Mohammad Hanif Balkhi

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Mohammad Hanif Balkhi was Minister of Hajj (Pilgrimage) in the Afghan Interim Authority, that was put in place by the Bonn Conference, after the fall of the Islam. Balkhi was not a member of the Northern Alliance or the Rome Group that dominated the interim administration, but was an independent shiite. [1]

Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs

Past and current governments of Afghanistan have included a minister of Haj and Religious Affairs in their Cabinet. The Current Acting Minister of Haj and Religious Affairs is Dr. Daiulhaq Abid.

Afghan Interim Administration 2001-2002 administration in Afghanistan

The Afghan Interim Administration (AIA), also known as the Afghan Interim Authority, was the first administration of Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban regime and was the highest authority of the country from 22 December 2001 until 13 July 2002.

International Conference on Afghanistan, Bonn (2001)

After Operation Enduring Freedom in which the Taliban government was toppled in Afghanistan, in December 2001, the German city of Bonn hosted a conference of Afghan leaders at Hotel Petersberg, to choose the leader of an Afghan Interim Authority – widely known as the Bonn Conference. The Conference chose Hamid Karzai, who was subsequently elected President in 2004. Karzai subsequently appointed many of the anti-Taliban allies and regional leaders to senior posts within the interim government, or to senior posts in the Provincial governments.

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  1. "Creating A New Afghanistan - Filling The Vacuum | Campaign Against Terror | FRONTLINE | PBS". Retrieved 2017-05-14.