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NETDATA is a file format used primarily for data transfer and storage on IBM mainframe systems, although implementations are available for other systems.

A file format is a standard way that information is encoded for storage in a computer file. It specifies how bits are used to encode information in a digital storage medium. File formats may be either proprietary or free and may be either unpublished or open.

IBM American multinational technology and consulting corporation

International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) is an American multinational information technology company headquartered in Armonk, New York, with operations in over 170 countries. The company began in 1911, founded in Endicott, New York, as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) and was renamed "International Business Machines" in 1924.



NETDATA files are 80-byte card image files containing unloaded file data plus metadata to allow the original file to be reconstituted on the receiving system. A complete NETDATA file consists of a number of control records, followed by data records and terminated by a trailer record. All records have the same format:

Card image is a traditional term for a character string, usually 80 characters in length, that was, or could be, contained on a single punched card. IBM cards were 80 characters in length. UNIVAC cards were 90 characters in length. Card image files stored on magnetic tape or disk were usually used for simulated card input or output.

Metadata data about data

Metadata is "data information that provides information about other data". Many distinct types of metadata exist, among these descriptive metadata, structural metadata, administrative metadata, reference metadata and statistical metadata.

Control records

Control records have a six-character EBCDIC identifier in bytes 2-7 following the length and flags. They contain a number of self-defining fields, called text units. Each text unit consists of a two byte text unit key identifying this text unit, a two-byte big-endian binary number of length-data pairs that follow for this key (usually one), a two byte length field identifying the length of the text unit data, and a text unit of the specified length. Implementations are expected to ignore any text unit information not relevant to the receiving system.

Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code is an eight-bit character encoding used mainly on IBM mainframe and IBM midrange computer operating systems. It descended from the code used with punched cards and the corresponding six-bit binary-coded decimal code used with most of IBM's computer peripherals of the late 1950s and early 1960s. It is supported by various non-IBM platforms, such as Fujitsu-Siemens' BS2000/OSD, OS-IV, MSP, and MSP-EX, the SDS Sigma series, Unisys VS/9, Burroughs MCP and ICL VME.

Header Control Record
The header record must be the first record of a NETDATA file. It has the identifier "INMR01". It contains information identifying the sender: node (host), timestamp, and user id, the length of the control record segments, and the target (receiving) node and user id. It may optionally contain a request for acknowledgement of receipt, the version number of the data format, the number of files in the transmission, and a "user parameter string." CMS allows only one file per transmission, but TSO/E and other systems may allow more than one.

File Utility Control Record
This record describes how the file's data is to be reconstituted. Its identifier is "INMR02". Bytes 8-11 contain the big-endian binary number of the file to which this record applies. If there are multiple files in a transmission they are numbered starting with one. The rest of this record describes the file's format, and one or more steps ("utility programs") which must be executed in order to rebuild this file. The text units identify the file's organization (INMDSORG: sequential, partitioned, etc.), its fixed of maximum record length (INMLRECL), its record format (INMRECFM: fixed, variable, etc) the approximate size of the file (IBMSIZE), and the utility program name(s) (INMUTILN). It may also contain the file's block size, creation date, number of directory blocks, name, expiration date, file mode number, last change date, last reference date, member name list (for partitioned datasets), a note file, and a user parameter string.

Data Control Record
The Data Control Record immediately precedes the data and describes its format, similar to the Utility Control Record. Its identifier is "INMR03". This record is ignored by CMS, but is used by TSO/E. It contains the file's organization (INMDSORG), its record length (INMLRECL), its record format (INMRECFM), and the file size (IBMSIZE).

User Control Record
The User Control record can appear at any point in the data stream. Its identifier is "INMR04". If present it is ignored by CMS, but may be used by other systems. It contains only a User Parameter String (INMUSERP).

Trailer Control Record
This record marks the end of the file. Its identifier is "INMR06". No other data is defined for this record.

Acknowledgement Control Record
This record has an id of "INMR07". It is used by the receiving system to acknowledge receipt of a transmission. It contains one of the text units File Name (INMDSNM) or Note File (INMTERM) plus, optionally, the Origin Time Stamp (INMFTIME).

A note file (sometimes called a "PROFS note") "is a short communication, the kind usually done by letter.". [2]

Data records

Data records (identified by their flag value), follow the Data Control Record, if present, and precede the Trailer Control Record. Records can be any size up to INMLRECL. They are sent as multiple segments of up to 253 bytes, split into 80 byte records for transmission, and reassembled by the receiver. Settings of the flags byte in each record mark the beginning, end, or a complete record of the file. Bytes of a record can contain any bit pattern. No character values are reserved.

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File system concrete format or program for storing files and directories on a data storage device

In computing, a file system or filesystem, controls how data is stored and retrieved. Without a file system, information placed in a storage medium would be one large body of data with no way to tell where one piece of information stops and the next begins. By separating the data into pieces and giving each piece a name, the information is easily isolated and identified. Taking its name from the way paper-based information systems are named, each group of data is called a "file". The structure and logic rules used to manage the groups of information and their names is called a "file system".

In the context of IBM mainframe computers, a data set or dataset is a computer file having a record organization. Use of this term began with OS/360 and is still used by its successors, including the current z/OS. Documentation for these systems historically preferred this term rather than file.

This article discusses support programs included in or available for OS/360 and successors. IBM categorizes some of these programs as utilities and others as service aids; the boundaries are not always consistent or obvious. Many, but not all, of these programs match the types in utility software.

In computer science, a record-oriented filesystem is a file system where data is stored as collections of records. This is in contrast to a byte-oriented filesystem, where the data is treated as an unformatted stream of bytes. There are several different possible record formats; the details vary depending on the particular system. In general the formats can be fixed-length or variable length, with different physical organizations or padding mechanisms; metadata may be associated with the file records to define the record length, or the data may be part of the record. Different methods to access records may be provided, for example sequential, by key or by record number.

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  1. IBM Corporation. "x/VM: CMS Macros and Functions Reference". IBM Knowledge Center. Retrieved Sep 5, 2019.
  2. IBM Corporation. "z/VM:CMS Commands and Utilities Reference" . Retrieved Sep 6, 2019.Cite web requires |website= (help)