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Parecis or Parecís may refer to:

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Mamoré River river in Bolivia & Brazil

The Mamoré is a large river in Bolivia and Brazil which unites with the Beni to form the Madeira, one of the largest tributaries of the Amazon. It rises on the northern slope of the Sierra de Cochabamba, east of the city of Cochabamba, and is known as the Chimoré down to its junction with the Chapare. Its larger tributaries are the Chapare, Secure, Apere, and Yacuma from the west, and the Ichilo, Guapay, Ivari, Manique and Guapore from the east. Taking into account its length only, the Guapay should be considered the upper part of the Mamore; but it is shallow and obstructed, and carries a much smaller volume of water. The Guapore also rivals the Mamore in length and volume, having its source in the Parecis plateau, Mato Grosso, Brazil, a few miles from streams flowing north-ward to the Tapajos and Amazon, and southward to the Paraguay and Paraná rivers. The Mamore is interrupted by rapids a few miles above its junction with the Beni, but a railway 300 km long has been undertaken from below the rapids of the Madeira. Above the rapids the river is navigable to Chimore, at the foot of the sierra, and most of its tributaries are navigable for long distances. In 1874, Franz Keller gave the outflow of the Mamoré at mean water level, and not including the Guapore, as 41,459 cm3/sec, and the area of its drainage basin, also not including the Guapore, as 24,299 km2.

Juruena River river in Mato Grosso & Amazonas, Brazil

The Juruena River is a 1,240 km (770 mi) long river in west-central Brazil, in the state of Mato Grosso.

Roosevelt–Rondon Scientific Expedition 1913-14 expedition down the River of Doubt

The Roosevelt–Rondon Scientific Expedition was a survey expedition in 1913–14 to follow the path of the Rio da Dúvida in the Amazon basin. The expedition was jointly led by Theodore Roosevelt, the former President of the United States, and Colonel Cândido Rondon, the Brazilian explorer who had discovered its headwaters in 1909. Sponsored in part by the American Museum of Natural History, they also collected many new animal and insect specimens. The river was eventually named "Rio Roosevelt" for the former president, who nearly died during the voyage.

Sinop, Mato Grosso Municipality in Central-West, Brazil

Sinop is a city on the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. The fourth-largest city in the state, its population in 2016 is estimated at more than 132,934 inhabitants, placing Sinop in 229th place in Brazil. It has an area of 3194.339 km ². A Sivam radar has been installed for monitoring the Amazon Basin. Also Embrapa has a branch in Sinop, the only one in the state of Mato Grosso. It is known as the Capital of Nortão, a major city of northern Mato Grosso.

The Mato Grosso Plateau is a plateau in central Brazil occupying most of the state of Mato Grosso. It contains mostly savanna and woodland. It is an ancient erosional plateau that extends from the border of Goiás state westward to the Parecis plateau, which lies near the Bolivian border. In the south it gives way to floodplains called the Pantanal.

Arawakan languages language family

Arawakan, also known as Maipurean, is a language family that developed among ancient indigenous peoples in South America. Branches migrated to Central America and the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean and the Atlantic, including what is now the Bahamas. Only present-day Ecuador, Uruguay, and Chile did not have peoples who spoke Arawakan languages. Maipurean may be related to other language families in a hypothetical Macro-Arawakan stock.

Guaporé River river of Brazil & Bolivia

Guaporé River is a river in western Brazil and northeastern Bolivia. It is 1,530 km (950 mi) long; 970 km (600 mi) of the river forms the border between Brazil and Bolivia.

Alto Alegre dos Parecis Municipality in North, Brazil

Alto Alegre dos Parecis is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 13,940 (2015) and its area is 3,958 km².

Parecis, Rondônia Municipality in North, Brazil

Parecis is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 5,697 (2015) and its area is 2,549 km².

Pareci Novo Municipality in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Pareci Novo is a municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Guaporé Biological Reserve

Guaporé Biological Reserve (Portuguese: Reserva Biológica do Guaporé is a biological reserve in the state of Rondônia, Brazil, on the border with Bolivia.

The Parecis plateau is a plateau in the Brazilian state of Rondônia and adjacent west-central Mato Grosso. The municipality of Parecis is located at the plateau. Several large rivers have their origin on the plateau, notably the Guaporé, Ji-Paraná, Juruena and Paraguay River. The Mato Grosso Plateau is directly to the east of Parecis.

The Parecis River is a river of Mato Grosso state in western Brazil.

The Pareci–Xingu languages, also known as Paresi–Waura or Central Maipurean, are Maipurean / Arawakan languages of the Bolivian and western Brazilian Amazon.

Paresi is an Arawakan language spoken in Brazil. There are approximately 2000 Paresi people, and around 1800 speak the language. The Paresi live in the state of Mato Grosso, more specifically in nine indigenous territories: Rio Formoso, Utiariti, Estação Parecis, Estivadinho, Pareci, Juininha, Figueira, Ponte de Pedra, and Uirapuru. In terms of endangerment, it is not in immediate danger. It is used in many everyday domains, but there is a lack of transmission to younger generations, as well as an evident language shift to Portuguese. This is a result of Portuguese being used in education and healthcare, as well as the integration of Brazilian culture among the Paresi people, creating changes in their language and cultural practices.

Serra dos Parecis State Park

The Serra dos Parecis State Park was a state park in the state of Rondônia, Brazil. It was meant to protect an area of Amazon rainforest, but after being abandoned for twenty years it was cancelled in 2010.

Madeira-Tapajós moist forests

The Madeira-Tapajós moist forests (NT0135) is an ecoregion in the Amazon basin. It is part of the Amazon biome. The ecoregion extends southwest from the Amazon River between its large Madeira and Tapajós tributaries, and crosses the border into Bolivia. In the south it transitions into the cerrado biome of Mato Grosso. In the state of Rondônia it contains some of the most degraded land of the Amazon basin.

<i>Plecturocebus</i> genus of mammals

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Before the Portuguese discovery of Brazil, the region where the present state of Rondônia is situated was populated by indigenous peoples, who are known to have included the following:

Paresi may refer to: