Signe (Finnish princess)

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Gram unter den finnischen Zechern (Heine).jpg
Queen of the Danes
Predecessor Gróa
Consort Henry
Issue Hading
Father Sumble
Religion Pagan

Signe was a legendary Finnish princess mentioned in Gesta Danorum . The realm of her father, Sumble was invaded by the Danish king, Gram of Denmark, but after noticing her, Gram halted the invasion and proposed to her. Before the marriage could be arranged, Gram had to go to Sweden, while he was away her father plotted to marry her off to a Saxon king, Henry. Signe, unhappy with his arrangement, informed Gram, causing Gram to murder Henry during their wedding. [1] [2]

The text

Gesta Danorum, Book One
Many other deeds also King Gram did. He declared war against Sumble, King of the Finns; but when he set eyes upon the King's daughter, Signe, he laid down his arms, the foeman turned into the suitor, and, promising to put away his own wife, he plighted troth with her.
Signe had, by Sumble's treachery, been promised in marriage to Henry, King of Saxony. Then, inclining to love the maiden more than his soldiers, he left his army, privily made his way to Finland, and came in upon the wedding, which was already begun
Now Signe, the daughter of Sumble, vilely spurns me, and endures vows not mine, cursing her ancient troth; and, conceiving an ill-ordered love, commits a notable act of female lightness; for she entangles, lures, and bestains princes, rebuffing beyond all others the lordly of birth; yet remaining firm to none, but ever wavering, and bringing to birth impulses doubtful and divided.
GUTHORM and HADDING, the son of Gram (Groa being the mother of the first and Signe of the second), were sent over to Sweden in a ship by their foster-father, Brage (Swipdag being now master of Denmark), and put in charge of the giants Wagnhofde and Hafle, for guard as well as rearing.


  1. ""Legendary Kings: Sumble"".
  2. "The Danish History, Book One".