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SPF/PC is an MS-DOS-based text editor and file manager designed to have an interface that was familiar to those using mainframe SPF and ISPF. [1]


Later Microsoft Windows-based versions were named SPF/SE and SPF/SE 365. [2] A version for OS/2 named SPF/2 was also offered. [3] SPF/SE and SPF/SE 365 were released as freeware in 2022 after the death of Tim Tetiva, the author of SPF/PC and SPF/SE. [4]


SPF/PC [5] was introduced by and successors sold by Command Technology Corporation. Similar to IBM's mainframe based ISPF and is able to edit ASCII and EBCDIC text file as a complete integrated applications development environment (IDE). Typically used for editing source code, invoking compilers, linkers, and debuggers, in a variety of programming languages, such as COBOL, Fortran, and C++.

64-bit Windows can't run SPF/PC (Will run under DOSBox), but it can still be used on 32-bit Windows (e.g. Windows XP or Windows 7 in XP Mode). [6]


Macro/Scripting Language

SPF/SE 365 uses a C like macro/scripting language.

All versions of SPF have the ability to call any interpreter (PHP, BASIC, Powershell, etc.) from within the editor allowing text processing and OS command calls. SPF/SE does not have the REXX interface that SPF/PC had.

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Editors used in the PC environment typically operate in a significantly different manner than those in operation on large Mainframe systems. PC editors are almost universally character stream oriented while mainframe editors are typically text line oriented. Users who need to work on both PCs and mainframes thus need to become productive in two different work styles.


  1. "Editing with SPF/PC". Computerworld. September 19, 1988. SPC/PC uses .. extended or expanded memory
  2. "SPF/SE 365". Archived from the original on April 10, 2018. Retrieved November 2, 2022.
  3. "SPF/2". edm2.com. May 26, 2022. Retrieved November 2, 2022.
  4. Michael Knigge (November 2, 2022). "SPF-Editor (formerly known as SPF/SE)". github.com. Retrieved November 2, 2022.
  5. 1 2 "SPF/PC can use Extended Memory". PC Magazine . February 5, 1985. p. 270.
  6. "SPF-PC1 DOS application started through the Windows ntvdm". July 16, 2020. Background information: ntvdm.exe NTVDM can run at startup. SPF-PC A 16-bit DOS application based on the mainframe editor ISPF editor.