List of KochiKame episodes

Last updated

Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kōen-mae Hashutsujo (KochiKame) is a Japanese comedy manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Akimoto. Produced by Studio Gallop, it ran for eight years before ending on December 19, 2004.


Theme music

The series use twenty four pieces of theme music: seven opening and fourteen ending themes.

Episode list


Air dateEP#English titleJapanese titleManga source
6-161The XX Cop Ryotsu Appears!?XX警官両津現る!?Original
6-232The Rookie Cop Who Came from the Sky空から来た新人警官64-2
6-303Great Business! The Sky-Flying Stall!大繁盛! 空飛ぶ屋台85-10
7-74One-Shot at Big Bucks: The Lottery Guy一発千金宝クジ野郎83-1
7-285I Love Skiing on Shaved Iceかき氷でスキスキー61-4
8-46The Great Chase of Reiko's Wrath!麗子怒りの大追跡!55-8
8-117Wake Up! The Hibernating Copめざめよ! 冬眠警官21-6
8-188Open the Gate of Victory!勝鬨橋ひらけ!71-9
9-19Thorough Sumo!トコトン大相撲!83-8
9-810The Offrail・Reckless・Rowdy Noisemaker!脱線・暴走・大爆走!14-6
9-1511The Honour to See Nakagawa-kun's Residence中川君のお宅拝見5-4
9-2212Crash! Tokyoite Wars激突! 江戸っ子合戦47-2
10-2713You Mean Ryostu and Reiko are...まさか両津と麗子が...45-7
11-314Together with Mr. Elephantゾウさんといっしょ74-1
11-1015Run! For the Sake of Honda's Love走れ! 本田愛のために35-2
11-1716The Ohara Family's Secret Treasure!?大原家の秘宝!?14-1
11-2417The Great Cockroach Raceゴキブリ大レース69-11
12-118What a Photo! A Reproduction of the Kyoto Trip激写! 京都旅行再現100-4
12-819Plans to Rebuild the Soba Shop!そば屋再建計画!47-10
12-1520Ways to Win the Ryotsu Tests両津式テスト必勝法88-4
12-2921Bonus Wars Battleボーナス争奪バトル78-1
22Ryotsu mecamoth declaration両津メチャモテ宣言88-7


