Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples cac- , kak- [1] bad Greek κακός (kakós ), κάκιστος (kákistos ) cachexia , cacistocracy, cacodemon , cacoepy , cacography , cacophobia , cacophobe, cacophobic, cacophonous, cacophony , cacorrhacitis, kakistocracy , kakistocrat cad- , -cid- , cas- fall Latin cadere , casus accidence , accident , accidental, cadaver , cadaverine , cadaverous, cadence , cadency , cadent, cadential, cadenza , caducity , caducous , cascade, case , casual, casualty, casuistry , chance, cheat, chute, coincide, coincidence, coincident, coincidental, decadence , decadent, decay, decidua , decidual , deciduate, deciduation, deciduous, demicadence, escheat , escheatable, escheatage, escheatment, escheator, incidence, incident, incidental, nonaccidental, nondeciduous, nonincidental, parachute, postaccident, procidentia , recidivous, semelincident caed- , -cid- , caes- , -cis- cut, kill Latin caedere , caesus caespitose , caesura , cement , cementation , cementitious , cementum , cespitose , chisel , circumcise, circumcision , concise, concision , decidability , decidable, decide, decision, decisive, deciso , excide, excise, excision, excisional, fungicide germicide , genocide , herbicide homicide, imprecise, imprecision, incise, incision, incisive, incisor , incisory, incisure, indecision, indecisive, occision, pesticide , précis, precise, precision, scissors , semidecidable, succise, succision , suicide cal- , call- beautiful Greek καλός (kalós ) "beautiful"; κάλλος (kállos ) "beauty", κάλλιστος (kállistos ) calisthenics , calligraphy , Callista, Callisto, calophyllous, kaleidoscope cal- call Latin calare calendar, claim, class, conciliate, conciliatory, council, intercalate, nomenclature cal- heat Latin calere , calor "heat" caldarium , caldera , calefacient, calefaction , calefactive, calefactory , calenture , calescent, calid, calor, calore , caloric, calorie , calorifacient, calorific, calorigenic, calorimeter , caudle , cauldron, chafe, chafery , chalder , chaldron , chaud-froid , chauffer, chauffeur , chauffeuse, decalescence, decalescent, nonchalance, nonchalant, recalescence , scald calc- calcium, stone Latin and Greek from Latin calx (genitive calcis ) "lime", from Greek χάλιξ (khálix ) "pebble", "limestone" calcite , calcitrant, calcium , calculate, calculus , chalicothere , chalk , recalcitrant calv- , calum- trick, lie, deceive Latin calumnia "slander, trickery", from calvi "to trick, deceive"calumnious, calumny , cavil, challenge calyp- [2] cover Greek καλύπτειν (kalúptein ), καλυπτός (kaluptós ), κάλυξ, κάλυκος (kálux, kálukos ) apocalypse , apocalyptic, apocalypticism , calyce , calyptra , Calyptrogyne , calyx, epicalyx , eucalypt , eucalyptus cameria- vault Latin camera antechamber , bicameral , camaraderie, camber , camera , chamber, chamberlain , comrade, concamerate, concameration, multicamera , tricameral , unicameral camiso- shirt Latin camisia camisade, camisado , Camisard , camisole , chemise camp- field Latin campus "field", "level ground"camp, campaign, campesino, campestral, campicolous, campimetry, campo, campsite , campus , champertous, champerty , champignon , champion , decamp, decampment, encamp, encampment can- dog Latin canis canaille, canary, canicular, canicule , canid, canine , Canis , Canis Major , postcanine can- reed, rod Greek κάννα (kánna ), κανών (kanṓn )cane, canister, canon, canonic can- , -cin- , cant- , -cent- sing Latin canere , cantus accent , accentual , accentuate, accentuation , canción , canorous, cant, cantabile , cantata , cantation, cantatory, cantatrice, canticle , canticum, cantiga , cantilena , cantillate, cantillation , cantion, canto , cantor , cantus , canzona , canzone , Carmen, chanson , chansonnier , chant , chanteur, chanteuse, chanticleer, charm, concent, descant , discant , discantus , disenchant, disenchantment , disencharm, disincentive , enchant, enchantment, enchantress, incantation , incantational, incentive , plainchant , precentor , recant, recantation , succentor , vaticinate, vaticination, vaticinator cand- , cend- glowing, iridescent Latin candere "to be white or glisten" candela , candid, candidate, candle, candor, incandescent , incendiary, incense cap- , -cip- , capt- , -cept- hold, take Latin capere , captus "take or hold" (vowel changes from a to i in compounds)capable, capacious, captive, caption, captivate, capture, conception, except, forceps , incipient, intercept, recipient capit- , -cipit- head Latin caput , capitis achievable, achieve, achievement, ancipital, ancipitous, biceps , bicipital, cabotage , cad , caddie , cadet , cape , capital, capitular, capitulate, capitulation , captain, chapter , chaptrel, chattel, chef , chief, chieftain , co-captain, co-captaincy, decapitate, decapitation , occipital, occiput , precipitation , precipitous, quadriceps , recap, recapitulate, sincipital, sinciput , sous-chef , subcaptain, triceps , tricipital, unicipital, vice-captain, vice-captaincy capn- [3] smoke Greek καπνός (kapnós ), καπνόομαι capnogram , capnograph, capnography , capnolagnia , capnomancy , capnometer , capnometry, capnomor , capnophile , hypercapnia , hypocapnia capr- goat Latin caper (genitive capri ) "goat", also capreolus "wild goat"cab, caper , caprice, Capricorn , caprine caps- box, case Latin capsa capsule carbon- coal Latin carbo , carbonis bicarbonate , carbon , carbonara , carbonate , carbonation , Carboniferous , carbuncle , radiocarbon carcer- jail Latin carcer , carcerare , cancelli chancel , chancellery, chancellor , chancery , incarcerate, incarceration , subchancel carcin- cancer (disease) Latin from Greek Latin from Greek καρκίνος (karkínos ) "crab" carcinogenic , carcinoma cardi- [4] heart Greek καρδιά (kardiá )cardiac, cardialgia , cardiograph, cardioid , cardiologist, cardiology , cardiomegaly , cardiomyopathy , cardioplegia , cardioplegic, cardiospasm , electrocardiogram, electrocardiography , endocardium , epicardium , hemicardia, myocardium , neurocardiology , pericardium cardin- hinge Latin cardo , cardinis cardinal, cardinality, kern carn- flesh Latin caro , carnis carnage , carnal , carnality, carnary, carnate, carnation, carneous, carnival, carnivore , carnose, carnosity , carrion , caruncle, carunculate, charcuterie , charnel, discarnate, incarnadine, incarnate, incarnation , reincarnate, reincarnation carp- [5] fruit Greek καρπός (karpós )acarpous, acrocarpous , amphicarpous , angiocarpous, anisocarpic, Carpo , carpogonium , carpology , carpophagous, carpophore, carpospore , cystocarp , dipterocarp , endocarp , epicarp , exocarp , Karpos , mericarp , mesocarp , monocarpic , pericarp , polycarpic , procarp, pseudocarp carp- [6] wrist Greek καρπός (karpós ) carpal , carpal tunnel syndrome , carpus , metacarpus cast- pure, cut Latin castrare and castus , from kes- (to cut) caste , castigate , castrate, chaste, chastity , incest cata- , cat- down, against, back Greek κατά (katá ) "down, against, back" catabolic , catacomb , catalyst , catarrhine, catastrophe, catatonia , cathode , cation caten- chain Latin catena catenary , concatenation cathar- [7] pure Greek καθαρός (katharós ) catharsis , cathartic caud- tail Latin cauda caudal, coda caus- , -cus- cause or motive Latin causa accuse, because, causal, causative , cause, excuse caust- , caut- burn Greek καίειν (kaíein ), καυστός, καυτός (kaustós, kautós ), καυστικός (kaustikós ), καῦσις (kaûsis ), καῦμα (kaûma )calm, catacaustic , causalgia , causalgic, caustic, cauter, cauterize, cautery , diacaustic, encaustic , holocaust, hypocaust cav- hollow Latin cavus cave , cavity, excavation, cavern, cavernous, concave ced- , cess- move, yield, go, surrender Latin cedere , cessus accede, cede , concede, precede, procedure, proceed, procession, recede, secede, succeed, success cel- hide Latin celare "to hide"ceiling, clandestine, conceal, occult celer- quick Latin celer , celerare acceleration , celerity cen- , caen- [8] new Greek καινός (kainós ) caenogastropod , caenogenesis , Cenozoic cen- empty Greek κενός (kenós ) cenotaph , kenosis cen- , coen- [9] common Greek κοινός (koinós ) cenobite , coenesthesia , coenocyte , epicene , epicœne, koinonos , koinophilia cens- to assess Latin censere censure, census cent- hundred Latin centum cent , centennial , centurion , percent, century centen- hundred each Latin centeni centenarian , centenary centesim- hundredth Latin centesimus centesimal , centesimation centr- center Greek κεντεῖν , κέντησις , κέντρον (kéntron ) "needle", "spur", κεντρικός, κεντρισμόςacentric, acrocentric, amniocentesis , anthropocentric, anthropocentrism , barycenter , biocentric , biocentrism , centaur , centauromachy , centesis , centre , centric, centrism, centrist, centroid , centromere , centromeric , centrosphere, centrosymmetric , centrosymmetry , centrum, eccentric, eccentrism , eccentrist , ecocentric , ecocentrism , ecocentrist, egocentric , egocentrism , enterocentesis, epicentre , holocentric , metacentric, monocentric , neocentromere , orthocenter , orthocentric, paracentesis , pericardiocentesis , technocentric, technocentrism , telocentric , thoracentesis , thoracocentesis centri- center Latin centrum central, center, concentrate, concentric, centrifugal, centripetal cephal- head Greek κεφαλή (kephalḗ )acephalic, acephaly , anencephaly , autocephaly , brachiocephalic, brachycephalic , cephalic , cephalomancy , cephalometry , cephalon, cephalopagus, cephalopod , diencephalon , dolichocephalic , encephalitis , encephalogram , encephalopathy , holoprosencephaly , hydrocephalus , macrocephaly , mesaticephalic , mesencephalic , mesocephalic , metencephalon , microcephaly , myelencephalon , neencephalon, paleencephalon , prosencephalon , rhombencephalon , rhombencephalosynapsis , syncephalus, telencephalon ceram- clay Greek κέραμος (kéramos ) ceramic cerat- horn Greek κέρας (kéras ), κέρατος (kératos ) keratin , triceratops cern- , cer- sift Latin cernere "to sift, separate"ascertain, certain, concern, concert, decree, discern, excrement, secern, secret cervic- relating to the neck, relating to the cervix Latin cervix , cervicis "neck" cervix , cervical ceter- other Latin ceterus et cetera chaet- [10] hair, bristle , or seta Greek χαίτη (khaítē ) "long hair" chaetophobia , chaetophorous, Chaetomium , Chaetomorpha , Oligochaeta , Polychaeta , polychaete , spirochaete , spirochete chir- [11] of the hand or hands Greek χείρ (kheír ) "hand"chiral, chiropractic , chiroptera , chirurgy , enchiridion , Haplocheirus chelon- relating to a turtle Greek