Marcus Sempronius Tuditanus (consul 185 BC)

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Marcus Sempronius Tuditanus was a Roman politician in the second century BC.


Sempronius Tuditanus was elected Tribune of the plebs in 193 BC. [1] In 189 BC, he served as Praetor and administered the Province of Sicily. In 185 BC, he was elected consul together with Appius Claudius Pulcher as his colleague. [2] Both consuls fought in Liguria, defeating the Ingauni. In 183 BC, he was named Pontiff. In 174 BC, he died of plague. [3]

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  1. Fasti Capitolinus
  2. Titus Livius, XXXV, 7, 2-5
  3. Friedrich Münzer, Pauly's Encyclopedia of Classical Antiquity, Vol. 2, p 1443