San Telmo (disambiguation)

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San Telmo may refer to:





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San Salvador is the capital of El Salvador.

Sierra may refer to the following:

Buena Vista, meaning "good view" in Spanish, may refer to:

San Lorenzo is the Italian and Spanish name for Saint Lawrence, the 3rd-century Christian martyr, and may refer to:

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">St. Elmo's fire</span> Luminous plasma created in an electric field

St. Elmo's fire is a weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created by a corona discharge from a rod-like object such as a mast, spire, chimney, or animal horn in an atmospheric electric field. It has also been observed on the leading edges of airplanes, as in the case of British Airways Flight 009, and by U.S. Air Force pilots.

San Pablo may refer to:

Saint or Santa Isabel, Isabela, or Isabella may refer to:

(San) Isidro or (San) Ysidro may refer to:

A marina is a place for docking pleasure boats.

San Marcos is the Spanish form of "Saint Mark".

Santa Catalina may refer to:

San Nicolás is the Spanish name for Saint Nicholas, and may refer to:

Rincon or Rincón may refer to:

<i>San Telmo</i> (Spanish ship) Spanish naval ship of the 18th and 19th centuries

San Telmo was a Spanish 74-gun ship of the line, launched in 1788. It sank while bringing reinforcements to Peru during the war of independence. Based on the location where it was lost, it has been speculated that survivors may have reached Antarctica.

Telmo may refer to:

Saint Elmo or St. Elmo may refer to:

Santa Ana or Santa Anna may refer to:

Isla Blanca or Blanca Island and their plurals may refer to:

Isla San Telmo is located in the southeast area of the Pearl Islands in Panama. It is the first landsighting when sailing to the port of Panama. The Reserva Natural Isla San Telmo was established in 1996 as a protection measure for the island; marine turtles are noted on the beaches, endemic birds and animals are found in the premontane forest, and the island waters are a whale breeding area.