χελώνη (khelṓnē ) "tortoise" Archelon , chelonia chlor- [12] green Greek χλωρός (khlōrós ) chloranthy , chlorine , chlorophobia , chlorophyll , chloroplast , pyrochlore chondr- cartilage Greek χόνδρος (khóndros ) hypochondriasis , osteochondritis chore- relating to dance Greek χορεία (khoreía ) "dancing in unison" from χορός (khorós ) "chorus" chorea , choree , choreia , choreography , chorus, hemichorea chord- [13] cord Latin and Greek chorda "rope" from χορδή (khordḗ ) chordata , cord, hexachord , monochord , polychord , tetrachord chres- use Greek χράω , χρῆσθαι (khrêsthai ), χρηστός (khrēstós ), χρήστης, χρῆσις (khrêsis ), χρήσιμοςchresard, chresonym , chrestomathic, chrestomathy , heterochresonym , heterochresonymy, orthochresonym , orthochresonymy chro- , chrom- color Greek χρῶμα (khrôma ) achromat , achromatic, achromatism , achromatopsia , achromatopsic , amphichroic , apochromat , auxochrome , chroma, chromatic, chromatid , chromatophore , chrome, chromium , chromogen , chromolithography , chromophobia , chromophore , chromosome , dichroic, dichroism , dichromatic, heliochrome , heterochromatic, heterochromatin , microchromosome , monochromatic, monochrome , photochromism , pleochroism , polychromatic, polychrome , trichroism, trichromatic, trichromic chron- [14] time Greek χρόνος (khrónos ) anachronism , asynchronous , biochronology , chronaxie , chronic , chronicle, chronogram , chronograph , chronology , chronometer , chronometry , chronophobia , chronophotography , chronostasis , geochronology , heterochrony , hydrochronometer , isochron , protochronism , synchronic, synchronism, synchronize, synchronous, tautochrone chrys- [15] gold Greek χρυσός (khrusós ), χρύσεος "golden" chrysalis , chryselephantine , chrysolite , chrysophobia , chrysoprase cili- eyelash Latin cilium cilia, supercilious ciner- ash Latin cinis , cineris incineration cing- , cinct- gird Latin cingere , cinctus succinct circ- circle, ring Latin circulus , circus circle, circular, circulate, circus circum- around Latin circum circumcise , circumference , circumlocution , circumnavigate, circumscribe cirr- [16] orange Greek κιρρός (kirrhós ) cirrhosis cirr- curl, tentacle Latin cirrus cirrus cis- on this side of, on the side nearer to the speaker (as opposed to trans-) Latin cis cisalpine, cisandine, cisatlantic, cisgangetic, cisgender, cisjurane, cisleithan, cislunar, cismontane, cispadane, cispontine, cisrhenane cit- call, start Latin citare , frequentative of ciere citation, cite, excite, incite, solicit, solicitous civ- citizen Latin civis civic, civil, civilian, civility, civilization clad- [17] branch Greek κλάδος (kládos ) clade , cladistics , cladogenesis , cladogram , heterocladic clam- cry out Latin clamare acclaim, claim, clamor, exclamation, proclamation, reclamation clar- clear Latin clarus , clarare clarity, clear, declaration clast- broken Greek κλᾶν, κλαστός (klastós ), κλάσις, κλάσμα anorthoclase , antanaclasis , clastic , iconoclast , orthoclase , osteoclast , plagioclase , pyroclastic , synclastic claud- , -clud- , claus- , -clus- close, shut Latin claudere , clausus clause, claustrophobia, conclude, exclude, exclusive, include, occlusion, occult, recluse, seclude clav- key Greek κλείς (kleís ) "key" from κλείειν , (kleíein ) "to close" clavichord , clavicle , conclave cleist- closed Greek κλείειν, κλειστός (kleistós ), κλεῖσμα cleistogamy , cleistothecium , enterocleisis, kleisma cleithr- bar, key Greek κλεῖθρον (kleîthron ) Clathrus , cleithrophobia, cleithrum