Scale analysis (statistics)

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In statistics, scale analysis is a set of methods to analyze survey data, in which responses to questions are combined to measure a latent variable. These items can be dichotomous (e.g. yes/no, agree/disagree, correct/incorrect) or polytomous (e.g. disagree strongly/disagree/neutral/agree/agree strongly). Any measurement for such data is required to be reliable, valid, and homogeneous with comparable results over different studies.


Constructing scales

The item-total correlation approach is a way of identifying a group of questions whose responses can be combined into a single measure or scale. This is a simple approach that works by ensuring that, when considered across a whole population, responses to the questions in the group tend to vary together and, in particular, that responses to no individual question are poorly related to an average calculated from the others.

Measurement models

Measurement is the assignment of numbers to subjects in such a way that the relations between the objects are represented by the relations between the numbers (Michell, 1990).

Traditional models

Modern models based on Item response theory

Other models

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In the social sciences, scaling is the process of measuring or ordering entities with respect to quantitative attributes or traits. For example, a scaling technique might involve estimating individuals' levels of extraversion, or the perceived quality of products. Certain methods of scaling permit estimation of magnitudes on a continuum, while other methods provide only for relative ordering of the entities.

In psychometrics, item response theory (IRT) is a paradigm for the design, analysis, and scoring of tests, questionnaires, and similar instruments measuring abilities, attitudes, or other variables. It is a theory of testing based on the relationship between individuals' performances on a test item and the test takers' levels of performance on an overall measure of the ability that item was designed to measure. Several different statistical models are used to represent both item and test taker characteristics. Unlike simpler alternatives for creating scales and evaluating questionnaire responses, it does not assume that each item is equally difficult. This distinguishes IRT from, for instance, Likert scaling, in which "All items are assumed to be replications of each other or in other words items are considered to be parallel instruments" (p. 197). By contrast, item response theory treats the difficulty of each item as information to be incorporated in scaling items.

Likert scale Psychometric measurement scale

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