Air dateEP#English titleJapanese titleManga source
1-1223Fresh Spring Patrol Karuta!新春バトルカルタ!8-1
1-1924Japan's Number 1 Irresponsible Parent and Child日本一の無責任親子7-2
1-2625Prudence Ain't Scary at All謹慎なんか怖くない18-4
2-226Gaining Viewership!視聴率稼ぎます!89-1
2-927The Super Rich Shiratori Reiji超(スーパー)金持ち!白鳥麗次69-5
2-1628Ryo-san's Great Escape!両さんの大脱走!60-5
2-2329Men's Rapport Hinoki Bath男の触愛ひのき風呂79-5
3-230Messy Hinamatsuriさんざんひな祭り8-9
3-931Ninja vs. Indie Ryotsu忍者対インディ両津52-3
3-1632Ryotsu is Currently in Training両津ただいま修行中44-9
3-2333Ah, My Homeあぁ、マイホーム16-9
4-1334The Rumoured Detective Speedo Appears噂の海パン刑事登場76-2
35Hyper Elementary Students vs. Ryotsuハイパー小学生VS両津82-8
36Chief! That's a Light from Paris部長よ! あれがパリの灯だ46-6
37Bam! God vs. Ryotsu激突! 神VS両津57-7
4-2738Tears in the Chief's Eyes部長の目にも涙22-6
5-439Give Back the (Secret) Photo!(秘)写真をとり返せ!66-6
5-1140Live for all-you-can-eat buffet命かけます食べ放題65-2
5-1841He's Back! Shiratori Reiji再登場! 白鳥麗次89-5
5-2542Burning Love! Ryotsu and Maria熱愛! 両津とマリア67-4
6-143Direct Laughs, Direct Hits of Hondara-Ken笑撃直撃ホンダラ拳68-1
6-844First Love! Was That Ryotsu?初恋の人! それは両津?83-7
6-1545crocodile public! tears entertainter soulワニ公! 涙の芸人魂67-2
6-2246The Storm-Calling Great Baseball Meet!嵐を呼ぶ野球大会!52-7
6-2947Ryo-san's Newcomer Training両さんの新人研修67-3
48Electrical Wedding! Ryotsu Kankichi電撃結婚! 両津勘吉83-4
49Ryo-san's New Puppet Release!両さん人形新発売!58-1
7-650torrent houseboat panic激流屋形船パニック67-9
7-1351Ryo-san's Operation Gold-Digger両さんの逆玉大作戦37-5
8-352Hondara-ken in Canadaカナダで翻堕羅拳!68-9
8-1053Yum! The Recipe for Revenge美味! 復讐のレシピ77-5
8-1754Profit from the Haunted House!オバケでまる儲け!66-5
8-2455The Beautiful Wife is Just Too Much美人妻はチョー過激76-7
8-3156An Asakusa First-Romance Tale浅草初恋物語76-10
9-1457The Fighting Gamer Sakonji闘魂ゲーマー左近寺99-1
9-2158Hideous Photo Panicお下劣写真パニック99-2
10-1259Kaboom! Grandpa's Power炸裂! 爺さんパワー35-9
10-1960Women are Welcome in Bachelor's Apartment独身寮は女人歓迎32-8
10-2661The Chief's Illegitimate Child Suspicion!?部長の隠し子疑惑!?41-9
11-262Matsutake Coastguards Dispatchマツタケ警備隊出動77-2
11-1663Hondara-ken Hanging by a Threadホンダラ拳危機一髪68-3
11-2364Farewell Chief Ohara!?さらば大原部長!?49-9
11-3065Run! The Rider of Unrequited Love走れ! 失恋ライダー84-6
12-766Big Scoops! The Great Newspaper Wars熱写! 新聞大戦争80-7
12-1467Bonus Wars 2ボーナス争奪戦253-5
12-2168Unattended Video-Recording Syndrome留守録シンドローム69-4