cle- [18] call Greek ἐκκλησίᾱ , κλῆσις , κλητός (ekklēsíā, klêsis, klētós ) ecclesia , Ecclesiastes , ecclesiastic , ecclesiology , ecclesiophobia, epiclesis , paraclete clin- bed Greek κλίνη (klínē )clinic clin- lean, recline Latin -clinare decline, declination , incline, inclination, recline cochl- [19] snail, spiral shell Greek κόχλος (kókhlos ) cochlea coel- hollow Greek κοῖλος (koîlos ) blastocoel , coelom , coelomate , coelomic , enterocoely , pseudocoelomate , sarcocele, schizocoelomate, schizocoely , spongocoel col- strain Latin colare , cōlum colander , coulee , coulis , coulisse , couloir , cullender, cullis, percolate, percolation , percolator, piña colada , portcullis col- , cult- cultivate, till, inhabit Latin colere , cultus acculturate, acculturation , agriculture , apiculture , bicultural , colonial, colony, countercultural, counterculture , cult, cultivable, cultivate, cultivation, cultivator , cultural, culturati, culture, deculturate, deculturation, incult, inculturation , inquiline , inquilinity, inquilinous, intercultural, multicultural , postcolonial, precolonial, subcultural, subculture coll- hill Latin collis colliculus coll- neck Latin collum accolade, col , collar , decollate, decollation , décolletage , encollar color- color Latin color bicolor, Colorado , coloration, coloratura , concolorous , decolor, discolor, discoloration, encolor, multicolor, quadricolor, recolor, tricolor, unicolor, versicolor com- friendly, kind Latin cōmis "courteous, kind" comity con- , co- , col- , com- , cor- [20] with, together Latin cum coagulate , collide, compress, connect, connote , contain, contribute, consult, constitution, corrode, quondam con- [21] cone Greek κῶνος (kônos ), κωνικός (kōnikós ) conic , conical, conicoid , conodont , conoid , conoscope , orthocone , orthoconic , polyconic condi- season Latin condire condiment contra- against Latin contra contraband, contraception , contradict, contraindicate , contrast , contravene copi- plenty Latin copia copious, copy, cornucopia copr- [22] dung Greek κόπρος (kópros )copremia, coprographia , coprolagnia , coprolalia , coprolite , coprolith, coprology , coprophagia , coprophagy, coprophilia , copropraxia , encopresis , encopretic copul- bond Latin copula "that which binds" copula , copulation , couple cor- , cord- heart Latin cor , cordis accord, accordance, accordant, accordatura , concord, concordance , concordant, concordat , corcle, cordate, cordial, cordiality, cordiform, core, courage, courageous, discord, discordance , discordant, discourage, discouragement, encourage, encouragement, misericord , nonaccordant, obcordate, record, scordatura corac- [23] raven Greek κόραξ, κόρακος (kórax, kórakos ) coracoid cori- hide, leather Latin corium , corii coriaceous, corious, corium , cuirass , cuirassier , cuirie, excoriate, excoriation corn- horn Latin cornū bicorn , bicorne , Capricorn , cornea , corneal , corneous , corner, cornicle , corniculate, corniferous, cornification , corniform, cornucopia , quadricorn , quadricornous, tricorn, tricorne , tricornigerous, tricornute, unicorn , unicornous coron- crown Latin corona , coronare corona , coronation , coronavirus , coroner , coronet , coroniform, Coronilla , crown, incoronate corpor- body Latin corpus , corporis accorporate, bicorporal, concorporate, concorporation, corporal , corporality, corporate, corporation , corporative, corporature, corporeal, corporeality, corporeity, corps, corpse, corpulence , corpulent, corpus, corpuscle, corpuscular, disincorporate, disincorporation, extracorporeal , incorporal, incorporality, incorporate, incorporation, incorporeal, incorporeality , incorporeity, tricorporal cortic- bark Latin cortex , corticis cortex , cortical , corticate, corticiform, corticifugal, corticipetal, decorticate, decortication , decorticator cosm- [24] universe Greek κόσμος (kósmos )cosmic, cosmogeny, cosmogony , cosmology, cosmonaut , cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, cosmos, microcosm cosmet- the art of dress and ornament Greek κοσμεῖν (kosmeîn ), κοσμητική (kosmētikḗ ) from κόσμος (kósmos ) cosmesis , cosmetics , cosmetologist, cosmetology cost- rib Latin costa accost, bicostate, coast , coastal, costa, costal, costate, curvicostate, entrecôte , infracostal, intercostal, intracoastal, multicostate, quadricostate, supracostal, tricostate, unicostate cotyl- [25] cup Greek κοτύλη (kotúlē ) cotyledon , dicotyledon , dicotyledonous , eudicotyledon , monocotyledon , monocotyledonous , tricotyledonous -cracy , -crat government, rule, authority Greek κράτος (krátos ), κρατία (kratía ) acrasia , akrasia , akratic, anocracy , aristocracy , autocracy , autocrat, autocratic, bureaucracy , democracy , democratic, pancratium , plutocracy , technocracy , technocrat , theocracy crani- [26] skull Greek κρανίον (kraníon ) craniologist , craniometry , craniosynostosis , cranium, hemicrania , megrim , migraine crass- thick Latin crassus crass, crassitude, crassulaceous crea- make Latin creare , creatus creation , creative, creator, creature , creole , procreation , recreation cred- believe, trust Latin credere , creditus accreditation , credence, credentials, credibility, credible, credit, creditor, credo, credulity , credulous, creed , discredit, incredible, incredulous, miscreant, recreant crepid- [27] boot , shoe Greek κρηπίς, κρηπίδος (krēpís, krēpídos ), κρηπίδιον, κρηπίδωμα crepidoma cresc- grow, rise Latin crescere accresce, accrescence, accrescent, accrete, accretion, accrue, concrete, crescendo , crescent , crew, decrease, increase, recruit, recruitment, surcrew cribr- sieve Latin cribrum , cribrare cribble, cribellate, cribellum , cribrate, cribriform, garble cric- [28] ring Greek κρίκος (kríkos ), κρικοειδής (krikoeidḗs )cricoid, cricoidectomy , Cricosaurus , cricothyroid, cricothyrotomy , cricotomy crisp- curled Latin crispus crape , crepe, crêpe , crisp, crispate, crispation crist- crest Latin crista crease, crest, cristate crit- , crisi- [29] judge , separate Greek κρίνειν (krínein ), κρίσις (krísis ), κρίμα (kríma ) apocrine , crisis , criterion, critic , critical, criticaster, criticise, criticism , critique, diacritic , eccrine , eccrinology , eccrisis , eccritic, endocrine , endocrinology , exocrine, heterocrine , holocrine , hypercriticism , hypocrisy , hypocrite , kritarchy , Kritosaurus , merocrine , syncrisis cross- [30] fringe , tassel Greek κροσσός (krossós ) crossopterygii cruc- cross Latin crux , crucis cross, crucial, cruciate , crucifer , cruciferous , crucifix , crucifixion , cruciform , crucify, crucigerous, cruise, crusade , cruzeiro , discruciate, excruciate, intercross, recross crur- leg, shank Latin crus , cruris bicrural, crural, crus, equicrural cry- cold Greek κρύος (krúos ) cryoablation , cryo-adsorption , cryobacterium , cryobiology , cryobot , cryochemistry , cryoelectronics , cryogenics , cryomicroscopy , cryoneurolysis , cryonics , cryopreservation , cryoprotectant , cryosphere , cryosurgery , cryotherapy , cryovolcano -cry