List of Greek and Latin roots in English/P

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Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


RootMeaning in EnglishOrigin languageEtymology (root origin)English examples
pac-peaceLatin pax , pacisappease, Pacific, pacify, pay
pach- [1] thickGreek παχύς (pakhús), πάχος, πάχεος (pákhos, pákheos) pachydermata, pachyglossia, pachynsis, Pachypodium
pact-fastenLatin pangere "to fix, fasten"compact, impact, impaction, impinge, page, propagate
pact-agreementLatinpacisci "to covenant, to agree, make a treaty"pact
pae- [2] strikeGreek παίειν (paíein), (paistos) anapaest, anapaestic, anapest, anapestic
paed-, ped- [3] childGreek παῖς, παιδός (paîs, paidós), παιδικός (paidikós) orthopedic, paediatric, paedogenesis, paedomorphism, page, pedagogue, pedagogy, pedant, pedantic, pediatric, pedodontics, pedophilia
pagin-pageLatin pagina pagination
pal-stakeLatin palus impale, impalement, pale, palisade, pole, travail, travel
palae-, pale- [4] ancient, oldGreek παλαιός (palaiós) paleo diet, paleobiology, paleobotanic, Paleocene, Paleogene, Paleolithic, paleology, paleomagnetism, paleontology, paleopolyploidy, paleopsychology, Paleozoic
palin-, palim- [5] backGreek πάλιν (pálin) palimpsest, palindrome, palingenesis, palinspastic
pall-be paleLatin pallere pallid, pallor
palli-cloakLatin palliare "to cover, cloak", from pallium "cloak"pall, palliate, palliative, pallium
palm-palmLatin palma palmate
palp-touchLatin palpare palp, palpable, palpate, palpation, palpitant, palpitation
palustr-in marshesLatin paluster palustral
pan- Pan Greekπάειν, Πάν (Pán), Πανικός (Panikós)panic
pan-, pam- [6] allGreek πᾶς , παντός (pantós), πᾶν (pân), πασῶν, παντότης, πάντοθενdiapason, panacea, pandemic, pandemonium, panoply, panoptic, pantology, parrhesia
pan- bread Latin pānis accompaniment, accompany, appanage, companion, company, empanada, impanate, impanation, panelle, panetela, panetella, panettone, panivorous, pannier, pantry
pand-, pans-spreadLatin pandere , pansus/ passus compass, dispand, dispansion, encompass, encompassment, expand, expanse, expansion, expansive, expansivity, impassable, impasse, pace, pandiculate, pandiculation, passus, repand, spawn, subrepand
par-, para- [7] beside, nearGreek παρά (pará) parable, parabola, parallel, parallelepiped, parameter, parapagus, paradox, parody
par-equalLatin par compare, disparage, par, parity, peer, subpar
par-order, prepare, provide, procureLatin parare apparat, apparatus, co-emperor, comprador, disparate, disrepair, dissever, disseverance, emperor, empery, empire, empress, imperant, imperative, imperator, imperious, inseparable, irreparable, parade, pare, parison, parry, parure, preparation, preparative, preparatory, prepare, repair, reparable, reparation, reparative, separability, separable, separate, separation, separative, separator, separatory, separatrix, sever, severability, severable, several, severance, vituperate
parc-, pars-spare, saveLatin parcere , parsus parcity, parsimonious, parsimony
pariet-wallLatin paries , parietisparietal
part-partLatin pars , partis apart, bipartite , compartment, depart, impartial, parcel, part, partial, participate, particle, partisan, partition
parthen- [8] virginGreek παρθένος (parthénos) parthenocarpy, parthenogenesis, Parthenon, Parthenope
parv-littleLatin parvus parvovirus, parvorder
pasc-, past-feedLatin pāscere , pāstus antepast , antipasto, pabulum, pastel, pastern, pastiglia, pastille, pastor, pastorage, pastoral, pastorale, pastorate, pastorium, pasturable, pasturage, pastural, pasture, repast, repasture
pass- [9] sprinkleGreek πάσσειν (pássein), παστός (pastós)paste
pass-pace, stepLatin passus
passer-sparrowLatin passer passeriform, passerine
pat- [10] pathGreek πάτος (pátos), πατεῖν (pateîn), πατητός, πατητής, πατητήριονperipatetic, peripateticism
pat-be openLatin patere impatent, patefaction, patella, patellar, patelliform, paten, patency, patent, patera, patin
path- [11] feeling, diseaseGreek πάσχειν (páskhein), παθητικός (pathētikós), πάθος (páthos)allopath, allopathy, antipathy, apathetic, apathy, empathy, etiopathogenesis, homeopathic, homeopathy, idiopathic, pathetic, pathoclisis, pathogen, pathogenesis, pathogenic, pathologist, pathology, pathos, psychopath, psychopathic, psychopathy, sympathectomy, sympathetic, sympathy
pater-, patr- [12] father Greek πατήρ, πατρός (patḗr, patrós), πατριά (patriá), πατριώτης (patriṓtēs) allopatric, allopatry, eupatrides, patriarch, patriarchy, patriot, patriotic, patriotism, patrology, patronym, patronymic, sympatric, sympatry