Air dateEP#English titleJapanese titleManga source
1-469Hondara's Explosive New Year Meet爆発ホンダラ新年会68-6
70You Like Violent Vacations!?バカンスは激しいのがお好き!?46-3
71Get Him! Ryotsu the Dog追跡! 名犬リョーツ87-7
1-1872Showdown! Fishing for Girls対決! 美女一本釣り105-8
1-2573The Old Man and the Bomb Demonじいさんと爆弾魔33-2
2-174Honda's Final Love!?本田、最後の恋!?94-4
2-1575The Banned Girl Dolls!禁断の美少女人形!102-4
2-2276Firing Up Camp Spirit!燃えるキャンプ魂!85-2
3-177The Outrageous Professor Appears!トンデモ教授登場!84-1
3-878Totally Safe! Ryotsu Tours絶対安心! 両津観光45-1
3-1579The Day the Haunted Smoke Disappearedお化け煙突が消えた日59-8
3-2280box man of fear恐怖の箱男!?68-7
4-1281The Deadly CEO! Nakagawa's Father猛烈社長! 中川の父69-2
82Most Dangerous Survival Situation!?最も危険なサバイバル!?54-9
83Human Crane of Desire欲望の人間クレーン73-8
4-1984One Heck of a New Discovery暴走トンデモ新発明84-5
4-2685Struggle! Flower-blooming Ryo-san奮闘! 花咲か両さん70-4
5-386volvo cohabitation eraボルボの同棲時代!?93-5
5-1087Fly! The Police Patrol Car Section翔べ! パトカー警部88-9
5-2488Dash! The Speedy Stall激走! スピード屋台45-6
5-3189Transform Beautifully! Detective Moonlight華麗に変身! 月光刑事87-2
6-790Unexploded Bomb Delivery不発弾とどけます61-10
6-1491Ryotsu Dies!?両津死す! ナニィ!?57-2
6-2192Stuck Together! The Dangerous Duo密着! 危険なふたり56-7
6-2893Ship-Sinking! Ninja Jii-san撃沈! 忍者じいさん81-4
7-594Ouch! Ryotsu Dies Again大ハード! 両津勘吉は二度死ぬ55-1
7-1295Road Safety Demon!交通安全の鬼!28-7
7-2696It's Born! Detective Dove-Pocket誕生! 鳩ポッポ刑事80-9
8-297Scary! My Long-Haired Friend恐怖! 髪は長い友達24-6
8-998GO to the Baseball Game!野球ゲームでGO!103-4
8-1699This is the Person I Likeこれが私の好きな人107-3
8-23100Present from Space宇宙からの贈り物66-4
8-30101A Two-Shot to Long for憧れのツーショット107-5
9-6102The Cursed Umeboshi Jar呪いの梅干し壺81-7
9-13103Nakagawa was Raised Downtown?中川君は下町育ち?106-9
10-4104Can't Stop Losing Teeth歯無しにならない話64-7
105A Futile Relocation to an Isolated Station絶体絶命さいはて署39-6
106Ryo-san Goes to the Moon両さん月へ行く58-5
107Super-Ouch! The Worst Battle in History大ハード2! 史上最低の決戦108-8
10-25108I'm the Leading Role! Toden Hoshi俺が主役だ! 星逃田17-4
11-8109Bodyguard Romance恋のボディーガード95-3
11-15110Asakusa Cinema Paradise浅草シネマパラダイス97-6
11-22111The Turtle Returns亀の恩返し101-3
11-29112Transform! The Chief's New Car変身! 部長の新車43-3
12-6113Bonus Wars 3ボーナス争奪戦3Original
12-27115Ryo-san Shrinks!両さん小さくなる!43-7
116Double-Date Hell地獄のダブルデート109-2
117Decision of the World's Strongest Woman! B-1 Grand Prix '98: The Great Hong Kong Battle!世界最強美女決定! B-1グランプリ'98 香港大決戦!!109-3
118Asakusa Tale浅草物語57-8
119Ryo-san Becomes Invisible両さん透明人間になる63-9


Air dateEP#English titleJapanese titleManga source
1-17120As an Older Brother...!兄として...!78-9
1-24121As a Family Relative...!身内として...!78-10
1-3112248 Hours Around the World!48時間世界一周!91-8
2-7123Maria! The Clenched Fists with Loveマリア! 恋する鉄拳67-7
2-14124a counterattack punished jiji逆襲罰当たりジジィ44-4
2-21125Run! Reiko's Great Chase走れ! 麗子の大追跡110-2
2-28126do not use fire in the world渡る世間に火気厳禁23-4
3-7127Secret Medicine Ryotsu GPX秘薬リョーツGPX70-3
3-14128The Honda Family本田家の一族Original
3-21129my unexpected love思い過ごしも恋のうち108-7
4-4130face is a source of evil顔は災いの元?!58-7
131Ryotsu's Ambition! Time-travel to Life in the War Country両津の野望! タイムスリップ戦国伝51-3
132various kind of living things生き様さまざま107-7
133Detective Newcomer・Ryotsu!新米刑事・両津!41-10
4-25134Don't Call Me Papa!パパと呼ばないで!14-2
5-2135Sakonji Sets Off左近寺新たなる門出Original
5-9136Distant Afterschool遠い放課後106-6
5-16137it's too early for the olympics五輪にゃまだ早い?49-7
5-23138moero!island of love萌えろ! 恋のえらぶ島21-4
5-30139The Outrageous Sky Police Forceトンデモ航空警察隊50-2
6-6140Tear-Jerking! Terai's First Arrest感涙! 寺井の初体験4-1
6-13141Ryo-san Becomes a Mangaka両さん漫画家になる94-5
6-20142fierce fighting kankeri big war激闘カンケリ大戦争102-5
6-27143Nostra-Ryotsu's Great Prophecyノストラ両津大予言78-7
7-4144The Super VHS King激撮ホームビデオ王62-3
7-11145Nice Kameari Nights亀有の夜はやさしく9-2
7-25146Showdown! Golf Course Rip-up決戦! ゴルフ場破り51-2
8-1147Charlie Kobayashi's Secretチャーリー小林の秘密8-9
8-8148ton demo deep sea sosトンデモ深海SOS75-9
8-22149Work! Matsukichi働け! 松吉Original
8-29150A Present Blooming in the Sky夜空に咲いた贈り物61-5
9-12151physical strength of ryotsu corp両津の体力株式会社60-1
9-19152The Forever Laughing Ebisu-kun笑う門に恵比須くん42-2
10-17153fight! trump shimoshigami戦え! トランプ下克上105-4
10-31154Dispatch! Robo-Cops出動! ロボット警官35-6
11-21155The Great Strad Chase!ストラディ大追跡!85-4
12-5156SF Aliens Strike Back!SF宇宙人の逆襲!下町奮戦記より
12-12157Bonus Wars 4ボーナス争奪戦478-1
12-19158Freezing Time時間よとまれ33-6
159Ryo-san Goes to America両さんアメリカへ行く26-9
160Where is there Paradise極楽はどこだ59-10