wail, shriek Latin critare , from quiritare cry, decry, descry crypt- [31] hide, hidden Greek κρύπτειν (krúptein ) "to hide", κρυπτός (kruptós ) apocrypha , apocryphal, archaeocryptography , crypt , cryptanalysis , crypteia , cryptic, cryptobiosis , cryptobiotic, cryptochrome , cryptogam , cryptogenic, cryptography , cryptology, cryptomonad , cryptophyte, cryptosystem , grot, grotesque, grotto cten- [32] comb Greek κτείς , κτενός (kteís, ktenós ) ctenidium , ctenoid , ctenophore cub- [33] cube Greek κύβος (kúbos )cubic, cuboctahedron , cuboid , hemicube , hypercube cub- lie Latin cubare incubation , succuba culin- kitchen Latin culīna culinarian , culinary, kiln culp- blame , fault Latin culpa culpability , culpable, culprit , exculpate, exculpatory , inculpable, inculpate, inculpatory , mea culpa cune- wedge Latin cuneus coign, coigne, coin , cuneate, cuneiform , cuneus , encoignure , obcuneate, precuneus , quoin , sconcheon, scuncheon cur- care for Latin cūra , curare accuracy , accurate, assecure, assurance, assure, curability, curable, curacy , curate , curative, curator , cure , curettage , curette , curio, curiosity , curious , ensure, inaccuracy, inaccurate, incurable, insecure, insecurity, insurability, insurable, insurance, insure, manicure, pedicure, pococurante, proctor , proctour, proctorage, proctorial, procurable, procuracy, procuration , procurator, procure, procurement , proxy, reassurance, reassure, reinsurance , reinsure, scour, scourage , secure, security , sinecural, sinecure , sure, surety curr- , curs- run, course Latin currere , cursus concur, concurrent, corridor, courier, course, currency, current, cursive, cursor, cursory, discourse, excursion, incur, occur, recur, recursion , recursive, succor curv- bent Latin curvus "crooked, curved", from curvare "to bend"cavort, curb , curvaceous, curvate, curvation, curvature , curve, curviform, curvilinear, curvity, incurvate, incurvature, incurve, recurvate, recurve, recurvous cuspid- lance , point Latin cuspis , cuspidis bicuspid , bicuspidate , cusp , quadricuspid , tricuspid cut- hide, skin Latin cutis cutaneous , cuticle , cuticolor, cuticular, cutin , cutis, cutisector, intracutaneous, subcutaneous cyan- [34] blue Greek κυανός (kuanós ) anthocyanin , cyanic, cyanide , cyanogen , cyanophobia , cyanophore , cyanosis , cyanotic, isocyanic cycl- [35] circle Greek κύκλος (kúklos ), κυκλικός (kuklikós )acyclic, anticyclone , anticyclonic, bicycle, cycle, cyclic, cyclide , cycloid , cyclone , cyclops , cyclosis , cyclotomic, dicyclic , eccyclema , epicycle , epicycloid , hemicycle , hemicyclium, heterocyclic , homocyclic , hypercycle , hypocycloid , isocyclic, mesocyclone , monocyclic, polycyclic, pseudocyclosis, tetracyclic , tricycle , tricyclic, unicycle cylind- [36] roll Greek κυλίνδειν (kulíndein ), κύλινδρος (kúlindros ) cylinder , cylindric, cylindroid, cylindroma , pseudocylindric cyn- [37] dog Greek κύων, κυνός (kúōn, kunós )cynic, cynicism, cynodont , cynology , cynophagy , cynophilia , cynophobia , Cynosaurus , cynosure, eucynodont cyst- [38] capsule Greek κύστις (kústis ) cysteine , cystic, cysticercus , cystine , cystolith , cystoma, oocyst , polycystic cyt- [39] cell Greek κύτος (kútos ) astrocyte , cnidocyte , cytapheresis , cytaster, cytokine , cytokinesis , cytokinin , cytology , cytoplasm , cytostasis , cytostatic, exocytosis , gonocyte , hypercytosis, leukocyte , leukocytosis , monocyte , monocytopoiesis , pancytopenia , phagocytosis , polycythaemia, polycythemia , syncytium