Nonuniversal theory

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Nonuniversal theory is a theory of cognitive development first created by David Henry Feldman, a professor at the Eliot-Pearson School of Child Development at Tufts University. The theory proposes that development occurs in domain-specific stages (versus the universal stages of Piaget and others). The stages are: novice, apprentice, journeyman, craftsman, expert and master.

Cognitive development is a field of study in neuroscience and psychology focusing on a child's development in terms of information processing, conceptual resources, perceptual skill, language learning, and other aspects of the developed adult brain and cognitive psychology. Qualitative differences between how a child processes its waking experience and how an adult processes his/her waking experience are acknowledged. Cognitive development is defined in adult terms as the emergence of ability to consciously cognize and consciously understand and articulate their understanding. From an adult point of view, cognitive development can also be called intellectual development.

Tufts University private research university in Medford/Somerville, Massachusetts

Tufts University is a private research university in Medford and Somerville, Massachusetts. A charter member of the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC), Tufts College was founded in 1852 by Christian universalists who worked for years to open a nonsectarian institution of higher learning. It was a small New England liberal arts college until its transformation into a larger research university in the 1970s. The university emphasizes active citizenship and public service in all its disciplines, and is known for its internationalism and study abroad programs.

Domain-specific learning theories of development hold that we have many independent, specialized knowledge structures, rather than one cohesive knowledge structure. Thus, training in one domain may not impact another independent domain.

The transition of one stage to the next is one of the core concepts of the theory. In it, development begins with the consolidation of a skill set. Outlying skills are brought closer together through integration of advanced skills or development of retarded skills. The next step is elaboration, where new skills are added. This is followed by a period of stagnation, followed by a phase in which a novel skill emerges which is more advanced than the others. This novel skill then pulls the other skills along with it in a phase called reversion. Then the process repeats itself with another stage of consolidation. This continues until the learner reaches the master level.

Note that the drive for personal skill development doesn't always cease at this particular point, it can cease at any phase and typically ceases during a protracted stagnation phase.


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