pater-, patr-fatherLatin pater (genitive patris) compadre, compaternity, compère, impetrate, impetration, impetrative, impetrator, Jupiter, padre, padrone, paterfamilias, paternal, paternity, paternoster, patriate, patriation, Patricia, patrician, patriciate, patricidal, patricide, Patrick, patriclinous, patricliny, patrifocal, patrilateral, patrilineage, patrilineal, patrilineality, patrilinear, patrilocal, patrilocality, patrimonial, patrimony, patron, patronage, patronal, patronate, patroness, patroon, patter, pattern, père, perpetrable, perpetrate, perpetration, perpetrator, repatriate, repatriation
pati-, pass-suffer, feel, endure, permitLatin pati , passuscompassion, compassionate, compatibility, compatible, dispassion, dispassionate, impassible, impassion, impassive, impassivity, impatible, impatience, impatient, incompatibility, incompatible, interpatient, noncompatible, nonpassible, passibility, passible, passion, passional, passionary, passionate, passive, passivity, patible, patience, patient, patientive, perpession
pauc-fewLatin paucus paucal, pauciloquent, paucity
pav-beatLatin pavire pavage, pave, pavement, pavior
pecc-sinLatin peccatum "sin, fault, error", from peccare "to miss, mistake"impeccable, peccadillo, peccant, peccavi
pect- fixedGreek πηκτός (pēktós)pectic, pectin
pector-chestLatin pectus , pectorispectoral, expectorate
pecu-propertyLatin pecunia "property", from pecu "cattle"peculiar, pecuniary, pecunious
ped- foot Latin pes , pedis biped, bipedal, centipedal, centipede, decempedal, expediency, expedient, expeditate, expedite, expedition, expeditionary, expeditious, impeach, impeachable, impeachment, impede, impediment, impedition, impeditive, inexpedient, interpetiolar, intrapetiolar, millipede, multiped, multipede, octopede, oppidum, pawn, pedal, pedate, pedatifid, pedestal, pedestrian, pedicel, pedicle, pedicure, pediform, pedigerous, pedigree, peduncle, pedunculate, peon, peonage, petiolar, petiolate, petiole, petiolular, petiolulate, petiolule, piedfort, piedmont, pioneer, quadruped, quadrupedal, repedation, revamp, semiped, semipedal, sesquipedal, stapes, stapedius, subpetiolate, suppedaneum, tripedal, trivet, vamp, velocipede
peg-, pect- [13] fixGreek πηγνύναι (pēgnúnai), πηκτός (pēktós), πηκτικός (pēktikós), πῆξις (pêxis),
πῆγμα (pêgma), πάγη (págē), πάγος (págos), πάγιος (págios), παγιότης (pagiótēs), πάσσαλος (pássalos)
hysteropexy, pagophobia, parapagus, pectic, pectin, rheopectic, rheopecty, rheopexy
pejor-worseLatin pejor pejorative
pel- [14] clay, mud Greek πηλός (pēlós) pelite, pelitic
pelag- [15] sea Greek πέλαγος (pélagos), πελαγικός (pelagikós) abyssopelagic, allopelagic, archipelagic, archipelago, bathypelagic, epipelagic, hadopelagic, mesopelagic, pelagic, pelagonym
pelarg- [16] stork Greek πελαργός (pelargós), πελαργώδης pelargonic, Pelargonium
pell-, puls-drive, pushLatin pellere , pulsus appulse, compel, compulsory, dispel, expel, expulsion, impel, impulse, propel, propellent, propulsion, propulsive, propulsor, pulsate, pulse, push, repel, repellent, repulsive
pemp-, pomp-sendGreek πέμπειν (pémpein), πομπή (pompḗ)apopemptic, hypnopompic, pomp, psychopomp
pen-almostLatin paene peninsula, penultimate, penumbra
pen-, poen-, puni-punishLatin punire "punish" (earlier poenire), from poena "punishment"impune, impunity, pain, penal, penalize, penalty, penance, penitence, penitent, penitentiary, pine, punish, punitive, repent, subpoena
pend-, pens-hangLatin pensare , frequentative of pendere append, penchant, pendant, pending, pendulum, pensive, prepense, suspend, suspense
penia-deficiencyGreek πενία (penía) leukopenia
penn-, pinn-featherLatin penna , pinna pennate, pinnacle, pinnate, pinnule
pent- [17] five Greek πέντε (pénte), πεντάς, πεντάδος (pentás, pentádos), πεντάκις (pentákis) "five times", πενταπλάσιος (pentaplásios) "five-fold", πενταχοῦ diapente, pentachoric, pentad, pentagon, pentagram, pentalpha, pentapolis, pentatonic, pentatope, pentode
pentacosi- [18] five hundred Greek πεντακόσιοι (pentakósioi) pentacosiomedimni
pentecont- [19] fifty Greek πεντήκοντα (pentḗkonta), πεντηκοντάς, πεντηκοντάδος (pentēkontás, pentēkontádos) pentecontad, pentecontagon
pentecost- [20] fiftiethGreek πεντηκοστός (pentēkostós) Pentecost, pentecostalism
peper- [21] pepperGreekπέπερι, πεπέρεωςpaprika, pepper
pepon- [22] ripeGreek πέπων, πέπονος (pépōn, péponos) pumpkin
