Sulaiman Syah

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Sultan Sulaiman Syah (died after 1773) was the twenty-seventh sultan of Aceh in northern Sumatra. He usurped the throne from the reigning Bugis Dynasty and held power May–July 1773.

Sumatra island in western Indonesia, westernmost of the Sunda Islands

Sumatra is a large island in western Indonesia that is part of the Sunda Islands. It is the largest island that is located entirely in Indonesia and the sixth-largest island in the world at 473,481 km2.

The previous sultan Alauddin Mahmud Syah I led a troubled reign and often encountered opposition from the chiefs of the kingdom. He was briefly deposed by an usurper, Badr ul-Alam Syah in 1764-1765. A new uprising was launched in April 1773 by people of the often-rebellious XXII Mukims, one of the three sagis (regions) of Aceh. Being joined by people from the XXV Mukims, the insurgents expelled Alauddin Mahmud Syah who fled to Mukim Peuët. [1] At the end of May the victorious party appointed Raja Udahna Lela as sultan under the name Sulaiman Syah. Whether he was the same person as a Raja Udahna Lela who was the son of the previous usurper Badr ul-Alam Syah, is unsure. [2] Alauddin Mahmud Syah was nevertheless able to gather supporters from the mukims (districts) Daroy Pang Uleë Susuh, Lam Ara and Jampel. [3] Sulaiman Syah was attacked and expelled after only two months' reign, and Alauddin Mahmud Syah was restored. If Sulaiman Syah is the same person as Badr ul-Alam Syah's son Raja Udahna Lela, he later played an important rule in the history of the sultanate and died under dramatic circumstances in 1805. [4]

Sultan Alauddin Mahmud Syah I was the twenty-fifth sultan of Aceh in northern Sumatra. He ruled from 1760 to 1781, although his reign was twice interrupted by usurpers.

Sultan Badr ul-Alam Syah was the twenty-sixth sultan of Aceh in northern Sumatra. He usurped the throne from the Bugis Dynasty and ruled from 1764 to 1765.

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  1. Zainuddin (1961), p. 414.
  2. Encyclopaedie (1917), Vol. 1, p. 76.
  3. Zainuddin (1961), p. 414.
  4. Djajadiningrat (1911), pp. 205-7.


Preceded by
Alauddin Mahmud Syah I
Sultan of Aceh
Succeeded by
Alauddin Mahmud Syah I