Principle of deferred decision

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Principle of deferred decisions is a technique used in analysis of randomized algorithms.



A randomized algorithm makes a set of random choices. These random choices may be intricately related making it difficult to analyze it. In many of these cases Principle of Deferred Decisions is used. The idea behind the principle is that the entire set of random choices are not made in advance, but rather fixed only as they are revealed to the algorithm.


The Clock Solitaire Game

The principle is used to evaluate and determine the probability of "win" from a deck of cards. The idea is to let the random choices unfold, until the iteration ends at 52, where if the fourth card is drawn out of a group labeled "K", the game terminates.[ citation needed ]

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In common parlance, randomness is the apparent lack of pattern or predictability in events. A random sequence of events, symbols or steps often has no order and does not follow an intelligible pattern or combination. Individual random events are, by definition, unpredictable, but if the probability distribution is known, the frequency of different outcomes over repeated events is predictable. For example, when throwing two dice, the outcome of any particular roll is unpredictable, but a sum of 7 will occur twice as often as 4. In this view, randomness is not haphazardness; it is a measure of uncertainty of an outcome. Randomness applies to concepts of chance, probability, and information entropy.

In statistics, a simple random sample is a subset of individuals chosen from a larger set. Each individual is chosen randomly and entirely by chance, such that each individual has the same probability of being chosen at any stage during the sampling process, and each subset of k individuals has the same probability of being chosen for the sample as any other subset of k individuals. This process and technique is known as simple random sampling, and should not be confused with systematic random sampling. A simple random sample is an unbiased surveying technique.

Randomized algorithms are algorithms that employ a degree of randomness as part of their logic. These algorithms can be used to give good average-case results (complexity-wise) to problems which are hard to solve deterministically, or display poor worst-case complexity. An algorithmic game theoretic approach can help explain why in the average case randomized algorithms may work better than deterministic algorithms.

History of randomness

In ancient history, the concepts of chance and randomness were intertwined with that of fate. Many ancient peoples threw dice to determine fate, and this later evolved into games of chance. At the same time, most ancient cultures used various methods of divination to attempt to circumvent randomness and fate.

In mathematics and computer science, the probabilistic method is used to prove the existence of mathematical objects with desired combinatorial properties. The proofs are probabilistic — they work by showing that a random object, chosen from some probability distribution, has the desired properties with positive probability. Consequently, they are nonconstructive — they don't explicitly describe an efficient method for computing the desired objects.