pept-digestGreek πέσσειν (péssein), πεπτός (peptós), πεπτικός (peptikós), πέψις (pépsis) dipeptide, dyspepsia, dyspeptic, eupepsia, eupeptic, monopeptide, oligopeptide, pepsin, peptic, peptide, peptone, polypeptide, tetrapeptide, tripeptide
per-walletGreekπήρα (pḗra), πηρίδιον (pērídion) peridium
per-, pel-thoroughly, throughLatin per pellucid, perfection, permeate, pernicious, persistence, peruse, pervade
peran-across, beyondGreek πέραν (péran) Perates
perdic- [23] partridge Greek πέρδιξ, πέρδικος (pérdix, pérdikos) Melanoperdix , partridge
peri- [24] aroundGreek περί (perí)Pericles, pericope, perigee, perihelion, perimeter, period, periphery, periscope
persic- [25] peach Greek περσικός (persikós)
pessim-worstLatin pessimus pessimal, pessimistic
pet-strive towardLatin petere appetite, compete, competition, impetus, petition, petulant, propitiate, repeat, repetition
petr- [26] rockGreek πέτρα (pétra) epipetric, petrify, petroglyph, petrographic, petrography, petroleum, petrology, petrosomatoglyph
phac-lensGreek φακός (phakós) Phacochoerus , phacoemulsification
phae-, phe- [27] darkGreek φαιός (phaiós) phaeohyphomycosis, phaeomelanin, pheochrome, pheochromocytoma
phag- eat Greek φαγεῖν (phageîn), φαγία (phagía) autophagosome, autophagy, bacteriophage, dysphagia, esophagitis, geophagia, hematophagy, macrophage, odynophagia, phagocyte, phagocytosis, phagolysosome, phagophilia, phagophobia, phagosome, phagy, polyphagia, pseudodysphagia, sarcophagus
phalang- [28] close formation of troops, finger bonesGreek φάλαγξ , φάλαγγος (phálangos) aphalangia, phalanges, phalanx
phalar- [29] having a patch of whiteGreek φάλαρος (phálaros) [30] phalarope
pharmac- [31] drug, medicineGreek φάρμακον (phármakon)alexipharmic, pharmaceutics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomic, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology, pharmacophobia, pharmacy
phan-, phen- [32] to show, visibleGreek φαίνειν (phaínein), φαντός (phantós), φαινόμενον (phainómenon), φάσις (phásis) diaphanous, emphasis, epiphany, fantasy, phanerozoic, phantasm, phantom, phase, phene, phenetic, phenology, phenomenon, phenotype, photic, prophase, sycophant, telophase, theophany, tryptophan
pheb-, phob- [33] fearGreek φέβεσθαι (phébesthai), φόβος (phóbos), φοβέω autophobia, hydrophobia, panphobia, phobophobia
pher-, phor- [34] bear, carryGreek φέρειν (phérein), φορά (phorá), φόρος (phóros) adiaphora, adiaphorism, anaphor, metaphor, pheromone, phoresis, phoresy, phosphor, prosphora, pyrophoric
pheug-, phyg- [35] (ΦΥΓ)fleeGreek φεύγειν (pheúgein), φυγή, φυγάς, φυγάδος (phugás, phugádos) "fugitive", φυγαδικός apophyge, hypophyge
phil-, -phile [36] love, friendshipGreek φίλος (phílos), φιλικός (philikós), φιλεῖν (phileîn), φιλία (philía), φίλτρον (phíltron) bibliophile, heterophil, hydrophile, paraphilia, philanthropy, philharmonic, philophobia, philosophy, philter, philtre, philtrum
phim- [37] muzzleGreek φῑμός (phīmós), φιμοῦν (phimoûn), φιμωτικός, φίμωσις (phímōsis) paraphimosis, phimosis, phimotic
phleb- [38] vein Greek φλέψ, φλεβός (phléps, phlebós), φλέβιον phlebitis, phlebography, phlebosclerosis, phlebotomist, phlebotomize, phlebotomy, thrombophlebitis
phleg-, phlog- [39] burn, heat, inflammationGreek φλέγειν (phlégein), φλέγμα (phlégma), φλόξ (phlóx) "flame" phlegm, phlegmasia, phlegmatic, phlegmon, phlegmonous, phlogistic, phlogiston, Phlox
phloe- [40] tree barkGreek φλοιός (phloiós)hypophloeodic, phlobaphene, phloem, phloeophagy
phlog- fire, flameGreek
phob- fearGreek φόβος (phóbos) acrophobia, arachnophobia, claustrophobia, ergophobia, homophobia, hydrophobia, zeusophobia
phon- [41] sound Greek φωνή (phōnḗ), φωνητικός (phōnētikós), φώνημα (phṓnēma)acrophonic, acrophony, allophone, antiphon, antiphony, aphonia, aphonic, apophony, archiphoneme, cacophony, diaphony, diplophonia, dysphonia, euphonic, euphonious, euphonize, euphony, heterophonic, heterophony, homophone, homophonous, homophony, hypophonesis, ideophone, idiophone, isophone, logophonetic, megaphone, microphone, misophonia, monophonic, monophony, morphophonology, phonaesthesia, phonaesthetics, phone, phonemic, phonesthemic, phonetic, phonetics, phonics, phonogram, phonograph, phonology, phonophobia, phonosemantics, phonotactics, polyphonic, polyphony, stereophonic, symphonic, symphony, telephonic, telephony
phos-, phot- light Greek φῶς , φωτός (phōtós) aphotic, biophoton, cataphote, diphoton, euphotic, microphotograph, phosphor, phosphorus, photic, photo, photobiology, photocatalysis, photochromism, photoelectric, photogenic, photogram, photograph, photography, photolysis, photometer, photometric, photometry, photon, photoperiod, photophobia, photophone, photophore, photopic, photoptarmosis, photosynthesis, phototaxis, phototherapy, phototroph, telephoto
phrag- [42] (ΦΡΑΓ)fenceGreek φράσσειν (phrássein), φράξις (phráxis), φράγμα (phrágma) diaphragm
phren-, phron- [43] mind Greek φρήν, φρενός (phrḗn, phrenós)euneirophrenia, euphrasy, Euphrosyne, frantic, frenetic, frenzy, oneirophrenia, phrenetic, -phrenia, phrenic, phrenitis, phrenology, phronema, phronesis, phronetic, schizophrenia, sophrosyne
phryn- [44] toad, toad-likeGreek φρύνη (phrúnē) Phrynobatrachus
phtheg- [45] utterGreek φθέγγεσθαι (phthéngesthai), φθεγκτός, φθεγκτικός, φθέγξις, φθέγμα, φθέγματος (phthégma, phthégmatos), φθεγματικός, φθόγγος (phthóngos), φθογγή apophthegm, apophthegmatic, diphthong, diphthongize, monophthong, monophthongize
phyc- [46] seaweed Greek φῦκος, φύκεος (phûkos, phúkeos) phycology, Phycomyces , schizophyceous
phyl-tribeGreek φύλον (phúlon) phylogenetics, phylum
phyll- [47] leaf Greek φύλλον (phúllon) chlorophyll, phyllotaxis
phys- [48] bladder Greek φῦσα (phûsa) physogastric, physostomous, Triplophysa
physi-natureGreek φύσις (phúsis) physics, physician
physalid-bladderGreekφυσαλ(λ)ίς (phusal(l)is) physalis
phyt- plant Greek φύειν (phúein), φυτόν (phutón) archaeophyte, autophyte, bryophyte, dermatophyte, neophyte, phytonym, phytoplankton
pi-kind, devout, pityLatin pius expiate, impious, piety, pious, pity
pic-pitchLatin pix , picispiceous
piez- [49] squeezeGreek πιέζειν (piézein), πιεστός (piestós), πίεσις , πίεσμα, πίεσματος , πιεστήρisopiestic, piezochromism, piezoelectric, piezometer
pil-hairLatin pilus depilatory, epilator
pil-pillar, ballLatin pila pile, pill, pillar, pillory
pin- [50] (ΠΟ)drinkGreek πίνειν (pínein), πῶμα pinocytosis
pin-pineLatin pinus pineal gland
ping-, pict-paintLatin pingere , pictus depiction, picture, pigment
pingu-fatLatin pinguis Pinguicula , pinguitude
pir- [51] tryGreek πεῖρα, πείρας (peîra, peíras), πειρᾶν (peirân), πειρατής (peiratḗs), πειρατικός (peiratikós), (peirāteía), πειράζω, πείρασις, πειρασμόςantipiracy, apeirogon, apeirohedron, piracy, pirate, piratic
pir-pearLatin pirus piriformis muscle
pisc-fishLatin piscis Pisces, piscivore
pis- [52] peaGreek πίσος (písos)pisoid, pisolite
pithec- [53] ape, monkeyGreekπίθηκος (píthēkos) australopithecine, Australopithecus , caenopithecine
plac- [54] plain, plate, tabletGreek πλάξ, πλακός (pláx, plakós) Aplacophora, placenta, placode
plac-calmLatin placare , placatusimplacable, placable, placate, please, supple
plac-, plea-pleaseLatin placēre , placituscomplacent, complaisant, displease, placebo, placid, plea, please, pleasure
plag- [55] obliqueGreekπλάγος (plágos), πλάγιος (plágios), πλαγιότηςplage, plagiocephaly, plagioclase, plagiotropic, playa
plan- [56] wanderGreekπλάνος, πλανάομαι, πλανᾶσθαι (planâsthai), (planáein), πλανητός (planētós), πλανήτης (planḗtēs)aplanetic, aplanogamete, aplanospore, exoplanet, planet, planetoid, planetonym, planoblast, planogamete, planospore, protoplanet
plan-flatLatin plānus applanate, applanation, aquaplane, complanar, complanate, coplanar, coplanarity, deplanate, deplane, emplane, esplanade, explain, explanation, explanatory, peneplain, pianissimo, piano, pianoforte, plain, plaintext, plan, planar, planarian, planary, planate, planation, plane, planification, planiform, planish, planula, planular, planulate
plang-, planct-strike, beat; lament, mournLatin plangere , planctus plangent
plas- [57] mouldGreek πλάσσειν (plássein), πλαστός (plastós), πλαστικός (plastikós), πλάσις (plásis), πλάσμα, πλάσματος (plásma, plásmatos), πλάθω (pláthō) plasma, plastic, plastique, plastochron, plastromancy, plastron, prosoplasia, protoplasm, pseudoplastic, symplast
plat- [58] flat, broadGreek πλατύς (platús), πλατεῖα (plateîa) piazza, place, plaice, plateau, platitude, platyhelminth, platypus, Platyrrhini, platysma, Platyzoa, plaza
plaud-, -plod-, plaus-, -plos-approve, clapLatin plaudere , plaususapplaud, applause, explode, explosion, implode, plaudits, plausible
ple- [59] (ΠΛΕ)fill, fullGreek πιμπλάναι (pimplánai), πλέως/πλέος, πλειότερος, πλειότης, πλήρης (plḗrēs), πληρόω, πλήρωσις (plḗrōsis), πλήρωμα (plḗrōma), πλήθειν (plḗthein), πλῆθος (plêthos), πληθύς, πληθύω, πληθύνω (plēthúnō), πληθυντικός, πληθώρα/πληθώρη (plēthṓra), πληθωρικός (plēthōrikós), πληθυσμός (plēthusmós) pleroma, plethodontid, plethora, plethoric, plethysm, plethysmograph, plethysmometry
