Makar is the surname of the following people
Kondratiev, Kondratyev or Kondratieff is a Slavic surname derived from the given name Kondraty. People of this name include:
Grigoryev or Grigoryeva is a Russian surname. It is derived from the Latinized Greek name Gregory (Grigorios). Alternative spellings of this last name include Grigoriev (masculine) and Grigorieva (feminine). Notable people with that name include:
Rogov and Rogova is a common Russian and Jewish surname.
Makarenko is a Ukrainian surname derived from the given name Makar (Macarius). It may refer to:
Dmytrenko, sometimes transliterated Dmitrenko, is a Ukrainian surname, derived from the given name Dmitry. It may refer to:
Parkhomenko or Parkhomenka is a Ukrainian and Belarusian surname. It may refer to:
Makarov/Makarova (masculine/feminine) is a Russian patronymic surname that is derived from the male given name Makar and literally means Makar's.
Saprykin is a Russian masculine surname, its feminine counterpart is Saprykina. It may refer to
Ivanenko is a Ukrainian surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Lytvyn is a Ukrainian-language equivalent of the Slavic surname Litvin, which means a resident of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It may refer to:
Vashchuk is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Shvets is a Ukrainian and Czech occupational surname literally meaning "cobbler" or "shoemaker". In Russian the word means "tailor" (obsolete).
Honcharenko, is an occupation-related surname of Ukrainian origin. Derived from гончар, it means descendant of a potter. The Belarusian-language version is Hancharenka.
Shevtsov is a Russian-language surname derived either from the Russian word швец for "tailor" or from the Ukrainian term швець for "cobbler/shoemaker", literally meaning "child of tailor/cobbler".
Bayrak is a Turkish language surname which translates to "flag" or "banner" in English. It may refer to:
Zakaluzny is a Ukrainian masculine surname. Its feminine counterpart is Zakalyuzhnaya. It may refer to:
Shcherbak is a Ukrainian-language surname. Shcherba (Щерба) is a Ukrainian term for certain kinds of soup and is related to the Persian word "shorba" with the same meaning.
Stepanyuk or Stepaniuk is a gender-neutral Ukrainian surname that originates from the masculine given name Stepan. It may refer to
Kalashnikov is a surname literally meaning, "son of Kalach maker". Notable people with the name include:
Lada is the surname of the following people: