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Ravage may refer to:

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Quicksilver may refer to:

Titan most often refers to:

Marvel may refer to:

An oracle a person or thing considered to provide wise and insightful counsel or prophetic predictions.

Netherworld may refer to:

Death is the irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain an organism.

Limbo is an afterlife condition hypothesized by Medieval Roman Catholic theologians, but not made official Catholic doctrine. In everyday speech, the term similarly refers to the state itself of some noun that is in-between states.

Dark Angel may refer to:

Avenger, Avengers, The Avenger, or The Avengers may refer to:

A chameleon is an Old World lizard belonging to the family Chamaeleonidae.

Eternity is a term in philosophy referring to the idea of forever or to timelessness.

Illuminati, in both Latin and Italian, means "illuminated/enlightened (ones)" and may refer to a number of intellectuals/philosophers and/or secret societies or religious adepts.

The multiverse is the hypothetical set of multiple possible universes that comprise all of reality.

Freak has several meanings: a person who is physically deformed or suffers from an extraordinary disease and condition, a genetic mutation in a plant or animal, etc.

Dusk is the time of day just after sunset.

A ghoul is an evil spirit from Arabian folklore.

Titania may refer to:

Thorn(s) or The Thorn(s) may refer to:

Doom is another name for damnation.

Crimson Dawn is a fictional realm in the Marvel Comics Universe.