny show |
2015 | Бездомното шоу на Башар Рахал | Homeless show of Bashar Rahal | show |
2016 | Българи на три морета | Bulgarians on three seas | tourism reality |
2016 | Мама готви по-добре | Mom cook better | TV game |
2016 | Бригада нов дом | Brigade new home | show |
2016 | Карбовски втори план | Karbovski second action plan | public |
2016 | Обичам те! Благодаря ти! Извинявай! | I love you! Thank you! Sorry! | charity show |
2016 | Ауто Мотор Шоу | Auto Motor Show | automobile broadcast |
2016 | Спорт Тото | Sport Toto | gambling |
2016 | Ловци на храна с Андре Токев | Hunters food with Andre Tokev | adventure culinary show |
2017 | Късното шоу на bTV | Late show of bTV | show |
2017 | Богатствата на България | The riches of Bulgaria | adventure documentary show |
2019 | Игрите на звездите | The games of stars | funny show |
2020 | Шоуто на Николаос Цитиридис | Nikolaos Tsitridis's show | show |
2020 | Неразказано в историята | Untold in history | documentary |
2021 | Стани богат | Become a Millionaire | TV game |
2022 | Без багаж | No baggage | travel show |
2022 | Защо, господин министър? | Why, Mr. Minister? | public |
2022 | Дъ Шоуто | The show | show |
2022 | Животът по действителен случай | Life on a real case | show |
2022 | Светът на здравето | The world of health | health |
Year | In Bulgarian | In English | About |
1994 | В сърцето на София | In the heart of Sofia | public |
1994 | Малки обяви | Small classifieds | advertising-information |
1995 | Данс дъга | Dance rainbow | dance show |
1995 | Спортувайте с нас | Exercise with us | sport show |
1995 | От игла до конец | From needle to thread | fashion show |
1995 | Кинохит | Cinemahit | cinema show |
1995 | В полите на Витоша | At the foot of Vitosha | culture |
1995 | Топ фолк | Top folk | music show |
1995 | Спортен свят | Sport world | sportscast |
1995 | Софийски приказки | Sofia fairytales | culture |
1995 | Тя | She | show |
1995 | Туристически предизвикателства | Tourism challenges | adventure show |
1995 | Кулинарна мозайка | Culinary mosaic | cooking |
1995 | Софийски потайности | Sofia's secrets | show |
1995 | Лабиринт | Labyrinth | public |
1995 | Музикален свят | Music world | music show |
1995 | Компютърни мечти | Computer dreams | computer show |
1995 | Новините на Нова | The news of Nova | news |
1996 | Любимци | Pets | show |
1996 | Сол ключ | G-clef | music show |
1996 | Как си ти | How are you | music show |
1997 | Иконостас | Ikonostas | religion |
1997 | Почна се | Began to | television blog |
2000 | На четири очи | In four eyes | public |
2000 | Шоу Такси | Show taxi | TV game |
2000 | Здравей, България | Hello, Bulgaria | television blog |
2000 | На кафе | On coffee (Na Kafe) | show business |
2000 | У нас | In our | show business |
2001 | Стани богат | Become a Millionaire | TV game |
2002 | Столът | The chair | TV game |
2002 | Семейни войни | Family Feud | TV game |
2003 | Разследване | Investigation | public |
2003 | Господари на Ефира | Lords of the Air | funny show |
2003 | Голите ангели | Naked angels | erotic |
2004 | Кречетало | Clapper | music show |
2004 | Животните представят | The animals present | show |
2004 | 60 минути с Милен Цветков | 60 minutes with Milen Tsvetkov | public |
2004 | Горещо | Hot | secular show |
2004 | Улицата | The street | comedy show |
2005 | Имаш поща | You've got mail | show |
2005 | Часът на Милен Цветков | The hour of Milen Tsvetkov | public |
2005 | Сделка или не | Deal or no deal | TV game |
2006 | Отечествен фронт | Fatherland front | public |
2007 | Един срещу всички | One against all | TV game |
2007 | Караоке в Събота вечер | Karaoke on Saturday night | music show |