Air dateEP#English titleJapanese titleManga source
1-2161Far Away Terai's Houseはるかなる寺井家29-2
162Withstanding Calciumカルシウムで耐えろ81-6
1-16163Fleshy Magicians肉体派マジシャン80-2
1-23164Komachi's Big Break!?小町!? 大ブレイクOriginal
1-30165True Story! V Cameraman実録! Vカメラマン76-1
2-6166Trip Set-off for Rice and O-Musubi米とおむすびの旅立ち82-6
2-13167Aah, Life in Hellあぁ地獄の寄宿生活40-2
2-20168Cellphone Panic!ケータイパニック!70-7
2-27169Onsen Tour Trip旅まかせ温泉ツアー114-3
3-5170A Sinobazunoike Memory不忍池の想い出98-3
3-12171Battle! All-Natural Golf決戦! 大自然ゴルフ86-6
3-19172Transform! Nakagawa-kun the Citizen変身! 庶民派中川君113-1
4-2173Trying Again at Life!人生をやりなおせ!92-4
174The Man With 7 Voices七色の声をもつ男77-3
175Great Battle of Odorokimononoki-Islandオドロキモモノキ島の大決戦81-9
4-16176The Worst Day of My Life人生最悪の日40-9
4-23177Romance Crosses Over the Ocean!?恋は海を越えて!?29-9
4-30178Profiting from Anime!アニメで儲けろ!97-5
5-7179Wings of Friendship友情の翼87-4
5-14180Hyper-CEO's Family Serviceハイパー社長の家族サービス85-1
5-28181Shame-Suppressing Part-Time Job恥を忍んでアルバイト111-1
6-4182Behold! Detective Shojo Manga出た! 少女漫画刑事116-2
6-11183The Time I Forgot the Disaster...災いは忘れた頃に...89-8
6-18184Ryotsu the Hyper-Copハイパーコップ両津65-3
7-16185Ryo-san Goes for a Health Screening両さん人間ドックへ行く54-5
7-30186Baseball Stadium Light光の球場82-4
8-13187Downtown Police Box Diary下町交番日記64-1
8-20188Straight-On Kendo!剣道一直線!43-10
8-27189Kankichirou's Summer勘吉郎の夏Original
9-3190Clash! The Charity Bazaar激突! チャリティバザー83-2
9-10191The Hibernating Cop Once Again冬眠警官ふたたび81-1
9-17192Unexplored! Doinaka Prefecture秘境! どいなか県35-4
9-24193Circus Symphonyサーカスシンフォニー109-9
10-1194Sky-Flying Taco Delivery空飛ぶタコ配便64-6
195newspaper boy good luck story新聞少年勘吉物語103-7
196Big Clash! Ryotsu VS the Crow大激突! 両津VSカラス97-2
197Keiichi & Reiko's Couples Comedy Act圭一・麗子の夫婦漫才115-5
198Shingo Mama's forced breakfast慎吾ママの無理やり朝ごはん!Original
10-22199Ryotsu's Taxi Service in Operation両津タクシー営業中80-10
10-29200Run! Kameari Kinguoo走れ! カメアリキングオー26-3
11-5201The Manga Genius Appears天才画家あらわる72-6
11-12202The Honda Family 2: Eve's Treasure本田家の一族2イブの宝物104-8
11-19203Going After Kameari追いかけて亀有40-7
11-26204Ryo-san Stands for the Election両さん選挙に立つ51-5
12-3205Bonus Wars 5ボーナス争奪戦5Original
12-10206Outrageous Body-jackとんでもボディジャック118-9
12-17207Terai, Chase of Persistence寺井、執念の追跡7-1
12-24208Ryo-san's Greatest Danger! His Rival is a Crackin' Tokyoite両さん最大の危機! ライバルはチャキチャキ江戸っ娘118-1
209Cheers for the 21st Century!21世紀だよ祝い隊参上!116-8


