Simulation algorithms for coupled DEVS

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Given a coupled DEVS model, simulation algorithms are methods to generate the model's legal behaviors, which are a set of trajectories not to reach illegal states. (see behavior of a Coupled DEVS model.) [Zeigler84] originally introduced the algorithms that handle time variables related to lifespan and elapsed time by introducing two other time variables, last event time, , and next event time with the following relations:



where denotes the current time. And the remaining time,

is equivalently computed as

apparently .

Based on these relationships, the algorithms to simulate the behavior of a given Coupled DEVS are written as follows.


algorithm DEVS-coordinator   Variables:      parent // parent coordinator      : // time of last event      : // time of next event       // the associated Coupled DEVS model     when receive init-message(Time t)         for eachdo             send init-message(t) to child ;         ;     when receive star-message(Time t)         ifthen             error: bad synchronization;                  send star-message(t)to ;         ;     when receive x-message(, Time t)         if and  == false then             error: bad synchronization;         for eachdo             send x-message(,t) to child ;         ;     when receive y-message(, Time t)         for eachdo             send x-message(,t) to child ifthen             send y-message(, t) to parent;         ;         ;

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