2008 | Дупка в стената | Hole in the wall | funny show |
2008 | Царете на комедията | Kings of comedy | comedy show |
2009 | Пълна лудница | Complete madhouse | comedy show |
2009 | Шоуто на Иван и Андрей | Ivan and Andrey` show | TV show |
2009 | Станция Нова | Station Nova | show |
2010 | Колелото на късмета | The wheel of fortune | TV game |
2010 | Карбовски директно | Karbovski directly | show |
2010 | Съдебен спор | Litigation | court show |
2011 | Аз обичам България | I love Bulgaria | TV game |
2011 | Черешката на тортата | The cherry of the cake | show |
2011 | Бон Апети | Boun Apeti | cooking |
2012 | Всяка неделя | Every Sunday | television blog |
2012 | Национална лотария | National lottery | TV lottery |
2012 | Събуди се | Wake up | television blog |
2013 | ДикOFF | DikOFF | television blog |
2013 | На светло с Люба Кулезич | Light with Luba Kulezich | television blog |
2013 | Съдби на кръстопът | Destinies at a crossroad | documentary reality |
2014 | Ничия земя | No man's land | documentary |
2014 | Извън новините | Outside the news | show |
2014 | Кошмари в кухнята | Nightmares at the kitchen | show |
2015 | Комбина | Combine | television blog |
2016 | Между нас казано | Between you and me | show |
2019 | Неделята на Нова | Sunday of Nova | television blog |
2020 | Карай направо | Drive straight | show |
2020 | Сладко отмъщение | Sweet revenge | hidden camera |
2021 | Забраненото шоу на Рачков | Rachkov's forbidden show | TV show |
2021 | Да хванеш гората | To catch the forest | documentary |
2021 | На фокус с Лора Крумова | On focus with Lora Krumova | television blog |
2022 | Голямото преследване | The Chase | TV game |
2022 | С Рачков всичко е възможно | With Rachkov anything is possible | TV show |
Year | In Bulgarian | In English | About |
1993 | Ако зажалиш | If you are sad for | traditional old time music |
1999 | Час по България | An hour in Bulgaria | historical |
2005 | Здравословно | Healthy | health |
Year | In Bulgarian | In English | About |
2015 | Операция история | Operation history | documentary |
Year | In Bulgarian | In English | About |
2007 | Вечерното шоу на Азис | Azis` night show | TV show |
Year | In Bulgarian | In English | About |
2020 | Крум Савов Live | Krum Savov Live | talk-show with host Krum Savov |
2019 | Студио Хъ | Studio X | a daily commentary and journalistic program |
2019 | Вечерното шоу на Слави Трифонов | The evening show of Slavi Trofonov | a late-night show |
2019 | Шоуто на сценаристите | The show of the screenwriters | informational-satirical show |
2020 | Tonight с Шкмбата | Tonight with Shkumbata | humorous show with host Dimitar Tudzharov - Shkumbata |
2019 | Вечерта на Иван Кулеков | Ivan Kulekov's Evening | a journalistic program of Ivan Kulekov |
2019 | Вечерта на Ку-Ку бенд | Ku-ku Band's Evening | a music show |
2019 | Вечерта на ... | Evening of ... | Meetings with celebrities and questions from viewers |
2019 | Вечерта на Северозапада | Evening of the Northwest | a comedy show, with specific humor from the Bulgarian region Northwest |
2019 | Времето с Иван Атанасов - Ванката | Weather with Ivan Atanasov | meteorological forecast |
2021 | 4+ | 4+ | female show |
Friends is an American television sitcom created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, which aired on NBC from September 22, 1994, to May 6, 2004, lasting ten seasons. With an ensemble cast starring Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer, the show revolves around six friends in their 20s and early 30s who live in Manhattan, New York City. The original executive producers were Kevin S. Bright, Kauffman, and Crane.
