Locale ('Ndrangheta)

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A locale, translated as "local" or "place", is the main local organizational unit of the 'Ndrangheta with jurisdiction over criminal activities in an entire town or an area in a large urban center. [1] [2]

A locale is usually made up by one 'ndrina , in the case of a small town, or several 'ndrine, if more than one 'ndrina operates in the same town. In the case of larger cities a local may rule over a certain area or neighbourhood of the city. [2] In some contexts a 'ndrina is more powerful than the locale on which they formally depend. [1]

Each locale has a boss with authority over members' life and death, a capo locale, usually the capobastone of a 'ndrina. [2] It has at least 49 members. Besides the capo locale, there is the contabile (accountant) who handles the finances - commonly called la bacinella or la valigetta (briefcase). A crimine oversees the illegal activity. All three form a triumvirate called the Copiata. [3] A locale is often subdivided into two divisions: the società minore (the "minor" or lower society) and the società maggiore ("major" or higher society). The minor is submissive to the major. [2] [4]

The locale of San Luca has a historical preeminence. Every new group or locale must obtain its authorization to operate. Every group belonging to the 'Ndrangheta "still has to deposit a small percentage of illicit proceeds to the principale of San Luca in recognition of the latter's primordial supremacy." [1]

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  1. 1 2 3 Paoli, Mafia Brotherhoods, pp. 29-30
  2. 1 2 3 4 Nicaso & Danesi, Made Men, p. 23
  3. (in Italian) Il Crimine, i mastri, le 'ndrine; ecco la Cupola modello Cosa nostra, La Repubblica, July 14, 2010
  4. Paoli, Mafia Brotherhoods, pp. 47-48