Air dateEP#English titleJapanese titleManga source
1-14210This is the East Ginza Kabuki Theatre Police Boxこちら東銀座歌舞伎座前派出所39-7
1-21211Wake Up! Ryotsu the All-Serious Human目覚めよ! まじめ人間両津49-2
1-28212The Dancing O-Edo Police Dragnet踊る大江戸捜査網122-3
2-4213How to Raise a Petペットの飼い方教えます90-1
2-11214The Roady Safety Demon Returns帰ってきた交通安全の鬼82-7
2-18215Trolley Bus Taleトロバス物語114-1
2-25216misery sanzan's miserable birthday悲惨さんざん誕生日49-4
3-4217saintly bridge white line sink聖橋、白線流し121-3
3-11218To My Loving Older Brother親愛なる兄貴へ92-3
3-25219lullaby of giri & ninjo & human feelings義理と人情の子守歌Original
4-22220Remove the Graffiti!落書き消してくれ!
4-29221Ryotsu's Town Reconstruction Plan両津タウン改造計画87-5
5-13222The Men Who Steal Ratings視聴率を盗んだ男80-3
5-20223Ryo-san's Alcohol Ban両さん禁酒命令30-10
5-27224Super Editing!超編集(スーパー エディター)82-2
6-3225Ryo-san Becomes a Millionaire両さん億万長者になる31-6
6-17226close adhesion downtown officerぶらり密着! 下町警官42-3
6-24227Lemon the Super Kindergarten Kid!スーパー幼稚園児檸檬!119-8
7-15228I Will Teach You the Ways of the Ninja!忍法おしえます!82-1
8-12229Daddy is a Young Captain!パパは若大将!117-6
8-19230The Bust's Wrath胸像の怒り74-4
8-19231Reiko's Summer Memory...麗子、夏の思い出...122-9
8-26232meet at 12th floor十二階で逢いませう5-10
9-2233100,000,000 Yen Scramble! Giant Athletic Tournament一億円争奪! 巨大アスレチック大会76-9
9-9234Festival Drums祭り太鼓6-4
9-16235Goodbye Ryo-sanさよなら両さんOriginal
10-7236yukemori porori 2001 kyoto travel湯けむりポロリ 2001年京都の旅
10-21237decision! ranking king決定! ランキング王82-9
10-28238Magic Kettle魔法のヤカン92-9
11-4239In Love with Lemon at First Sight檸檬に一目惚れ124-6
11-11240a wonderful day of super old policemanスーパー老巡査の素晴らしき一日27-7
11-25242Blow away the vices悪徳をぶっとばせ43-2
12-2243I'm a Voice Actress! Ryoko Kameari私は女優よ! 亀有両子Original
12-9244The Worst-Ever Escape!史上最悪の脱出!
12-16245Bonus Wars 6ボーナス争奪戦678-1
12-23246bottom pull out thief ltd底ぬけ! どろぼう株式会社7-8
12-30247Fly Out! Christmas飛び出せ! クリスマス78-2