ple- [60] sail, swimGreek πλεῖν (pleîn), πλεῦσις (pleûsis), πλόος pleon, pleopod, pleuston
ple-, plet-fillLatin plere complement , complete, deplete, implement, replete, suppletion, supply
pleb-peopleLatin plebs , plebis plebeian, plebs
plec-, ploc- [61] plait, interweaveGreek πλέκειν (plékein), πλεκτός (plektós), πλεκτικός (plektikós), πλέξις (pléxis), πλέγμα (plégma), πλοκή (plokḗ), πλόκος plectics, plexogenic, ploce, symplectic, symplectomorphism, symploce
plect-, plex-plaitLatin plectere , plexus perplex
pleg- [62] (ΠΛΗΓ)strikeGreek πλήσσειν (plḗssein), πληκτός (plēktós), πλήκτης, πληγή (plēgḗ), πλῆξις (plêxis), πλῆγμα, πλήκτης, πλῆκτρον apoplectic, apoplexy, cataplectic, cataplexy, hemiplegia, monoplegia, paraplegia, plectrum, pleximeter, tetraplegia
plen-fullLatin plenus plenary, plenitude, plenty, replenish
plesi-nearGreek πλησίος (plēsíos), πλησιότης (plēsiótēs) plesiosaur
pleur- [63] rib, sideGreek πλευρά (pleurá), πλευρόν (pleurón)metapleural, pleura, pleurisy, pleuritis, pleurodynia, pleuron
plic-foldLatin plicare , plicatusappliance, applicability, applicable, applicant, applicate, application, applicative, applicator, applicatory, appliqué, apply, centuplicate, centuplication, complicacy, complicant, complicate, complication, complice, complicity, conduplicate, conduplication, duplication, explicate, explicit, implicate, implicit, imply, plait, pleat, pliable, pliant, plight, ply, replica, replicate, replication, replicative, replicator, reply, splay, subduplicate, supplicant, supplicate, supplication, triplicate, triplicity
plinth- [64] brickGreek πλίνθος (plínthos) plinth, Plinthograptis
plor-cry out, complainLatin plorare deplorable, deploration, deplore, exploration, exploratory, explore, imploration, imploratory, implore
plu-rainLatin pluere , see also pluvia pluvial
plum-featherLatin pluma plumage, plumate
plumb- lead Latin plumbum plumber
plur-, plus-moreLatin plus , pluris double, plural, pluralist, plus, quadruple, surplus, triple
plurim-mostLatin plurimus plurimal
plut- [65] wealthGreek πλοῦτος (ploûtos) ploutonion, plutarchy, plutocracy, plutocrat, plutolatry, plutomania, plutonomics, Plutus
pne- [66] blow, breathe, lungGreek πνεῖν (pneîn), πνεῦμα (pneûma), πνεύμων (pneúmōn)anapnograph, anapnoic, apnea, apnoea, dyspnoea, pleuropneumonia, pneumatic, pneumatology, pneumonia, pneumonic, pneumotaxic
pnig-, pnict- [67] chokeGreek πνίγειν (pnígein), πνῖγος, πνῖγμα, πνιγμός, πνικτός , πνικτικόςpnictide, pnictogen
po-, pin- [68] (ΠΟ)drinkGreek πίνειν (pínein), πόσις , πῶμα pinocytosis, pinosome, symposium
pod- [69] foot Greek πούς , ποδός (podós), ποδικός (podikós), ποδία (podía), πόδιον (pódion), πέδον (pédon), πεδίον, πέζα amphipod, antipode, decapod, podiatry, podium, podomancy, podomere, podopaediatric, polyp, polyposis, sympodium, tetrapod, tripod
pogon- [70] beard Greek πώγων, πώγωνος (pṓgōn, pṓgōnos), πωγωνίας (pōgōnías)pogonia, pogoniasis, pogonology, pogonophobia, pogonotrophy, Triplopogon
poie-, poe- [71] makeGreekποιϝέω, ποιεῖν (poieîn), ποιητός (poiētós) "made", ποιητικός (poiētikós), ποίησις (poíēsis), ποίημα (poíēma), ποιητής (poiētḗs) "maker" allopoiesis, autopoiesis, onomatopoeia, piyyut, poem, poesy, poet, poetaster, poetic, poiesis
pol- [72] poleGreek πόλος (pólos) dipole, polar
pole- [73] sellGreek πωλεῖν (pōleîn), πώλησις, πώλης "seller" duopoly, monopolist, monopolize, monopoly, oligopolist, oligopoly
polem- [74] war Greek πολεμεῖν (polemeîn), πόλεμος (pólemos), πολεμικός (polemikós) polemarch, polemic, polemology
poli- [75] cityGreek πόλις, πόλιος (pólis, pólios), πολίτης (polítēs), πολιτικός (politikós) acropolis, biopolitics, cosmopolis, cosmopolitan, Decapolis, ecumenopolis, eperopolis, geopolitics, heptapolis, hexapolis, isopolity, megalopolis, megapolis, metropolis, pentapolis, police, policy, polis, politeia, politic, politicize, politics, politologist, politology, politonym, polity, propolis, tetrapolis, Tripoli
poli- [76] gray, greyGreek πολιός (poliós), πολιότης poliomyelitis, poliosis
poll- [77] manyGreekπολλός (pollós)
pollic-thumbLatin pollex , pollicispollicate
pollin-fine flourLatin pollen , pollinis pollination
poly- [78] manyGreek πολύς (polús), πολλός (pollós), πολλότης (pollótēs), πολλάκις (pollákis) "many times", πολλαπλάσιος/πολυπλάσιος, πλείων (pleíōn) "more", πλεῖστος (pleîstos) "most", πολλοστός (pollostós) hoi polloi, pollakanth, polyadic, polyandry, polygamy, polygon, polyphase, polysaccharide, polytheistic
pomph- [79] blister Greek πομφός (pomphós), πομφόλυξ podopompholyx, pompholyx
