Matsumoto zeta function

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In mathematics, Matsumoto zeta functions are a type of zeta function introduced by Kohji Matsumoto in 1990. They are functions of the form

where p is a prime and Ap is a polynomial.

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Kohji Matsumoto is a mathematician, Doctor of Mathematics, and professor of mathematics at Nagoya University in Nagoya, Japan. His specializations include number theory, zeta theory, and mathematical analysis. He is mostly recognized for the Matsumoto zeta function, a zeta function named after him. His academic papers have been published in several scientific journals. He co-edited Analytic Number Theory, a tome about prime numbers, divisor problems, Diophantine equations, and other topics related to analytic number theory, including Diophantine approximations, and the theory of zeta and L-functions. His other book, Algebraic And Analytic Aspects Of Zeta Functions And L-Functions, a compilation of lectures at the French-Japanese Winter School, was published in 2010.
