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Rank SIFT algorithm is the revised SIFT (Scale-invariant feature transform) algorithm which uses ranking techniques to improve the performance of the SIFT algorithm. In fact, ranking techniques can be used in key point localization or descriptor generation of the original SIFT algorithm.

The scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) is a feature detection algorithm in computer vision to detect and describe local features in images. It was patented in Canada by the University of British Columbia and published by David Lowe in 1999. Applications include object recognition, robotic mapping and navigation, image stitching, 3D modeling, gesture recognition, video tracking, individual identification of wildlife and match moving.


SIFT With Ranking Techniques

Ranking the Key Point

Ranking techniques can be used to keep certain number of key points which are detected by SIFT detector. [1]

Suppose is a training image sequence and is a key point obtained by SIFT detector. The following equation determines the rank of in the key point set. Larger value of corresponds to the higher rank of .

where is the indicator function, is the homography transformation from to , and is the threshold.

Suppose is the feature descriptor of key point defined above. So can be labeled with the rank of in the feature vector space. Then the vector set containing labeled elements can be used as a training set for the Ranking SVM [2] problem.

The learning process can be represented as follows:

In machine learning, a Ranking SVM is a variant of the support vector machine algorithm, which is used to solve certain ranking problems. The ranking SVM algorithm was published by Thorsten Joachims in 2002. The original purpose of the algorithm was to improve the performance of an internet search engine. However, it was found that Ranking SVM also can be used to solve other problems such as Rank SIFT.

The obtained optimal can be used to order the future key points.

Ranking the Elements of Descriptor

Ranking techniques also can be used to generate the key point descriptor. [3]

Suppose is the feature vector of a key point and the elements of is the corresponding rank of in . is defined as follows:

After transforming original feature vector to the ordinal descriptor , the difference between two ordinal descriptors can be evaluated in the following two measurements.

The Spearman correlation coefficient also refers to Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. For two ordinal descriptors and , it can be proved that

Spearmans rank correlation coefficient statistic

In statistics, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient or Spearman's rho, named after Charles Spearman and often denoted by the Greek letter (rho) or as , is a nonparametric measure of rank correlation. It assesses how well the relationship between two variables can be described using a monotonic function.

The Kendall's Tau also refers to Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient. In the above case, the Kendall's Tau between and is

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  1. Bing Li; Rong Xiao; Zhiwei Li; Rui Cai; Bao-Liang Lu; Lei Zhang; "Rank-SIFT: Learning to rank repeatable local interest points", Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011
  2. Joachims, T. (2003), "Optimizing Search Engines using Clickthrough Data", Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
  3. Toews, M.; Wells, W."SIFT-Rank: Ordinal Description for Invariant Feature Correspondence", Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009.