James Douglas Muir Leno is an American television host, writer and comedian. After doing stand-up comedy for years, he became the host of NBC's The Tonight Show from 1992 until 2009 when Conan O'Brien took over as host. Beginning in September 2009, Leno started a primetime talk show, The Jay Leno Show, which aired weeknights at 10:00 p.m. ET, also on NBC. When O'Brien turned down NBC's offer to have Leno host a half hour monologue show before The Tonight Show to boost ratings amid reported viewership diminishing, it led to the 2010 Tonight Show conflict which resulted in Leno returning to hosting the show on March 1, 2010. He hosted his last episode of his second tenure on February 6, 2014. That year, he was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame. From 2014 to 2022, he hosted Jay Leno's Garage, and from 2021 to 2023, hosted the revival of You Bet Your Life.
A map is a symbolic depiction emphasizing relationships between elements of some space, such as objects, regions, or themes.
South Park is an American animated sitcom created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone and developed by Brian Graden for Comedy Central. The series revolves around four boys—Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny McCormick—and their exploits in and around the titular Colorado town. South Park also features many recurring characters. The series became infamous for its profanity and dark, surreal humor that satirizes a large range of subject matter.
Seinfeld is an American television sitcom created by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld. It aired on NBC from July 5, 1989, to May 14, 1998, for nine seasons consisting of 180 episodes. The show's ensemble cast stars Seinfeld as a fictionalized version of himself and focuses on his personal life with three of his friends: best friend George Costanza, former girlfriend Elaine Benes, and neighbor from across the hall, Cosmo Kramer.
The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. Developed by Groening, James L. Brooks, and Sam Simon, the series is a satirical depiction of American life, epitomized by the Simpson family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. Set in the fictional town of Springfield, it caricatures society, Western culture, television, and the human condition.
The Fox Broadcasting Company, commonly known simply as Fox and stylized in all caps, is an American commercial broadcast television network owned by the Fox Entertainment division of Fox Corporation. Headquartered at 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York City, Fox has master control operations and additional offices at the Fox Network Center in Los Angeles and the Fox Media Center in Tempe. Launched as a competitor to the Big Three television networks on October 9, 1986, the network went on to become the most successful attempt at a fourth television network. It was the highest-rated free-to-air network in the 18–49 demographic from 2004 to 2012 and 2020 to 2021, and was the most-watched American television network in total viewership during the 2007–08 season.
The Sopranos is an American crime drama television series created by David Chase. The series revolves around Tony Soprano, a New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster who struggles to balance his family life with his role as the leader of a criminal organization, which he reluctantly explores during therapy sessions with psychiatrist Jennifer Melfi. The series also features Tony's various family members, Mafia colleagues, and rivals in prominent roles—most notably his wife Carmela and his protégé and distant cousin Christopher Moltisanti.
Law & Order is an American police procedural and legal drama television series created by Dick Wolf and produced by Wolf Entertainment and Universal Television, launching the Law & Order franchise.
Family Guy is an American animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series premiered on January 31, 1999, following Super Bowl XXXIII, with the rest of the first season airing two months later, beginning on April 11, 1999. The show centers around the Griffins, a dysfunctional family consisting of parents Peter and Lois, their children, Meg, Chris, and Stewie, and their anthropomorphic pet dog, Brian. Set in the fictional city of Quahog, Rhode Island, the show exhibits much of its humor in the form of metafictional cutaway gags that often lampoon American culture.
The Daily Show (TDS) is an American late-night talk and satirical news television program. It airs each Monday through Thursday on Comedy Central with release shortly after on Paramount+ of extended episodes. The Daily Show draws its comedy and satire from recent news stories as well as political figures, media organizations, and often uses self-referential humor.
