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MyEnvironment is an application built by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help the public get a sense of environmental indicators in their neighborhood. By keying in a geography, the application comes back with information about the local land, air, water, climate, and Environmental Justice. It mines mostly EPA but also other federal Agency databases. The latest enhancement was a complete update to website including updating the environmental topics and the tools within each topic. The intention is that as people are learning about air and water quality in their neighborhood, they can simultaneously learn about environmental justice and what they can do to help their community.


MyEnvironment receives over one million hits a month and over 100,000 pageviews are downloaded in that same time. The predecessor tool to MyEnvironment is Window to My Environment.

Environmental Information in MyEnvironment

There are five main topics highlighted within MyEnvironment: MyAir, MyLand, MyClimate, MyWater, and MyEJ (Environmental Justice). Below is a summary of each topic and tools that are highlighted in each.


MyWater highlights waterways in your area with an emphasis on why protecting our waterways is important by highlighting a variety of tools and information.


MyLand highlights environmental cleanups in your area by highlighting a variety of tools and information.


MyClimate highlights your areas current climate conditions.



MyEnvironmentalJustice explains what Environmental Justice is and where it is happening in your area through a variety of tools.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hazardous waste</span> Ignitable, reactive, corrosive and/or toxic unwanted or unusable materials

Hazardous waste is waste that has substantial or potential threats to public health or the environment. Hazardous waste is a type of dangerous goods. They usually have one or more of the following hazardous traits:ignitability, reactivity, corrosivity, toxicity. Listed hazardous wastes are materials specifically listed by regulatory authorities as hazardous wastes which are from non-specific sources, specific sources, or discarded chemical products. Hazardous wastes may be found in different physical states such as gaseous, liquids, or solids. A hazardous waste is a special type of waste because it cannot be disposed of by common means like other by-products of our everyday lives. Depending on the physical state of the waste, treatment and solidification processes might be required.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">United States Environmental Protection Agency</span> U.S. federal government agency

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an independent executive agency of the United States federal government tasked with environmental protection matters. President Richard Nixon proposed the establishment of EPA on July 9, 1970; it began operation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon signed an executive order. The order establishing the EPA was ratified by committee hearings in the House and Senate.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Toxic waste</span> Any unwanted material which can cause harm

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Resource Conservation and Recovery Act</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Landfill gas</span> Gaseous fossil fuel

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New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) are pollution control standards issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The term is used in the Clean Air Act Extension of 1970 (CAA) to refer to air pollution emission standards, and in the Clean Water Act (CWA) referring to standards for water pollution discharges of industrial wastewater to surface waters.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Toxics Release Inventory</span>

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To protect the environment from the adverse effects of pollution, many nations worldwide have enacted legislation to regulate various types of pollution as well as to mitigate the adverse effects of pollution. At the local level, regulation usually is supervised by environmental agencies or the broader public health system. Different jurisdictions often have different levels regulation and policy choices about pollution. Historically, polluters will lobby governments in less economically developed areas or countries to maintain lax regulation in order to protect industrialisation at the cost of human and environmental health.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Waste</span> Unwanted or unusable materials

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Air quality law</span> Type of law

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Waste management law</span>

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Solid waste policy in the United States is aimed at developing and implementing proper mechanisms to effectively manage solid waste. For solid waste policy to be effective, inputs should come from stakeholders, including citizens, businesses, community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations, government agencies, universities, and other research organizations. These inputs form the basis of policy frameworks that influence solid waste management decisions. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates household, industrial, manufacturing, and commercial solid and hazardous wastes under the 1976 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Effective solid waste management is a cooperative effort involving federal, state, regional, and local entities. Thus, the RCRA's Solid Waste program section D encourages the environmental departments of each state to develop comprehensive plans to manage nonhazardous industrial and municipal solid waste.

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Water in Arkansas is an important issue encompassing the conservation, protection, management, distribution and use of the water resource in the state. Arkansas contains a mixture of groundwater and surface water, with a variety of state and federal agencies responsible for the regulation of the water resource. In accordance with agency rules, state, and federal law, the state's water treatment facilities utilize engineering, chemistry, science and technology to treat raw water from the environment to potable water standards and distribute it through water mains to homes, farms, business and industrial customers. Following use, wastewater is collected in collection and conveyance systems, decentralized sewer systems or septic tanks and treated in accordance with regulations at publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) before being discharged to the environment.

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