pon-, posit-putLatin ponere , positusapposite, apropos, component, depose, deposit, exponent, expose, expound, impose, impound, opponent, position, positive, postpone, posture, propone, proponent, proposition, propound, repose
ponder-weightLatin pondus , ponderis, ponderareponder, preponderance
pont-bridgeLatin pons , pontis pontiff, pontificate, pontoon
popul-peopleLatin populus , popularepopulation, popular, populous
por- [80] passageGreek πόρος (póros), πορεύω, πορίζειν (porízein), πόρισμα (pórisma) aporetic, aporia, emporium, gonopore, ozopore, polypore, pore, porism, porismatic
porc-pigLatin porcus porcine, pork
porn- [81] prostituteGreek πόρνη (pórnē)pornographic, pornography
porphyr- [82] purple Greek πορφύρα (porphúra) porphyrin, porphyritic, porphyrophobia, porphyry
port-carryLatin portare "to carry", porta "gate"comportment, deport, export, import, port, portable, portage, portal, porter, portfolio, purport, rapport, report, support, transport
portion-part, shareLatin portio portion, proportion
post-after, behindLatin post posterior, posterity, postscript
pot-powerLatin potere "be powerful", from potis "powerful, able"despot, impotent, possess, potent, potentate, potential, power
pot-drinkLatin potus , potare potable, potion
potam- [83] river Greek ποταμός (potamós)autopotamic, hippopotamus, Mesopotamia, potamic, potamodromous, potamology, potamonym, potamophobia, potamoplankton
prag- [84] doGreek πράσσειν (prássein), πράττειν (práttein), πρασσόμενον, πρακτός (praktós), πρακτικός (praktikós), (prāktikḗ), πρᾶξις (prâxis), πρᾶγμα (prâgma) apraxia, dyspraxia, parapraxis, practic, practice, pragma, pragmatic, pragmatism, pragmatist, praxis
pras- [85] leek Greek πράσον (práson), πράσινος (prásinos) "leek-green", πρασιά chrysoprase, prasinous, prasinophobia
prat- meadow Latin pratum
prav-crookedLatin pravus depravity
pre-beforeLatin prae previous
prec-prayLatin precāri "to ask, beg, pray", from prex "prayer" deprecation, imprecation, pray, prayer, precarious
pred-preyLatin praedari "plunder", from praeda "prey"depredate, predation, predator, predatory, prey
prehend-, prend-, prehens-graspLatin prehendere , prehensusapprehend, comprehend, comprehensive, enterprise, prehensility, prehension, prey, prison, prize, reprehend, surprise
prem-, -prim-, press-pressLatin premere , pressuscompress, compression, compressor, depress, depression, depressive, espresso, express, expression, expressive, impress, impression, impressive, imprimatur, imprint, oppress, oppression, oppressive, oppressor, press, pressure, print, repress, repression, repressive, reprimand, suppress, suppression, suppressor
presby- [86] oldGreek πρέσβυς (présbus), πρεσβύτερος (presbúteros), (presbutérion) archpresbyter, presbyter, Presbyterianism, presbyterium, presbytery, priest, protopresbyter
preter-pastLatin praeter preterite, pretermission
preti-priceLatin pretium , pretiare
pri- [87] saw Greek πρίειν (príein), πρῖσις (prîsis), πρίων, πρίονος (príōn, príonos) prion
priap- [88] Greek πριάπος priapism, Priapus
prim-firstLatin primus coprime, nonprime, prima facie, primacy, primal, primality, primary, primate, prime, primer, primeval, primine, primitive, primogeniture, primordial, primrose, Primula , semiprime, subprimal, subprime
prior-formerLatin prior prior, priority, priory, pristine, repristinate, subprior
prism- [89] to saw, something sawedGreek πρίσμα, πρίσματος (prísma, prísmatos), πρισμάτιον (prismátion) antiprism, prism, prismatic, prismatoid
priv-ownLatin privus , privare , privatusdeprivation, deprive, privacy, private, privateer, privation, privative, privilege, privity, privy, semiprivate
pro- [90] before, in front ofGreek πρό (pró), πρότερος (próteros) "former", πρῶτος (prôtos) prologue, prostate, prow
pro-for, forwardLatin pro procrastinate, propel, propulsion
prob-worthy, goodLatin probare "prove to be worthy", probus approbation, approve, disapprobation, opprobrium, probable, probation, probe, probity, proof, prove, reprobate, reprove
proct- [91] anusGreek πρωκτός (prōktós) Ectoprocta, Entoprocta, epiproct, hypoproct, paraproct, periproct, proctalgia, proctology
prodig-wasteLatin prodigus "wasteful", from prodigere "drive away, waste"prodigal, prodigality
prodig-prodigyLatin prodigium "prodigy"prodigious, prodigy
propri-property; one's ownLatin proprietas "appropriateness, property, ownership", from proprius "one's own"appropriate, proper, property, proprietary, proprietor, propriety