Air dateEP#English titleJapanese titleManga source
1-6248across Europe! reiko rescue operationヨーロッパ横断! 麗子救出大作戦103-8
1-13249lemon father's visit day off檸檬の父親参観日Original
1-20250Fly! The Magic Carpetとべ! 魔法のじゅうたん47-9
1-27251ryotsu pod which call hoaxデマがデマ呼ぶ両津鍋38-8
2-3252Here is the Convenience Store Police Boxこちらコンビニ派出所121-1
2-10253Tonight's the Live Broadcast!?今夜は生放送!?72-1
2-17254Shrimp! Crab! Squid! Attack of the Great Bio-Organismsエビ! カニ! イカ! 巨大バイオ生物の襲来63-2
2-17255Colourful Tenants住人と色41-5
2-24256search without the bear great chaseクマなく探せ大追跡118-8
3-3257miserable birthday again悲惨さんざん誕生日ふたたび59-7
3-10258Kankichi Adventure冒険カン吉Original
3-17259Hiccup Panicしゃっくりパニック
3-24260The Nice Thief親切ドロボウ31-3
4-7261let's go nagasaki! dear shigure track sisterレッツゴー長崎! 恋しぐれトラック姉ちゃん36-6
4-14262Ryotsu and Lemon's Kyoto Trip両津と檸檬京都ふたり旅125-1
4-21263Sinking Romance!恋の大沈没!111-6
4-28264Street-Corner Soccer 2002街角サッカー200293-2
5-5265The Man with Too Many Keys鍵をかけすぎた男20-4
5-122663000 miles to visit father of nakagawa中川の父をたずねて三千里63-1
5-19267Ryo-san's Long Day両さんの長い一日17-2
5-26268top secret directive mission five-story pagoda極秘指令ミッション・イン五重塔53-10
6-2269Honda's Shock! Eve's Marriage本田ショック! 伊歩の結婚123-6
6-9270full gratitude! katsushika pro wrestling満員御礼! 葛飾プロレス51-6
6-16271run terai! stamp rally for dad走れ寺井! お父さんのためのスタンプラリー112-9
6-23272Dametarou the Robot Copロボット警官ダメ太郎52-8
7-14273Behold the Invisible Detective!透明刑事あらわる!63-9
7-21274Lemon, Becomes an Older Sister檸檬、おねえちゃんになる126-1
8-4275a man who can eat 300 watermelon in a week一週間でスイカ300個食べきる男35-3
8-11276Itty-Bitty Ryotsu the Fairy?ちっちゃな両津は妖精さん?48-8
8-18277i will get the swimsuit photos水着写真をゲットせよ!116-9
8-25278The Police Box Onsen is a Nice Onsen派出所温泉でイイ湯だな73-1
9-1279The Robot Cop who Sets Fire燃える炎のロボット警官57-3
9-8280Ryo-san's Trip Downtown両さんの下町旅行47-8
9-15281lost work even derail迷作? ももデレラ85-3
10-13282ryotsu vs ninja armycorps! back edo golden castle legend両津VS忍者軍団! 裏江戸城黄金伝説Original
10-20283making money with healing systemいやし系で儲けろ!
10-27284annoying father imperial palace kawahara迷惑オヤジ御所河原37-4
11-3285fooled kameri and naritaだまされて亀有そして成田Original
11-10286decisive battle! energy saving house決戦! 省エネハウス123-8
11-17287Ryo-san's Dog Life両さんの犬の生活129-5
11-24288downtown bathhouse picture scroll下町銭湯絵巻130-9
12-1289ryotsu! top secret report両津どっきり! マル秘報告!?30-4
12-8290Bonus Wars 7ボーナス争奪戦7Original
12-152911 billion yen from gourdひょうたんから十億円56-4
12-22292fly! shoulder copter飛べ! ショルダーコプター62-9
12-29293Ryotsu the Giant両さん大きくなるOriginal


