Sabatier (disambiguation)

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Sabatier is a brand of kitchen knife produced in France.

Sabatier or Sabattier may also refer to:

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Catalan may refer to:

Metis or Métis, meaning "mixed" in French, may refer to:

Pascal, Pascal's or PASCAL may refer to:

UPS most commonly refers to:

Parrots are birds found mostly in tropical and subtropical regions.

Picard may refer to:

Billy may refer to:

Lacrosse is a team sport.

Beaumont may refer to:

Couture may refer to:

Never may refer to:

The pons is a part of the brain stem.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sabattier effect</span> Photographic tone reversal technique

The Sabatier effect, also known as pseudo-solarization and erroneously referred to as the Sabattier effect, is a phenomenon in photography in which the image recorded on a negative or on a photographic print is wholly or partially reversed in tone. Dark areas appear light or light areas appear dark. Solarization and pseudo-solarization are quite distinct effects. Over time, the "pseudo" has been dropped in many photographic darkroom circles and discussions, but the effect that is meant is the Sabattier effect and not the solarization by extreme overexposure.

Tesla most commonly refers to:

Lemaître, Lemaitre, Le Maitre, or variation, is a French surname meaning "the master" – derived from the Latin word "magister".

Crater Lake is a lake in Klamath County, Oregon, United States.

Macdonald, MacDonald or McDonald may refer to:

The bise is a northern wind in France and Switzerland.

Carlos may refer to:

Sabatier is a French occupational name that means "shoemaker". Notable people with the surname include: