Marsaglia's theorem

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In computational number theory, Marsaglia's theorem connects modular arithmetic and analytic geometry to describe the flaws with the pseudorandom numbers resulting from a linear congruential generator. As a direct consequence, it is now widely considered that linear congruential generators are weak for the purpose of generating random numbers. Particularly, it is inadvisable to use them for simulations with the Monte Carlo method or in cryptographic settings, such as issuing a public key certificate, unless specific numerical requirements are satisfied. Poorly chosen values for the modulus and multiplier in a Lehmer random number generator will lead to a short period for the sequence of random numbers. Marsaglia's result may be further extended to a mixed linear congruential generator. [1]

Main statement

Consider a Lehmer random number generator with

for any modulus and multiplier where each , and define a sequence

Define the points

on a unit -cube formed from successive terms of the sequence of . With such a multiplicative number generator, all -tuples of resulting random numbers lie in at most hyperplanes. Additionally, for a choice of constants which satisfy the congruence

there are at most parallel hyperplanes which contain all -tuples produced by the generator. Proofs for these claims may be found in Marsaglia's original paper. [2]

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  1. Greenberger, Martin (October 1961). "An A Priori Determination of Serial Correlation in Computer Generated Random Numbers" (PDF). Mathematics of Computation . 15 (76): 383–389. doi: 10.2307/2003027 . JSTOR   2003027.
  2. Marsaglia, George (September 1968). "Random Numbers Fall Mainly in the Planes" (PDF). PNAS . 61 (1): 25–28. Bibcode:1968PNAS...61...25M. doi: 10.1073/pnas.61.1.25 . PMC   285899 . PMID   16591687.