pros- [92] forth, forwardGreek πρός (prós), πρόσθεν (prósthen), πρόσθιος (prósthios)prosenchyma, prosophobia, prosthesis, prosthion
prosop- [93] faceGreek πρόσωπον (prósōpon)aprosopia, diprosopus, prosopography, prosoponym, prosopopoeia, prosopospasm
prot- [94] firstGreek πρῶτος (prôtos) [note 1] amphiprotic, antiproton, protagonist, protanomaly, protanopia, protein, protist, protocol, proton, protoplasm, prototype, Protozoa
proter- [95] formerGreek πρό (pró), πρότερος (próteros), προτερέω Proterozoic
proxim-nearestLatin proximus , proximareapproximate, proximity
prun-plumLatin prunus prune
psa- [96] rubGreek ψᾶν (psân), ψαφαρός, ψήχειν , (psēstós) palimpsest
psall- [97] pluckGreek ψάλλειν (psállein), ψαλμός (psalmós) psalm, psalmodicon, psalmody, psalter, psaltery, psaltikon
psamath- sandGreek
psamm- sand Greek ψάμμος (psámmos), ψάμαθος (psámathos) psammite, psammitic, psammoma, psammophile, Psammophis , psammophyte, psammosere, psammous
pseph- pebble Greek ψάω , ψῆφος (psêphos), ψηφίζειν (psēphízein) isopsephy, psephite, psephitic, psephocracy, psephology
pseud- [98] falseGreekψεύδω, ψεῦδος (pseûdos) pseudonym
pseud-falseGreekψεύδομαι, ψευδής (pseudḗs) pseudonym
psil- [99] bareGreek ψιλοῦν (psiloûn), ψιλός (psilós), ψιλότης, ψίλωσις (psílōsis) epsilon, psilanthropism, psilanthropy, psilocybin, psilosis, psilotic, upsilon
psithyr- [100] whisperGreek ψίθυρος , ψιθυρίζω, ψιθυρισμός Psithyrisma
psittac- [101] parrotGreek ψιττακός, ψιττακοῦ (psittakós, psittakoû) psittacine, psittacism, psittacosis
psoph- [102] noise Greekψόφος (psóphos), ψοφεῖν , ψοφητικός, ψόφησις, ψόφημα, ψοφοειδής Psophiidae, Psophocichla , psophometer, psophometric
psor- [103] itchGreek ψωρός (psōrós), ψώρα (psṓra), ψωριᾶν (psōriân), (psōríāsis) psora, psoriasis, psoric, psorosis
psych- [104] mindGreek ψύχειν (psúkhein), ψυχή (psukhḗ), ψυχικός (psukhikós)hylopsychism, panpsychism, psyche, psychedelia, psychedelic, psychiatry, psychic, psychoanalysis, psychologist, psychology, psychopathic, psychopathy, psychopomp, psychosis, psychotherapy, psychotic, psychoticism
psychr- [105] coldGreek ψύχω , ψυχρός (psukhrós), ψυχρότηςpsychroalgia, psychrometer, psychrophile, psychrophilic, psychrophily
pter- [106] wingGreek πτερόν, πτεροῦ (pterón, pteroû), πτέρυξ, πτέρυγος (ptérux, ptérugos), (pterugōtós), πτερίσκος apterous, apterygote, archaeopteryx, brachypterous, brachyptery, Chiroptera, chiropterologist, Endopterygota, exopterygote, helicopter, hemipterous, heteropterous, homopterous, Neoptera, peripteros, pterodactyl, pteron, pteropod, pterosaur, pterostigma, pterygote, tetrapterous
pterid- [107] fern Greek πτερίς, πτερίδος (pterís, pterídos)pteridology, pteridophyte, pteridosperm
pto- [108] fallGreek πίπτειν (píptein), πτωτός (ptōtós), πτωτικός (ptōtikós), πτῶσις (ptôsis), πτῶμα, πτῶματος (ptôma, ptômatos)anaptotic, asymptomatic, apoptosis, peripeteia, peripety, polyptoton, proptosis, proptotic, ptomaine, ptosis, ptotic, symptom, symptomatic, symptosis
ptoch- [109] poorGreek πτωχός (ptōkhós), πτωχότηςptochocracy, ptochology
pty- [110] spitGreek πτύειν , πτύον (ptúon), πτύσις (ptúsis), πτύαλον hemoptysis, ptyalin, pyoptysis
ptych- [111] fold, layerGreek πτύσσειν (ptússein), πτύγμα (ptúgma), πτύξ (ptúx), πτυχός (ptukhós), πτυχή (ptukhḗ)anaptyctic, anaptyxis, diptych, heptaptych, hexaptych, octaptych, pentaptych, polyptych, tetraptych, triptych
pub-sexually matureLatin pubes , puberispubescent, pubic
public-publicLatin publicus publication, publicity
pude-shameLatin pudere impudent, pudendum, repudiate
pug-, pugn-fightLatin pugnare "to fight", from pugnus "fist"impugn, pugilism, pugnacious, repugnant
pulchr-beautifulLatin pulcher , pulchri pulchritude
pulmon-lungLatin pulmo , pulmonis pulmonary
pulver-dustLatin pulvis , pulverispulverize
pung-, punct-prickLatin pungere , punctusacupuncture, expunge, poignant, point, punch, punctual, punctuation, puncture, pungent
pup-dollLatin pupa pupa, pupate, puppet
pur-pureLatin purare "to purify", from purus "pure" impurity, pure, puree, purge, purify, purity
purg-cleanseLatin purgare expurgate, purgatory, purge
purpur-purpleLatin purpura purpurate, purpureal
put-prune, reckonLatin putāre amputation, compute, dispute, impute, putative, reputation
py- [112] pus Greek πύον (púon), (pyeîn) empyema, pyemia, pyemesis, pyesis, pyocyst, pyogenesis, pyorrhea, pyorrhoea, pyosis, pyoureter
pyel- [113] troughGreek πύελος (púelos), πυελίς pyelectasis, pyelitis, pyelogram, pyelography, pyelonephritis, pyeloscopy
pyg- [114] rumpGreek πυγή (pugḗ)callipygian, pygopagus, pygostyle, steatopygia