Air dateEP#English titleJapanese titleManga source
1-5294kaiseku family in Hawaiian large panic擬宝珠家ご一行様INハワイアン大パニック127-8
1-12295spirit preservation party大和魂保存会!?16-2
1-19296The 12 Faces of Ryotsu両さんの二十面相37-2
1-26297take back the treasure lottery宝クジを取りもどせ!132-1
2-2298Angel 7 vs. the Wild Guy Gangエンジェル7VSワイルド野郎隊127-2
2-9299lemon parenting struggle檸檬の子育て奮闘記127-4
2-16300the man's ambition男は野望!59-6
2-23301birth of a terrible chickお雛さんざん誕生130-7
3-9302Ryotsu and Ryotsu!?両津と両津!?Original
3-16303Here is the Snow Police Boxこちら雪国派出所13-1
3-23304Where are We Mr. Denkyokuここはどこだよ電極オヤジ129-6
3-30305Hacking into Chief Ohara's Game大原部長ゲームにハマる92-5
4-6306The World's Number One Police Challenge!世界ナンバーワンポリス決定戦!Original
4-13307prejudiced king of lemon檸檬の食わず嫌い王133-5
4-20308Teacher Kankichi of 3rd Grade Group B3年B組カンキチ先生Original
4-27309Captain Kankichi Ryotsu課長両津勘吉134-1
5-4310ryotsu or komachi who reach to goal両津と小町がゴールイン?Original
5-11311fork in the road of fate運命の分かれ道
5-18312The Last Present最後のプレゼント52-6
5-25313I'm Reiko and I am Ryo-chan?!ワシが麗子で私が両ちゃん?!119-3
6-1314Fly! The Flying Ship Team飛べ! 飛行船隊134-5
6-8315Here is the Kameari Broadcasting Stationこちら亀有放送局81-8
6-15316Atami Octopus Trip熱海タコ旅行Original
6-22317straying temporary police statiin迷走! こちら仮派出所63-7
7-13318Ryo-san's Declaration of Love!?両さん熱愛宣言!?48-4
7-20319asakusa boys gangsters浅草少年愚連隊20-6
8-10320Hello My Ancestorご先祖様こんにちは58-8
8-17321Searing Heat!猛暑をぶっとばせ!72-9
8-31322lemon rather become no ninja檸檬 くノー忍者になる81-4
9-14323the teacher is a messed up grandpa先生はハチャメチャ爺さん70-9一
9-21324Who Am I!?ワシは誰だ!?Original
10-5325bomb train from abashiri to tokyo! ryotsu vs kenko ba爆走列車! 網走発東京行き! 両津VS拳法バァさん!
10-12326koi panic錦鯉パニック!120-7
10-19327The Police Box a Little While Ago派出所ちょっと昔Original
10-26328orient express theft incidentオリエント急行盗難事件
11-16329run! sports festival走れ! 助っ人運動会136-8
11-23330two person faction police station二人ぼっちの派出所53-1
11-30331clash! station stall war激突! 駅前屋台戦争97-8
12-14332Bonus Wars 8ボーナス争奪戦8Original
12-21333Super-Stretchy Ryo-sanゴムゴムの両さん


