The Metal Polishers', Buffers', Platers' and Allied Workers' International Union (MPBP) was a labor union representing metal workers in the United States and Canada.
The union was founded in 1892, as the Metal Polishers', Buffers' and Platers' International Union of North America, a split from the International Brotherhood of Brass Workers. It was chartered by the American Federation of Labor, but the Brass Workers remained a significant force in the industry, particularly after 1895, when it was joined by many metal polishers formerly organized in the Knights of Labor Trades Assembly 252. [1] [2]
On July 2, 1896, the union absorbed the Brass Workers, renaming itself as the Metal Polishers', Buffers', Platers' and Brass Workers' Union of North America, adding "International" to its name in 1899. In 1902, the silver workers' union merged in, and the union's name was again lengthened, to become the Metal Polishers', Buffers', Platers', Brass Molders', and Brass and Silver Workers' International Union of North America. However, brass molders were transferred to the International Molders' Union of North America in 1907, and brass workers who used lathes were then transferred to the International Association of Machinists. In 1917, the union transferred its silver workers to the International Jewelry Workers' Union, but gained relevant members of the Pocket Knife Blade Grinders' and Finishers' National Union. Having narrowed its focus, it renamed itself as the Metal Polishers' International Union. [1] [2]
The union had 9,000 members in 1925. [1] In 1935, it became the Metal Polishers', Buffers', Platers' and Helpers' International Union, [2] and in 1955, it transferred to the new AFL-CIO. By 1957, its membership had grown to 25,000, [3] but by 1980 it had fallen back to 10,000. It adopted its final name in 1971. [4] On December 10, 1996, the union merged into the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers. [5]
The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers (IBB) is a trade union in the United States and Canada. It is for boilermakers and related occupations, and is affiliated with both the AFL–CIO and CLC.
The Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics and Allied Workers International Union (GMPIU) was a labor union representing craft and industrial workers primarily in the ceramics, china, craft metals, fiberglass, glass, insulation, and pottery industries, in the United States and Canada.
The International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers Union of North America is a North American labor union, one of the constituent members of the Department for Professional Employees of the AFL–CIO; and of the Canadian Labour Congress, founded in 1893. It is the result of a number of mergers of labor unions, and is headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland
The United Shoe Workers of America (USWA) was a trade union representing workers involved in making shoes and other leather goods.
The International Brotherhood of Bookbinders (IBB) was a labor union representing bookbinding workers in the United States and Canada.
The International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite, and Paper Mill Workers (IBPSPMW) was a labor union representing workers involved in making paper in the United States and Canada.
The Aluminum Workers' International Union (AWIU) was a labor union representing metal workers in the United States.
The Coopers' International Union of North America (CIUNA) was a labor union representing coopers in the United States and Canada.
The Glass, Pottery, Plastics and Allied Workers' International Union (GPPAW) was a labor union representing manufacturing workers in various industries in the United States and Canada.
The International Jewelry Workers' Union (IJWU) was a labor union representing workers involved in making jewelry in the United States and Canada.
The International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers (IBB&H) was a labor union representing metal workers in the United States and Canada.
The International Brotherhood of Foundry Employees (IBFE) was a labour union representing foundry workers in the United States and Canada.
The Pattern Makers' League of North America (PMLNA) was a labor union representing patternmakers in the United States and Canada.
The Stove, Furnace and Allied Appliance Workers' International Union of North America (SFAW) was a labor union representing workers involved in fitting heating equipment in the United States and Canada.
The Laundry Workers' International Union (LWIU) was a labor union representing laundry workers in the United States.
The Distillery, Wine and Allied Workers' International Union (DWAW) was a labor union representing workers involved in making alcoholic drinks in the United States.
The International Union of Wood, Wire and Metal Lathers (WWML) was a labor union representing workers involved in erecting lath, plasterboard and flooring in the United States and Canada.
The Tile, Marble, Terrazzo, Finishers', Shopworkers' and Granite Cutters' International Union (TMT) was a labor union representing construction workers who used marble and similar decorative materials, in the United States and Canada.
The United Transport Service Employees of America (UTSEA) was a labor union representing railroad workers, principally station porters, in the United States.
The Railway Employes' Department (RED) was a semi-autonomous department of the AFL–CIO.