Nadine-Josette Chaline

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Nadine-Josette Chaline (born 1938) is a contemporary French historian, specialist in religious history, especially Christians in France.



Nadine-Josette Chaline is the wife of Jean-Pierre Chaline, himself a historian (a specialist of the nineteenth century), and the mother of Olivier Chaline, a historian specializing in Central Europe in the modern era. She taught at the University of Picardie Jules Verne. She is a member of the Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Rouen

From 1993 to 1996, she presided the Association française d'histoire religieuse contemporaine  [ fr ].

In 1986, Nadine-Josette Chaline was awarded the Prix Yvan Loiseau by the Académie française for her work Des catholiques normands, sous la troisième République, crises-combats-renouveaux.

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