The National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP) is an intelligence-sharing initiative that links the computer databases of local, state, regional, tribal law enforcement agencies with those of the U.S. federal government. [1] [2] [3] [4]
Automated Trusted Information Exchange (ATIX) is a computer database containing homeland security and terrorist threat information, which is part of the U.S. government's Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) program.
The Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) is a web-based platform, run by the Department of Homeland Security, which is designed to allow local, state, tribal, and federal government agencies to share "Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)" information with each other over a secure channel.
The Joint Regional Information Exchange System (JRIES) began in December 2002 as an all-source intelligence / information sharing system, designed initially as a grassroots pilot system to connect the California Anti-Terrorism Information Center, the New York Police Department, and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
The National Police Agency is an agency administered by the National Public Safety Commission of the Cabinet Office of the Cabinet of Japan, and is the central agency of the Japanese police system, and the central coordinating agency of law enforcement in situations of national emergency in Japan.
The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) was formed to strengthen the country's response to crime affecting Australia. The agency has specialist investigative capabilities and delivers and maintains national information sharing solutions. The ACIC was established on 1 July 2016 following the merger of the Australian Crime Commission and CrimTrac.
Criminal Intelligence is information compiled, analyzed, and/or disseminated in an effort to anticipate, prevent, or monitor criminal activity.
The Australian Intelligence Community (AIC) and the National Intelligence Community (NIC) or National Security Community of the Australian Government are the collectives of statutory intelligence agencies, policy departments, and other government agencies concerned with protecting and advancing the national security and national interests of the Commonwealth of Australia. The intelligence and security agencies of the Australian Government have evolved since the Second World War and the Cold War and saw transformation and expansion during the Global War on Terrorism with military deployments in Afghanistan, Iraq and against ISIS in Syria. Key international and national security issues for the Australian Intelligence Community include terrorism and violent extremism, cybersecurity, transnational crime, the rise of China, and Pacific regional security.
A cyber fusion is an intelligence gathering, analysis and dissemination state or major urban area center, which is owned by state, local, and territorial law enforcement and Department of Homeland Security entities, many of which were jointly created between 2003 and 2007 under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Office of Justice Programs in the U.S. Department of Justice. The DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provide Fusion Centers with resources, training, and other coordinated services. The goal of such centers are to strengthen National anti-terrorism networks within the U.S. Federal government.
Criminal Intelligence Service Canada is an inter-agency organization in Canada designed to coordinate and share criminal intelligence amongst member police forces. Established in 1970, the CISC has a central bureau in Ottawa and ten bureaus in each province offering services to over 400 law enforcement agencies in Canada.
A government database collects information for various reasons, including climate monitoring, securities law compliance, geological surveys, patent applications and grants, surveillance, national security, border control, law enforcement, public health, voter registration, vehicle registration, social security, and statistics.
The National Ballistics Intelligence Service, or NABIS, is a British intelligence service dedicated to managing and providing detailed information regarding firearm-related criminality. The service aims to use its database to store ballistics information about police cases involving firearms, and consequently maintain it for future use and reference. The service operates four facilities to test and analyse firearms evidence to help link it with other cases. These are based in Birmingham, London and Manchester.
Universal Core was a U.S. government project to facilitate sharing of intelligence and related digital content across U.S. government systems. In a memorandum signed on 28 March 2013, the DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) announced that DoD will adopt the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) as the basis for its data exchange strategy in coordination with the NIEM Program Management Office (PMO). This DoD transition to NIEM will incorporate the ongoing efforts of DoD Universal Core (UCore) and Command and Control (C2) Core, effectively ending new development on these DoD data exchange models.
Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) is an information-sharing program funded by the U.S. Federal government whose purpose is to connect databases from local and regional law enforcement so that they can use each other's data for criminal investigations.
SEARCH, The National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics, is a nonprofit criminal justice support organization created by and for the states. Its headquarters are in Sacramento, California.
The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI) is a program of the United States Government used to collect and share reports of suspicious activity by people in the United States. The Nationwide SAR Initiative (NSI) builds on what law enforcement and other agencies have been doing for years — gathering information regarding behaviors and incidents associated with criminal activity — but without the customary restrictions on collecting data on individuals in the absence of reasonable suspicion or probable cause. The program has established a standardized process whereby SARs can be shared among agencies to help detect and prevent terrorism-related criminal activity. This process is in direct response to the mandate to establish a "unified process for reporting, tracking, and accessing [SARs]" in a manner that rigorously protects the privacy and civil liberties of Americans, as called for in the 2007 National Strategy for Information Sharing (NSIS), which in turn was authorized by the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. Reports of suspicious behavior noticed by local law enforcement or by private citizens are forwarded to state and major urban area fusion centers as well as DHS and the FBI for analysis. Sometimes this information is combined with other information to evaluate the suspicious activity in greater context. The program is primarily under the direction of the US Department of Justice.
The Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC) was established in 2006 as a cooperative effort between United States federal, state, and local law enforcement and public safety agencies to centralize the intake, analysis, synthesis, and appropriate dissemination of terrorism-related threat intelligence for the greater Los Angeles region. In 2010, the JRIC merged with the Los Angeles Joint Drug Intelligence Group component of the Los Angeles High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, Intelligence Support System (ISS), which includes the Los Angeles Regional Criminal Information Clearinghouse and the Inland Narcotics Clearing House (INCH) to create a consolidated regional all-crimes intelligence fusion entity in accordance with the HIDTA mission. The JRIC also serves as the Regional Threat Assessment Center (RTAC) for the Central District of California as part of the California State Threat Assessment System (STAS). The center follows guidelines established by the US Department of Justice and US Department of Homeland Security, and contributes to the national Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan.
The Law Enforcement Information Exchange is a database which is maintained by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. Eugene R. Fidell described the database as constituting domestic spying.
Intelligence sharing is "the ability to exchange intelligence, information, data, or knowledge among Federal, state, local or private-sector entities as appropriate." Intelligence sharing also involves intergovernmental bilateral or multilateral agreements and through international organizations. Intelligence sharing is meant to facilitate the use of actionable intelligence to a broader range of decision-makers.
The State Intelligence Agency (SIA) is a Bulgarian foreign intelligence service, which obtains, processes, analyzes and provides the state leadership with intelligence, assessments, analyses and prognoses, related to the national security, interests and priorities of the Republic of Bulgaria.
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