Air dateEP#English titleJapanese titleManga source
1-4334ryotsu style manga school両津流マンガ塾74-3
1-11335I Don't Wanna!だって、やりたくないんだもん!Original
1-18336Ryo-san on the Side of Justice?正義の味方両さん?137-7
1-25337Naoko's Odd Day奈緒子の意外な一日Original
2-1338Nakagawa Family Fiasco中川家お家騒動
2-8339ryotsu vs swan bytes big runaway両津VS白鳥バイト大暴走!
2-15340Ryo-san the Honest Person?正直者両さん?
2-22341comedy punishment peopleお笑い仕置人
2-29342wheel of crew cut that will widen the world世界に広げよう角刈りの輪!117-7
3-7343Operation Recyclingサイクル大作戦123-3
3-14344An All-Girls Police Box女だらけの派出所133-4
3-21345Come Over to the Kameari Shop Streetおいでよ亀有商店街Original
3-28346Special Detectives' Breakdown!? Lemon and the Strange Pirate Gang!特殊刑事壊滅!? 檸檬と謎の盗賊団!
4-4347super kanda sushi goodwill divided confrontation超神田寿司のれん分け対決125-5
4-11348cherry blossom very blightさくら大変!?131-1
4-25349Ryotsu's Movie Debut!?両津、映画デビュー!?127-6
5-2350run! ridiculous runaway激走! 奥の細道Original
5-9351Please Get Some Sleep, Chief部長は寝ててください
5-23352Reiko's Cute Prince麗子のかわいい王子様
6-6353this is a man of strawberry pickingこれが男のイチゴ狩り!136-7
6-13354Welcome, Dachou-san!?ダチョウさん、いらっしゃい!?134-2
6-20355grand! battle shogi(kind of chess)壮絶! バトル将棋Original
7-4356iron arm ryotsu鉄腕リョーツ139-3
8-8357visiting higurashi 3000 miles日暮たずねて三千里100-9
9-5358dad is a young camp generalパパはキャンプの若大将117-6
9-12359Uninhabited Island Golf無人島ゴルフ139-1
9-19360The Honda Family Once Againまたまた本田家の一族137-6
10-3361three generations of ryotsu family, in a rare journey to golden township両津家三代、黄金郷への珍道中!Original
10-10362Lemon on Strike檸檬のストライキ140-4
10-31363Shapeshift! Before and After変形! ビフォーアフター79-6
11-7364Itty-Bitty Ryo-chanちっちゃな両ちゃんOriginal
11-14365memories of the stalls屋台の思い出89-10
11-28367invention king ryotsu発明王リョーツ135-5
12-5368Laugh, Forgive笑ってユルして139-4
12-12369Flower-child Ryo-chan!花の子・両ちゃん!Original
12-19370Fight! Kumawari-kun!闘え! クマわり君!
371Kankichi Ryotsu the Love Warrior愛戦士・両津勘吉
372Operation Goodbye Ryo-sanさよなら両さん大作戦
373Last Episode Bonus最終回おまけ


Air dateEP#English titleJapanese titleManga source
374The Tuna Copマグロに乗った警官80-4
3-27375ryotsu vs crybaby idol! Japan's no.1 large board game両津VS泣き虫アイドル!? 日本1周大すごろくゲーム!!134-9
10-23376ryotsu and faithful dog lucky story kameri large encirclement net両さんと忠犬ラッキー物語 〜亀有大包囲網をかわせ!!〜Original
377run! ryotsu cheng tin tin train ohara's memories走れ!両津式チンチン電車 〜思い出の大次郎号〜
9-24378ryotsu asakusa renewal blitz memories of hanayashiki amusement park両津の浅草リニューアル大作戦!! 〜あぁ 思い出の花やしき〜
379sea expedition! vows to find white whale of memories in sumidagawa riverシートン探検隊!隅田川の誓い 〜思い出の白い鯨を探せ!〜
380i do not eat both sushi top tuna confrontation両さんの寿司食いねえ! 〜頂上マグロ対決!!〜
381eagle and me we are asakusa detective boysワシと俺!? 〜ぼくらは浅草少年探偵団!〜


382Kochira Katsushikaku Kameari Kouenmae Hashutsujo: The Final - Ryoutsu Kakichi Saigo no Hiこちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所 THE FINAL 両津勘吉 最後の日

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