Paul Donald Wight II is an American professional wrestler and actor. He is signed to All Elite Wrestling (AEW) as an in-ring performer, and was a commentator for its web television show, AEW Dark: Elevation, under his real name of Paul Wight. He is best known for his tenure with World Championship Wrestling (WCW) from 1995 to 1999 as The Giant and his tenure with the World Wrestling Federation from 1999 to 2021 under the ring name (The) Big Show.
Saturday Night Live is an American late-night live sketch comedy variety show created by Lorne Michaels and developed by Dick Ebersol that airs on NBC and streams on Peacock. Michaels currently serves as the program's showrunner. The show's premiere was hosted by George Carlin on NBC on October 11, 1975, under the original title NBC's Saturday Night. The show's comedy sketches, which often parody contemporary American culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory and newer cast members. Each episode is hosted by a celebrity guest, who usually delivers the opening monologue and performs in sketches with the cast, with featured performances by a musical guest. An episode normally begins with a cold open sketch that was usually based on political events and ends with someone breaking character and proclaiming, "Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!", properly beginning the show.
Avatar: The Last Airbender, also known as Avatar: The Legend of Aang in some regions, or simply Avatar or The Last Airbender, is an American animated fantasy action television series created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko and produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio.
Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series focusing on the personal and professional lives of surgical interns, residents, and attendings at the fictional Seattle Grace Hospital, later named the Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. The series premiered on March 27, 2005, on ABC as a mid-season replacement. The show's title is an allusion to Gray's Anatomy, a classic human anatomy textbook. Writer Shonda Rhimes developed the pilot and served as showrunner, head writer, and executive producer until stepping down in 2015. Set in Seattle, Washington, the series is filmed primarily in Los Angeles, California, and Vancouver, British Columbia.
The Office is an American mockumentary sitcom television series that depicts the everyday work lives of office employees at the Scranton, Pennsylvania, branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. It aired on NBC from March 24, 2005, to May 16, 2013, spanning nine seasons. Based on the 2001–2003 BBC series of the same name created by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, it was adapted for American television by Greg Daniels, a veteran writer for Saturday Night Live, King of the Hill, and The Simpsons. It was co-produced by Daniels' Deedle-Dee Productions and Reveille Productions, in association with Universal Television. The original executive producers were Daniels, Gervais, Merchant, Howard Klein and Ben Silverman, with numerous others being promoted in later seasons.
Breaking Bad is an American crime drama television series created and produced by Vince Gilligan for AMC. Set and filmed in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the series follows Walter White, an underpaid, dispirited high-school chemistry teacher struggling with a recent diagnosis of stage-three lung cancer. White turns to a life of crime and partners with a former student, Jesse Pinkman, to produce and distribute methamphetamine to secure his family's financial future before he dies, while navigating the dangers of the criminal underworld. Breaking Bad premiered on AMC on January 20, 2008, and concluded on September 29, 2013, after five seasons consisting of 62 episodes.
Oprah Gail Winfrey, also known mononymously as Oprah, is an American talk show host, television producer, actress, author, and media proprietor. She is best known for her talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, broadcast from Chicago, which ran in national syndication for 25 years, from 1986 to 2011. Dubbed the "Queen of All Media", she was the richest African-American of the 20th century and was once the world's only black billionaire. By 2007, she was often ranked as the most influential woman in the world.
Modern Family is an American sitcom television series, created by Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan for ABC. It ran for 11 seasons, from September 23, 2009, to April 8, 2020. The show follows the lives of three diverse family set-ups living in suburban Los Angeles, who are interrelated through their patriarch, Jay Pritchett.
Bigg Boss is an Indian reality show franchise based on the Dutch reality show Big Brother. It is produced by Endemol Shine India through Viacom18 and Disney Star Networks. Subsequently, the various versions of the show are made internationally available through the OTT platforms Voot, JioCinema, and Disney+ Hotstar with 24/7 Live Stream.