pyl- [115] gate Greek πύλη (púlē), πυλών, πυλῶνος (pulṓn, pulōnos) apopyle, micropyle, propylaea, prosopyle, pylon, pyloric, pylorus, tetrapylon, Thermopylae
pyr- [116] fire Greek πύρ, πυρός (púr, purós), πυρά (purá), πυρότης, πυρετός, πυρέττειν antipyretic, Empyreuma , pyre, pyrite, pyroclastic, pyrolysis, pyromancy, pyromania, pyromaniac, pyrometric, pyrophobia, pyrophoric, pyrosis, pyrosome, pyrotechnic
pyramid- [117] Greek πυραμίς, πυραμίδος dipyramid, pyramid, pyramidion
pyrrh- [118] flame-coloredGreekπῦρ, πυρρός , πυρρότης, πυρράζω pyrrhic


  1. Contracted from *πρόατος

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  1. παχύς  in Liddell and Scott
  2. παίω  in Liddell and Scott
  3. παῖς  in Liddell and Scott
  4. παλαιός  in Liddell and Scott
  5. πάλιν  in Liddell and Scott
  6. πᾶς  in Liddell and Scott
  7. παρά  in Liddell and Scott
  8. παρθένος  in Liddell and Scott
  9. πάσσω  in Liddell and Scott
  10. πάτος  in Liddell and Scott
  11. πάσχω  in Liddell and Scott
  12. πατήρ  in Liddell and Scott
  13. πήγνυμι  in Liddell and Scott
  14. πηλός  in Liddell and Scott
  15. πέλαγος  in Liddell and Scott
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  17. πέντε  in Liddell and Scott
  18. πεντακόσιοι  in Liddell and Scott
  19. πεντήκοντα  in Liddell and Scott
  20. πεντηκοστός  in Liddell and Scott
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  22. πέπων  in Liddell and Scott
  23. πέρδιξ  in Liddell and Scott
  24. περί  in Liddell and Scott
  25. περσικός  in Liddell and Scott
  26. πέτρα  in Liddell and Scott
  27. φαιός  in Liddell and Scott
  28. φάλαγξ  in Liddell and Scott
  29. φάλαρος  in Liddell and Scott
  30. "phalaros" in LSJ
  31. φάρμακον  in Liddell and Scott
  32. φαίνω  in Liddell and Scott
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  34. φέρω  in Liddell and Scott
  35. φεύγω  in Liddell and Scott
  36. φίλος  in Liddell and Scott
  37. φιμός  in Liddell and Scott
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  39. φλέγω  in Liddell and Scott
  40. φλοιός  in Liddell and Scott
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  42. φράσσω  in Liddell and Scott
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  47. φύλλον  in Liddell and Scott
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  50. πίνω  in Liddell and Scott
  51. πεῖρα  in Liddell and Scott
  52. πίσος  in Liddell and Scott
  53. πίθηκος  in Liddell and Scott
  54. πλάξ  in Liddell and Scott
  55. πλάγος  in Liddell and Scott
  56. πλάνος  in Liddell and Scott
  57. πλάσσω  in Liddell and Scott
  58. πλατύς  in Liddell and Scott
  59. πίμπλημι  in Liddell and Scott
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  69. πούς  in Liddell and Scott
  70. πώγων  in Liddell and Scott
  71. ποιέω  in Liddell and Scott
  72. πόλος  in Liddell and Scott
  73. πωλέω  in Liddell and Scott
  74. πολεμέω  in Liddell and Scott
  75. πόλις  in Liddell and Scott
  76. πολιός  in Liddell and Scott
  77. πολλός  in Liddell and Scott
  78. πολύς  in Liddell and Scott
  79. πομφός  in Liddell and Scott
  80. πόρος  in Liddell and Scott
  81. πόρνος  in Liddell and Scott
  82. πορφύρα  in Liddell and Scott
  83. ποταμός  in Liddell and Scott
  84. πράσσω  in Liddell and Scott
  85. πράσον  in Liddell and Scott
  86. πρέσβυς  in Liddell and Scott
  87. πρίω  in Liddell and Scott
  88. πριάπος  in Liddell and Scott
  89. πρίσμα  in Liddell and Scott
  90. πρό  in Liddell and Scott
  91. πρωκτός  in Liddell and Scott
  92. πρός  in Liddell and Scott
  93. πρόσωπον  in Liddell and Scott
  94. πρῶτος  in Liddell and Scott
  95. πρότερος  in Liddell and Scott
  96. ψάω  in Liddell and Scott
  97. ψάλλω  in Liddell and Scott
  98. ψεῦδος  in Liddell and Scott
  99. ψιλόω  in Liddell and Scott
  100. ψίθυρος  in Liddell and Scott
  101. ψιττακός  in Liddell and Scott
  102. ψόφος  in Liddell and Scott
  103. ψωρός  in Liddell and Scott
  104. ψύχω  in Liddell and Scott
  105. ψύχω  in Liddell and Scott
  106. πτερόν  in Liddell and Scott
  107. πτερίς  in Liddell and Scott
  108. πίπτω  in Liddell and Scott
  109. πτωχός  in Liddell and Scott
  110. πτύω  in Liddell and Scott
  111. πτύσσω  in Liddell and Scott
  112. πύον  in Liddell and Scott
  113. πύελος  in Liddell and Scott
  114. πυγή  in Liddell and Scott
  115. πύλη  in Liddell and Scott
  116. πύρ  in Liddell and Scott
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  118. πυρρός  in Liddell and Scott